Hello everyone!
October, what a month - no surprise NEARCON was THE highlight. So many great people and what an ecosystem we got going. Here are some key stats:
The NEARWEEK Discord launch (NFT by @lsdingo ) Twitter campaign went better than expected. We are looking into how we can leverage our learnings from this 3d NFT release for marketing ecosystem projects:
Published NEARWEEK #25, #26, #27, #28 and #29
Currently having NEARWEEK translated to Chinese, Spanish, Filipino, Indonesian, Vietnamese and Hindi.
Increased www.nearweek.com monthly unique visitors to 2373 from 1700 in October.
Increased newsletter subscribers to 1800+. Currently we have an average open rate of +26%.
Received more than 400 news submissions (payout proposals) from Oct. 1 - 31, of which +200 made it to the newsletter.
Current Telegram count is 770 members.
Started NEARWEEKEND vodcast.
Started NEARWEEK Instagram. which we’re looking into developing a lot more in the coming months!
Started developing new design identity + a brand new NEARWEEK web and newsletter design. Plan is to move contributions to web via login with wallet on site (dApp). Hope to have it done in November.
Began onboarding 3 NEARWEEK Agents
Had development and feedback talks with @chronear @juliebissinger @David_NEAR @erik.near @JMaenen and AwesomeNEAR.
NEARCON 2021 Alpha
Did +20 sit down interviews with key personas from NEAR and eco. These interviews will make the basis for the official NEARCON Alpha 2021 video (20-30min long) - Currently in conversation with the videographer about making a NEAR documentary.
NEARWEEK crew made a lot of video content at the NEARCON venue, can’t wait to show all of you the material. We’re currently looking into making more high quality video content in order to promote the NEARverse and its ecosystem partners.
NEARWEEK was featured in the official Guild’s Lounge.
Hosted a rooftop party with SwaggerDAO, ,4NTS Guild, Ref Finance, Octopus Network and Human Guild!
That’s it for now! Please let us know if you have any feedback or want to get involved
See you in the NEARverse!