[Report] February 2024 / NDC HoM / odin
My congressional participation for the month of February includes, but is not limited to the following.
• Continued review of the NDC Trust Instrument / Governance framework and consistent reference to and application of said framework within internal discussions and deliberations surrounding processes and procedures as they pertain to the NDC and its initiatives. Applied additional considerations required by the budget funding reduction imposed by the NEAR Foundation and the Trust.
• Attended calls and/or read and reviewed transcripts to maintain situational awareness about the continued implementations within NDC Services Inc.
• Conducted due diligence regarding the selection of a legal service provider for NDC Services Inc. Thoroughly reviewed transcripts from calls, compared rates and discussed Carey-Olsen vs Travers-Thorpe-Alberga with @Anda & @atrox1382 to make a well educated decision in voting in favor of funding a retainer for services with Carey-Olsen.
• Conducted assessment of services proposed by Autonomous to NDC Services Inc, and voted in favor of contracting their services as proposed.
• Attended coordination calls for the NDC Internal Legal Working Group.
• Provided coordination between the NEAR Compliance Lead with both the Onboard DAO council and the Meteor Wallet team to ensure their full KYC compliance with the new NDC requirements. Drafted and submitted on-chain funding proposals to the NDC Trust, which were both approved and distributed previously approved grants owed to OnboardDAO and Meteor Wallet.
• Participated and/or stayed up to date on internal HoM and Congress discussions in development and review of NDC processes and procedures as they apply to the review and assesment of GDAO and direct funding requests to HoM.
• Attended all scheduled internal HoM weekly calls.
• Conducted thorough review and assessment of GDAO, project, and operational funding requests, voting accordingly on proposals.
• Attended working group calls related to the development of a new voting mechanism to stay informed as a member of congress.
• Continued discussion with the Heroes Build team to gain a further understanding of the platform features and the capabilities in creating isolated pools of whitelisted contributors, to begin establishing processes intended to support the core NDC Operations team, and simultaneously stimulate the gig economy on NEAR.
• Continued working alongside the DeFiShards team to provide guidance in their execution strategy and assist in seeking out alternative funding and support in service of their efforts to launch a minimum viable product on NEAR Mainnet. Successfully led the team to the Backdrop Build v3 incubator program, sponsored by NEAR Horizon.
• Continued working with the SHITZU Builders core team to support the redevelopment of the Skyward Launchpad, among other initiatives to be announced.
• Continued supporting coordination efforts with the NEAR Compliance Lead and NEAR Builders Collective on the further development of a central KYC/KYB point of service for the ecosystem.