🔴 Mukachevo City Node budget and grant budget for next month

MPORTANT!!! Dear consuls, I pleae vote “no”, so now Ilya Polosukhini has already intervened in the situation has already been send to the address mukachevo.sputnikdao.near 3000N to eliminate the misunderstanding that has arisen recently. I also ask you to vote “no” to the request of MELODY, She will change her proposal and submit the remaining amount separately. Thanks.

And I also remind you that cost reports are available to every forum member who respects transparency and accessibility at Telegram: Join Group Chat


Founded at the end of September 2021, the TRANSFORM guild (hereinafter TRANSF​:red_circle:RM) started as a marketing program led by the creative community of infinitynft.near, melodynft.near, animem.near to increase NEAR’s visibility on social networks, support major initiatives, develop new, modern and creative ways to popularize NEAR.
Our mission is simple: development of unique and inexpensive technologies for mass adoption of the NEAR protocol; building a unique network of NEAR holders, outwardly increasing NEAR awareness on social networks; internally support the growth of the NEAR community.
The work of TRANSF​:red_circle:RM is divided into several unique but mutually helpful landmarks:
The group structure can be seen here:

art.sputnikdao.near - Main curator - melodynft.near.
This is a special direction, consisting only of artists and musicians. Their main function is to maximize audience coverage with their creative works and build up a new audience. Introducing more and more artists to the NEAR ecosystem, setting an example of success and motivation. This direction of popularization is effective because it is creative works that have great virality and arouse greater interest. The fact is that I was the editor of the magazine “Mirror of Advertising” 1999-2000 and I perfectly understand the mechanics of the life and death of media. At the very beginning, any media strives to gain popularity in order to attract advertisers. At this moment, the magazine is still interesting and people read it with pleasure. Over time, more and more advertising materials appear in the magazine, which become more and more with each issue. In the end, such a magazine turns into just an advertising platform, it generates income, but its popularity begins to decline. I call this “burnout” of interest. Enthusiastic about advertising and income, owners usually do not notice how their magazine stops reading and the magazine is discontinued. To avoid “burnout” it is necessary to use the 60% / 40% formula known in advertising. 60% advertising. 40% is useful information. You ask, what does NEAR have to do with it? The fact is that by creating accounts that post only useful information about NEAR, we make one-way channels, they have a very narrow reach and read, like and repost, mostly others, some kind of accounts created by people from NEAR. The circle is closed. Artists are better suited for the purpose of spreading information about NEAR, they always have a large reach and high involvement. They want to sell their work and earn extra money. They always use the near tag. Next month we are adding more reposts of content created by DegenArmy to the posts of artists, this will be a success and will increase the reach even more. Also, as a person associated with promoting products all my life, I strongly recommend avoiding attempts to promote NEAR using images associated with poverty and begging (I think that everyone understands what I am talking about, buy a normal iPad for a person, let him display the inscription FUTURE is NEAR and does not disgrace a company with 4 billion capitalization !!!)
Anyone can express their opinion on statistics


MUKACHEVO CITY NODE - mukachevo.sputnikdao.near - consuls - infinitynft.near, melodynft.near, animem.near
Main goals:
Building a large and strong local NEAR host community. Local marketing research aimed at mass adoption. Conducting seminars and lectures. Study of the legal possibilities for promoting the NEAR protocol in Ukraine and how to use it.
In the near future we are planning a seminar for an artist, the seminar will tell about the possibilities of NEAR and NFT. How to sell NFT.
Also, we are now discussing and planning with marism.near to build a network of people who will work in social networks locally on a full time basis.
A local node allows you to make amazing acquaintances, which opens up new opportunities every time. For example, on September 25, I am already going to the all-Ukrainian conference on blockchain.


TRANSF​:red_circle:RM transform.sputnikdao.near - consuls - infinitynft.near, melodynft.near, animem.near
The TRANSF​:red_circle:RM Guild is a community of creative people. The main mission of the guild is to work on the development of the NEAR community. Its mass adoption.
Guild members can be independent developers, artists, designers, bloggers, marketers, writers.
TRANSF​:red_circle:RM adheres to a meritocratic and dynamic membership policy. This means that at the end of each month, those who were inactive or did not meet work standards are eliminated by collective decision of the board and replaced by new employees.
Members are selected from a pool of candidates after pre-selection and interview by the TRANSF​:red_circle:RM DAO board and are compensated at the beginning of each month. Payment in advance. This approach may seem strange, but it has been shown to be effective. First, it immediately establishes a relationship of trust between the community member and NEAR. In the first month, it was interesting to watch how people relaxed into the system, not really thinking about what would happen at the end of the month. But at the end of the month, motivation increased noticeably. People changed and worked more and more actively.
The most interesting thing is that now, having not received another payment for more than 10 days, most of the TRANSF​:red_circle:RM participants continue to actively help NEAR, which indicates a very high level of trust and effectiveness of our method. Unfortunately, the DAO rules do not allow paying for work already done, which extinguishes a huge number of creative endeavors and demotivates creative people.

From the outset, we maintain base rates ranging from 25 NEAR to 555N per month for each member for a minimum of 20 hours of work per week, both in quality and quantity. The rate is determined by the consuls by voting based on the understanding of the contribution made by the participant in the last month. The NEAR rate, which is fixed regardless of the market value of NEAR at any given time, has been set to motivate our members to participate with great zeal and quality achievement, and to compensate for the uncertainty surrounding NEAR. This method has proven to be effective as we observe that most of our members have been very involved and active during the month, many of them spend more than 20 hours a week on TRANSF​:red_circle:RM activities and are even expanding to take on more serious responsibilities in the ecosystem. NEAR. (this rule was approved in DEGEN ARMY and in order not to raise questions about discrimination or other ways of specializing communities and people, I propose to adhere to the same rule. Although, the difference in the amounts of NEAR per person allocated to different communities is transparent, obvious and in my opinion not is valid).
Main directions of activity and goals
As of September 18, TRANSF​:red_circle:RM are working in teams led by three board members, who are implementing the following initiatives:

Goal: Increase NEAR’s social engagement on Twitter.
Objectives for the next month: create a balance between massive tweets / RT / likes to increase NEAR social engagement and
Main actions: Consensus RT and likes on tweets from NEAR projects and degens and TRANSF​:red_circle:RM; daily tweets and content creation about NEAR (memes, infographics, painting, music.); coordinated targeting of crypto influencers
Performance Tracking Methodology: Twitter Analytics
NEAR Degen Syndicate ()
Objective: To provide informative videos and visual content on NEAR for a crypto audience.
Objectives for the next month: Provide videos summarizing NEAR ecosystem news (YouTube) for existing users and newcomers; audience building (Twitter and Instagram)
Basic steps: creating news videos, planning video interviews. Work on request (online and offline).
Performance tracking methodology: Internal analytics on YouTube, Instagram and Twitter.
pay attention to NEAR NFT during an NFT bull market
Overview of results for August and part of September

After our last meeting in the forum a lot of cool things happened. First of all, just look at that video which guys from India made. It’s wonderful. I met them because of my first NFT airdrop. I think some of you remember that period. It was my first step in the Near world.

These two guys Dmitriy dmitryne.near and Denis denni.near, one of them is program maker and second one is fantastic musician and video maker. In India they have a fantastic community which is growing day by day. Those guys are very creative and friendly. They have really weak technical equipment but still they are doing wonderful things even with that. Just imagine what they’re gonna do if they will have financial support like “scholarship”.

This is link to see our collaboration :

This is real art! Guys are paid well for this.

Almost everyday they are opening new walletts to all their friends and telling them about Near. We agreed with them that for every wallet which they open they will gget 1N. I am paying them as I promised. All wallets which are open I can check by transactions.

They have fantastic ideas about new content and now they are working on scenarios. They need "scholarship .

All ideas which are in process and discussions you can check with this link:

Also, we made small seminar based on Near and NFT. The main topics to discuss were what is the difference between our platform compare to other blockchain platforms. Also how to find best methods of promotion and NFT sales. In this seminar participated 4 offline persons and 1 was online. Unfortunately video is without volume but i am sending few screenshots

Part of funds N based on https://www.sputnik.fund/#/dao/mukachevo.sputnikdao.near
And 200N on BINANCE

My plan is to do an event on the 19th of September. If some of you guys would like to join please let me know in advance.

I have few marketing ideas for the future and already I made several important discussions about that. On the 25th of September I am invited to the conference which will be about Blockchain. I think there i will find key partners.

Although, from the flow budget I want to create a new product. It is an exciting instrument for the presentation of NEAR and in my point of view is gonna be the cheapest option for converting real NEAR users. It will be fantastic decision for all City Node

In the next month for maintenance and development of Local Node I am asking for funds.

  1. ∞ 555 🅝 (4888$) infinitynft.near :red_circle: its me) If you think that I do not deserve this award, please write it in the comments.)))

  2. ∞ 150 🅝 (1320$) yana.near Яна - (assistant). She is ready to work by his own,teaching the group. She made a fantastic giveaway,


Have you seen this kind of statistics at least once? Jana used the same technology we used to distribute NFT tokens at the beginning.
Such a giveaway is very expensive because of the specialties of mintbase.io . I wanted to compensate for the costs, but I cannot. Unfortunately, the Giveaway was not made for my channel and I can not reward it separately, besides Jana wants to fund from another guild.
I hope it’s appreciated there. She’ll continue to receive 150N as my assistant. And the person responsible for Twitter account…

  1. ∞ 25 (220$) 🅝 ralfusha.near - (junior student) Ralfusha -[ https://t.me/Ralfush](https://t.me/Ralfush](https://t.me/Ralfush)) @Ralfusha3

  2. ∞ 🅝 haenko.near - Evgeny -[ https://t.me/evgenykhaenko](https://t.me/evgenykhaenko](https://t.me/evgenykhaenko)) @haenko21 - Unfortunately, I can’t support him yet, because he’s funded by another guild. Getting paid twice is not normal. Yevgeny, I hope you’re not offended.

  3. ∞ 50 🅝 (440$) (student) brbn.near - Юрий Studing, he got a diplom in NEAR academy. Created fantastic collection of NFT https://paras.id/publication/near-currency-613f0ea341bdf738084d2874
    already learning to write smart contracts

  4. ∞ 50 🅝 (440$)(student) onipenkodima.near - Dima Youtuber,[ https://t.me/Dima_Cryptoo](https://t.me/Dima_Cryptoo](https://t.me/Dima_Cryptoo)) we have plans with him

  5. ∞ 25 🅝 (220$) (student) justerror.near - Evgenyi [ https://t.me/EvangelS](https://t.me/EvangelS](https://t.me/EvangelS))

  6. ∞ 25 🅝 (220$) (student) vaness.near - Ivan[ https://t.me/Vaness97 ](Telegram: Contact @Vaness97) @vaness_nft

  7. ∞ 25 🅝 (220$) (student) kseniiashm.near - Telegram: Contact @ksks0202

  8. ∞ 150 🅝 (1320$) (assistant) animem.near ANIMEM https://twitter.com/AnimemNft

New people which are locating in Mukachevo :

  1. ∞ 50 🅝 (440$) Accountant ludmila.near

  2. ∞ 50 🅝 (440$) Lawyer. Александра Ив. Шух primavera.near

  3. ∞ 150 🅝 (1320$) (assistant) landlord marism.near A trusted friend , a talented organizer, a very strong community builder. Together with sveta3t.near devoted himself to helping us, the whole organization and life on it. In the future plans to develop a series of such nod together with our team. Will study the work with DAO. Introduced the developers of the Trustee Wallet (look in the app store and play market) on September 25, they invited me to Vinnitsa for a meeting. I’m going.

  4. ∞ 150 🅝 (1320$) (assistant) his partner sveta3t.near He helps in the organization, a teacher by profession, we want to conduct regular seminars on NTF and may even develop into a full-fledged school. (she will develop this direction)

  5. ∞ 25 🅝 (220$) (junior student) designer Tanya. She is already creates NFT. Will work on the territory of the node

  6. ∞ 25 🅝 (220$) (junior student) cosmetics FLORI flori.ua, computers which are selling for NEAR, mukachevo.near Natural cosmetics can be placed on branded handmade shelves.

  7. ∞ 50 🅝 (440$)(student) edgarosipov.near Эдгар constant translator, trader

  8. ∞ 50 🅝 (440$) Дима Telegram: Contact @dmitry_ne_999. Musician, operator. dmitryne.near

  9. ∞ 50 🅝 (440$) Denis codder, traveler Telegram: Contact @Den_Dzen denni.near

∞ 100 🅝 (880$) - rent for the office with 2 rooms

∞ 350 (3800$) 🅝 - In-line expenses (in case of balance, they will be carried over to the next month)

TOTAL: 2105 🅝 Approximately $ 18524 (16.09.21)

Everyone who would like to check another parts of our report can use this two links :

@Grace @chloe @starpause @jlwaugh @norah.near @shreyas

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To clarify, what is the timeline that these funds are being requested for?


Hi @INFINITY, Thanks for your progress update.

Getting started with a NEAR CityNode is hard work and we appreciate the effort you are investing in raising awareness and educating the people in Mukachevo.

I am grateful to learn about the positive impact that NEAR have had in some the lives of the people.

As we would do with any CityNode, we will need to meet on a monthly basis and discuss the progress made against objectives.

Thank you for your valuable contribution.


Dear Valentine,

What the purposes for your local city node? Near is already has one hub in Kyiv, Ukraine (their monthly budget (office expenses) is
$2000 + $60 web server ([PROPOSAL] RU Community Guild)


$13 500 ( $5000 your monthly salary + $3000 for your 2 assistance + $5500 for office and other expenses) (1N = $10)

Kiev hub $2060 vs Mukachevo $13 500

:open_mouth: wow

Kiev population 2 988 000 vc 83 903 in Mukachevo

The artist already got a payment from you a month ago (money granted to your sister in July);


The artist already got a payment from you a month ago (money granted to your sister in July);

His a degen and also got a grant from DAO Marketing on his project x.com
What he will study ?

Why do you need a second assistance?
First one is Yana.

What they are learning ? Could you please show us their studying process / progress ?

Why do you need these people? Do you wanna pay to landlord $1500 just because he is your best friend?

Flori UA is your own business


Do you wanna pay her monthly salary with Near budget? Are you seriously?

Average office cost in Mukachevo with furniture
around 3500UAH ($131) . Why do you ask 200N ($2000) + N350 ($3500 for other expenses)?

Valentine, just a month ago you rented an office for Kick node for $150, why are you requesting $2000 now ?

Have a great day!


Dear Valentine, could you also please show your proof of expenses in near wallet transactions. Unfortunately, couldn’t find copter’s pictures on your videos -$51, high-quality shooting - $ 150, Excursion to a castle: 30 people x 300 UAH - 9000 UAH - 328 $, Fireworks.

Have a great day!


This is one month. Although part of the team has already been without funding since September 5th, and some since September 9th, which is simply not acceptable. This is terribly demoralizing to the community and raises doubts about the possibility of permanent collaboration. And this is taking into account the fact that some members of the community (for example, me and my sister) work up to 20 hours a day !!! And there were siluchais when I did not sleep for several days in a row. If you think that with such a load I asked for a lot, then I just don’t understand anything.

I think the point is more that this work you all have been doing wasn’t pre-approved. Community projects are general APPROVED before work gets started so that funding guidelines can be established. This is something I have already discussed with you on several occasions previously.

Stating that you already did work and worked 20 hours a week on a project doesn’t mean that the funding for those worked hours should come from the NEAR Foundation.

It is important that it’s clear and understood, in my opinion, that community groups are able to recieve funding for their initiatives that support the NEAR ecosystem, but these initiatives should

be approved BEFORE work is done. It seems like there is a misunderstanding on this point.

I think what is not understood is the sequence of events to recieve funding from the NEAR Foundation. Proposal comes before the work.


I corrected the reporting according to the model approved here, and I hope that now there will be no problems. ))

You are wrong, I said 20 hours a day)) No matter how strange and unusual it may sound)):heart:

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@INFINITY Thank you for a hark work and valuable contribution! Have you analyzed your activities during the hackathon, what indicators did you manage to achieve? Mukachevo received a rather impressive budget, but I have not seen any submitted applications related to the Mukachevo Local Node. Please share your feedback about the Mukachevo local node performance.


Hi Vadim. I will try to close all questions as much as possible. As you can see, we have started a lot of social interactions that open up exciting new perspectives. (for example, the fact that we were invited to the conference and already introduced to the organizer of the conference and the creator of the Trustee Wallet, which, as I was told by more than 400k users. Or my appearances on television have already led to the fact that I was stopped on the street and asked to sell them NEAR . Perhaps you can tell me how you can get statistics on such situations?). Can you show an example of the analytics you want to see?
In order to make our costs more transparent, we decided to create a chat in Telegram, where we will publish the main expenses of Lockal Node. Telegram: Join Group Chat

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Just joined the chat.

Valentine, did you prepare report (by wallet) of your City Node expenses?

For instance:

Total budget 900N Hack Node Kick Off event

Office rent for a month - $ 150 , wallet …. , transaction…

The whole room is 2 floors 1 day. (27.08.21) - 5000 UAH - 185 $ wallet …. , transaction…

Table (very high-quality cuisine that the restaurant will prepare) - 10000 UAH 13000x - 365-475 $

wallet …. , transaction…

Ground floor:

rcf 715 art (700w rms) 2 pieces - $ 50 wallet …. , transaction…

Stick commutation - $ 20 wallet …. , transaction…

DJ - $ 200 wallet …. , transaction…

Second floor:

rcf 715 art (700w rms) 2 pieces - $ 50 wallet …. , transaction…

+2 sub woofer rcf 7002s (700w rms) - $ 100 wallet …. , transaction…

Copter, fireworks, exhibition, etc .

and the same report for

Thank You!

Ps: here 🔴 New extreme budget, taking into account the paid deposits you requested $547 for t-shorts, but actually their cost is $248.


Why did you rented 3 offices for city node?
Ps: You got money for 3 offices , your proposals were approved.

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MPORTANT!!! Dear consuls, I pleae vote “no”, so now Ilya Polosukhini has already intervened in the situation has already been send to the address mukachevo.sputnikdao.near 3000N to eliminate the misunderstanding that has arisen recently. I also ask you to vote “no” to the request of MELODY, She will change her proposal and submit the remaining amount separately. Thanks.

And I also remind you that cost reports are available to every forum member who respects transparency and accessibility at Telegram: Join Group Chat

Dear @illia ,

1)Valentine didn’t answer on any counsels and Near Community members questions;

2)Didn’t give information about Kick Node expenses. Spent money for his friends , his employee , taxi (please see proofs above).

Just look at 3 rented offices for the Kick off in Mukachevo for instance.

3)They both with his sister have cash back found (their artist pay 25% royalty to them);

He does his work on 100% not transparent, but probably, has supreme power here and can avoid it.

Now, he got $23 000 for unknown purposes.

Have a great day!

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Hey @INFINITY! It’s not the first time when you have asking a lot of questions after requests to publish your results. You had a Mukachevo Local Node, did you make any retro and analyse what was good and what was bad? It would be very helpfull for all of us to follow the best practices from every contributor. Mukachevo node doesn’t generate hackathon submissions but it is not the end of the world, many other local nodes have the same score. So please just share inicators of your activity.

I’m confused about private chat to “publish the main expenses of Lockal Node”. This gov forum was created exactly for this reason, so the best place to publish anything about your grants is this forum.


I think we have two distinct views here, one that a City Node should educate people and the other that it should promote use of Near and its apps to the maximum number of people.

As the definition here is quite subjective, this makes room for these interpretations.

Smaller groups to build legitimate communities

Whether it’s a mass adoption project or an education project, the parameters for measuring success in both cases are quite different.

When it comes to mass adoption, it is clear that Mukachevo City is not one of the first options (few inhabitants). For education initiatives, we expect results that measure the evolution of those involved, constant tests for their knowledge, any way to measure the impact on a city, a roadmap to achieve user retention, etc.

This all has to be defined in detail beforehand in order to make a consistent budget and then be approved. I think the initial approval does not guarantee that the continuation of the initiative should not be transparent and organized.

The idea of ​​more offices with the size of the chosen city, with this organization and transparency, seems a little unreasonable to me. But it all depends on Core’s direction regarding the City Nodes initiative.


Dear Valentine, why did you remove me from your group again ? I joined in the group third time.

It was my first appearance there:

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Why did you include in the structure your own company”Frori”?