INC4 NDC elections manipulations

Hello! I am a community detective and found election manipulations and vote-buying by candidate Igor Stadnyk who is running for the HOM seat.

Despite the ban on mass funding mentioned in Maintaining Fair Play article, accounts related to INC4 inc4. net/team/ received 3.1N to vote for Igor Stadnyk:

type amount sender receiver Action
NEAR_TRANSFER 3.1 ivannili.near serezhaolshan.near Voted for Igor Stadnyk
NEAR_TRANSFER 3.1 ivannili.near holygrease.near Voted for Igor Stadnyk
NEAR_TRANSFER 3.1 ivannili.near lifeofyurii.near Voted for Igor Stadnyk
NEAR_TRANSFER 3.1 ivannili.near gordey13.near Voted for Igor Stadnyk
NEAR_TRANSFER 3.1 ivannili.near kashey.near Voted for Igor Stadnyk
NEAR_TRANSFER 3.1 ivannili.near olehbandrivskyi.near Voted for Igor Stadnyk
NEAR_TRANSFER 3.1 ivannili.near stadnyk_julia.near She’s account is not-whitelisted and she sent 3.1N back
NEAR_TRANSFER 100 ivannili.near jedimindtricks.near Voted for Igor Stadnyk

Alina Tustanovska, who is COO at INC4 and NDC trustee, received from NDC trust on her personal wallet 19bed74614191cc27512d53e85068d95679b381f7801cc6c3aaf6445da6f0dbd over 45.5K dollars from GWG with no any reports. Being in an NDC Trust and receiving money from the Trust for its company is a direct conflict of interest.


Hey, you can submit an anonymous report to NDC Election Integrity Council using the Whistleblower Program.
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