Hello errrrrryyyyyone!
A belated November update (sorry about that), but a good one Here are some key stats:
The past 3 months NW earned more than 1m impressions!
Published NEARWEEK #30, #31, #32, and #33
Monthly unique visitors +1900.
Increased newsletter subscribers to +2300. Currently an average open rate of +25%.
Received more than 350 news submissions (payout proposals) from Nov. 1 - 30, of which +130 made it to the newsletter.
Current Telegram count is 864 members.
Started building new website and newsletter design which we hope to have ready end of year. Once ready NW will start to actively market both web and newsletter.
Had development and feedback talks with @chronear @Ozymandius @Aria @Gus @Grace @erik.near @Matt_Hussey and AwesomeNEAR.
Started development talks on content bounty platform with Better
Held #exploretheNEARverse campaign 5, 6 and 7 actively helping to promote Metamon, SOTA Gallery and NEARnauts. Together they earned +130k impressions, +700 likes and +2000 followers for our partners.
Started a new publication series which we’re looking very much forward to: NEARWEEK PERSPECTIVES.
That’s it for now! Please let us know if you have any feedback or want to get involved
See you in the NEARverse!