One milestone achieved!Thanks to all the organizers and congratulations for driving a successful event.
Most Hack Node events took place between Friday and Saturday last week.
We would love to hear your experiences and takeaways from the events.
Please feel free to post your comments, share your story and add pictures of your local event.
We will do a retrospect of the process in the next weeks to ensure that our learnings make it to the playbook the Hackathon Guild is creating (work in progress)
Thanks to the Hackathon Guild @theChosenOne@pransh who started to work with the hack nodes and will continue to support the Hackathons Series going forward.
Thanks to the NEAR core team for selecting NPKGUILD Nearprotocol Nigeria for its hack node, currently we have close to 300 who have showed interest in the event to be taking place on sep 11, during the previous weeks we had the opportunity of meeting various set of developer communities including various institutions meeting relevant authorities and also meeting developers building on other blockchain. Everything has been secured from venue to writing materials down to speakers and we have also invited a guest speaker who is a software engineer for NEAR.
It’s currently going great here in the Lisbon Hack Node, after a great kick-off event this last friday, we today are in meetings with some collectives that want to be integrated in the NEAR Ecosystem with their own community and projects.
Check out more photos in our Hack Node post!
Hello friends. First, I want to thank you all for the opportunity to participate in such an incredible adventure.
MUKACHEVO Global Hackathon is what changed me forever! And not just me.
I want to admit that when deciding to participate in this event, I was guided by intuitive rather than logical motives. And now I don’t regret it. This event awakened resources never seen before in me and my friends.
In a matter of days, we carried out a fairly large-scale advertising campaign through the local media. Unfortunately, the preparation time was too short. And the information did not have time to spread widely enough. They had to act in extreme conditions and not following the schedules. Through the registration form on the site, we received only 2 applications for visiting the hackathon. Not a single person came, I sent both of them a follow-up letter - to no avail)
Ivan Lakatosh - Occupation IT -
Yuri Gichka - software developer -
Rostik Kampov - Security Specialist - 067-5050045
Bogdan Toder - IT Occupation -
Rudolph Golisch, owner of the Smok computer store - sells products for NEAR
Marina Golish, owner of the FLORI brand - sells products for NEAR
Anatoly Minda is a co-owner of the site, a professional in building MLM. I got very interested in tokens, tokenomics in MLM business and in the form of travel bonuses.
Keeper software - Oleg - Head of Department (asked not to disclose the data)
Florian - Blockchain Game Development (requested not to disclose data)
Florian’s friend (asked not to disclose the data)
Jeweler Ivan Slivka sells products for NEAR Instagram: Ivan_Slyvka
Edward 0985470645
Yuri 095 3586650
Maris marism.near
Svetlana sveta3t.near
Lyudmila - accountant for NEAR - lydmila.near
Alexandra Ivanovna Shukh - lawyer for NEAR primavera.nearPMG Local edition
Denis Telegram: Contact @Den_Dzen denni.near it specialist
Dmitry +7 911 755-42-17 dmitryne.near it specialist, designer, video editor
Dima YouTube, onipenkodima.near
There were still people, but we did not record them. In a few days I will add them.
Closer to the 12th, we will prepare a more detailed report, and after the 12th we will provide a film.
I think the photos will tell more:
Hi @Grace, the Bogotá Hack Node was a great success! We are really excited after having hosted this amazing event. I think the biggest threat in our case was that time was against us, but despite this fact, we managed to host a great event. 24 people attended the event and certainly this is a great first step towards building the NEAR community in Colombia. Many of the attendees stayed even after the event had finished and showed interest in knowing more about NEAR Protocol and how to build dapps on it. Regarding this interest from participants, I already talk to Claudio from NEAR Hispano to organize a Bootcamp to certify them as NEAR Certified Developers.
Also, I have a list of things that went well and things that can be improved for next time, so if we make the call we can discuss them there, or if you prefer I can send them to you here as well.