Details of Kano Hacknode to be done by Nearprotocol Nigeria

The kano city Local Hacknode was done by the Nearprotocol Nigeria Guild which currently consists of 13 individuals all currently doing either their undergraduate or master degree. The team consists of 11 individuals responsible for administrative, content creation and translation of content while the remaining 2 are developers of the team.

The kano Hacknode gave us the opportunity to

  1. Discuss blockchain and Cryptocurrencies with its usage
  2. comparing Near blockchain with others Currently used in Nigeria
  3. Exploring Near ecosystem
  4. Discussion the Languages Near was built with
  5. opportunities available as a developer who wishes to build NEAR or on NEAR.

Decision making and fund allocation was done by the Guild DAO on Sputnik

With 12 member of the guild been Council members

5- Cryptodoctor.near
6- kareemc2.near
7 evelyn20.near
8- mrudawaki.near
9. Paulp6000.near
10. Khady.near
12. favour_4423.near

Before the last day of the event we have over 300 unique registration coming from within and outside Nigeria.

This is the spreadsheet of those who registered for the Hacknode

KANO|HACKNODE - Google Sheets.

Hi Dami,

Thank you for putting this together. Glad that you were able to pull off the hack node in short time.

Couple of questions:

  • How many people ended up coming to the event?
  • Are there any photos/videos etc from the event that you can share with us?
  • Do you have a rough sense of how many projects we can expect from the hacknode participants?

Everything is available and will be posted once all data are available

From the total calculations made we had 145 people who registered and attended the kano Hacknode with each sent 1 NEAR token to explore the near blockchain with tens streaming it live on that day.

Currently two popular crypto blogging sites made a recap of the event and the event drew the local media.

The following blogging site included

The event was also graced by one of Nearprotocol software engineer Miraculous owonubi who gave a short speech about career opportunities available on NEAR as a developer.

This is the google doc showing details of attendees

In terms of projects coming up details will be available soon as we are still collecting data of teams willing to participate in the challenge of the Hacknode

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Awesome! Thanks for sharing the updates. Looks really great! As you have more details on the actual projects from hacknode participants, please do share it here.

@damboy22 This is great! I was unfortunately not able to attend (virtually) because I’ve been pretty busy with a couple of NEAR projects. I’ll DM you so we can set a time to talk.