Business brief and history

Time passes, technologies change, we look around and see a brave new world, it’s time to take a step forward.

  1. Past
  2. Present
  3. Future


In order not to repeat myself every time and not to tell the whole story anew, I will tell you who I am and what I did:
I have been engaged in advertising and marketing since early childhood, and this is since the 1990s.
The first computer - ZX Spectrum 48k - was assembled by himself with a friend.
From 1998 to 2000 - executive editor of the magazine “Advertising Mirror” - the most popular magazine in Ukraine about marketing, advertising and PR of those times.

In the future and to this day, the manager and producer of the creative group “TRANSFORM” (formerly “EXPROMT”), within the framework of which many exhibitions and auctions were organized and held, the first, and as far as I know so far the only stereo picture in the world, completely painted in oil was created (anaglyphic glasses to achieve a 3D effect).

A series of books illustrated with paintings has been released. Today we are the most expensive artists of Transcarpathia, we enter the homes of the richest and most influential people in this region.
We carried out a series of advertising campaigns for many firms and shopping centers, as a result of one of which “business cards” of the city of Uzhgorod and Transcarpathia were born - sweets with the image of our paintings. It has existed for more than 10 years, there is a patent for the invention of a unique box.
We have created and have existed for 6 years the brand of natural cosmetics FLORI (you can buy for NEAR). The whole recipe was developed by ourselves. The bestseller is a unique toothpaste that reduces the likelihood of caries by more than 95%.
1.5 years - Streamer on YOUTUBE

The present

Currently, it is already 6 months. I am studying the NEAR protocol as an advertiser and marketer. During this time, I spent a whole series of advertising and PR campaigns and research, several meetups, commercials, organized and trained a large community, I help NFT artists. I personally opened more than 200 wallets, in general, my community opened a lot more and brought in investments in the amount of more than $ 30k
So, in turn:
I was catching scammers on NEAR social media It's a lot of fun catching scammers and sharing them with the community
Searched for bugs and helped developers I found a significant bug in
Sent out over 1,500 NFT advertising tokens and suggested using NFT as NEAR mass advertising long before others did.
Created a unique set of stickers for telegrams Telegram: Add Sticker Set
Created and developed a telegram group Telegram: Contact @nftinfinity (already more than 500 real members)
Created a series of useful cartoons about NEAR in Russian and English 🔴 How to open NEAR wallet 🔴 - YouTube 🔴 How to earn NEAR 🔴 - YouTube
He created the world’s first network of establishments ready to accept NEAR as payment, taught sellers what NEAR is, and created a unique google map with these establishments. ∞NEARZONE∞ (Google Мои карты) = 34s (the card has more than 4000 views) I offered to reward such points so that their owners wear NEAR merch 🅝 NEARZONE funding but I was refused!
I convinced the community of the need and started developing a wallet for android Development of NEAR wallet for android unfortunately the development was delayed due to insufficient qualifications of the programmer. wallet - YouTube
We did a great job on telegram channels with many developers convincing them to help NFT artists, which was a powerful marketing ploy. The idea is that a group of curators is formed who select the best low-cost NFTs and buy them, thus activating the NFT marketplace market.
Ilya supported me in this endeavor and approved the allocation of funds, but this fund was never voted on, and I was counting on it, so I redistributed funds from other funds allocated to me to help the community and artists. Due to the imbalance that arose, many undertakings were never realized. work / 3876/11? u = infinity the technology I proposed is still successfully used by the @starpause group
Our group supported the artists with the purchase of NFT for more than 500N and I took the 17th place among collectors

In Mukachevo, we held the first blockchain hackathon in the region, as a result of which we met a group of blockchain developers who plan to organize their own dao in NEAR and write their next game for NEAR Telegram: Contact @FlorianPoliakov com / watch? v = KPgGVrQv8zw Hack Nodes - Kick off Event Aug 27-28 - #8 by INFINITY
For the hackathon, a whole series of merch, T-shirts, caps, pens was developed, we held an NFT exhibition by printing reproductions of works.
Some local media were involved.
He organized powerful communities in India and Belarus, was a screenwriter and mentors in the creation of commercials NEAR the new WORLD - YouTube
I attended a large blockchain conference in Vinnitsa, where I met several important people TRANSF🔴RM. ARMY of NEAR :) Vinnytsia. Conference "Money of the Future" held a meetup in the FOREX box
Proven that my marketing activities deserve praise, not censure [August 2021] Report and Funding Request for the TRANSF🔴RM guild
And in the end, I developed a unique and cheap NEAR Ambassador program TRANSF🔴RM: Decentralized Guild of NEAR protocol Ambassadors
Created a unique marketing product NEARBOX NEARBOX - YouTube

Held a meetup in Vinnitsa and attended a large conference in Kiev, as a result of which a large number of familiar developers appeared and I have more than 30 contacts in-vinnitsa-and-kiev-blockchainua / 7709/4
I run YouTube channels TRANSFORM - YouTube
NEAR new WORLD - YouTube
Ordered an analysis of NEAR and the legal situation in Ukraine, received Legal Opinion Near about - Google Docs
Here is our group of artist influencers and their follower count MELODY, MUKACHEVO, melodynft.near - Google Sheets
Here are my group members, influencers, businessmen, advertising agents, investors. TRANSFORM GUILD - Google Sheets
group in India Dmitriy/INDIA/dmitryne.near - Google Sheets
Edgar’s group Edgar/MUKACHEVO/edgarosipov.near - Google Sheets


I am planning to hold a rather interesting and large meetup in Lviv, where I have already met a lot of people. I have contacts of the organizer of an IT cluster in Lviv. 50 or more people from the IT sphere can be invited to the meetup. Lecturers, lawyers.

I also want to help one developer in his project “MAPCO” which is very closely intertwined with my idea of ​​a map with shops where NEAR is accepted.
This is a CRM system for local businesses, which in the future must use NEAR.
There is an idea to use this map to create something like a social network for holding meetups and bringing together WEB3 developers from all over the world.
I still have a ton of marketing ideas and even a physical solution in the form of a POS terminal with 99% readiness.

So I ask for an answer:
Do you need my services and are you useful?
How will they be paid?
What should I do with a crumbling community?
And how can I continue to receive funding that I have already been denied many times?

Have a nice day, wisdom and good health to everyone.
This is far from all, but I propose to end this for now.


Течет время, меняются технологии, мы смотрим по сторонам и видим дивный новый мир пора сделать шаг навстречу.

  1. Прошлое
  2. Настоящее
  3. Будущее


Для того, чтобы каждый раз не повторяться и не рассказывать всю историю по новойя расскажу кто я и чем занимался:

  • Занимаюсь рекламой и маркетингом с раннего детства, а это с 1990-х годов.
  • Первый компьютер - ZX Spectrum 48к - собирал сам с другом.
  • С 1998 по 2000 - ответственный редактор журнала “Зеркало рекламы” - самый популярный в Украине журнал о маркетинге, рекламе и PR тех времен.

  • В дальнейшем и по сегодняшний день менеджер и продюсер творческой группы “TRANSFORM” (ранее “EXPROMT”), в рамках которой организовано и проведено множество выставок и аукционов, создана первая, и насколько я знаю пока единственная в мире стереокартина полностью написанная маслом (необходимы анаглифические очки для достижения 3D эффекта).
  • Выпущены серия книг, иллюстрированных живописью. На сегодняшний день мы самые дорогие художники Закарпатья, вхожи в дома самых богатых и влиятельных людей данного региона.
  • Нами проведена серия рекламных компаний для многих фирм и торговых центров, в результате одной из которых родились “визитные карточки” города Ужгород и Закарпатья - конфеты с изображением наших картин. Существуют уже более 10ти лет, есть патент на изобретение уникальной коробки.
  • Нами создан и существует уже 6 лет бренд натуральной косметики FLORI (можно приорести за NEAR). Всю рецептуру разрабатывали сами. Хит продаж - уникальная зубная паста на более чем 95% снижающая вероятность кариеса.
  • 1,5года - Стример на YOUTUBE


В настоящее время уже 6 мес. изучаю протокол NEAR как рекламист и маркетолог. За это время провел целую серию рекламных и ПР кампаний и исследований, несколько митапов, рекламные ролики, организовал и обучил большое сообщество, помогаю NFT артистам. Открыл лично более 200 кошельков, в общем мое комьюнити открыло намного больше и привнесло инвестиций на сумму более 30к$

Итак, по очереди:

  • я ловил мошенников в социальных сетях NEAR It's a lot of fun catching scammers and sharing them with the community
  • Искал баги и помогал разработчикам I found a significant bug in
  • Разослал более 1500 рекламных NFT токенов и предложил использовать NFT в качестве массовой рекламы NEAR задолго до того, как это начали делать другие. 🔴 ∞ NEAR is HERE ∞ 🔴 - Mintbase
  • Создал уникальный набор стикеров для телеграм Telegram: Add Sticker Set
  • Создал и развил группу телеграм Telegram: Contact @nftinfinity (уже более 500 реальных участников)
  • Создал серию полезных мультфильмов о NEAR на русском и английском языках 🔴 How to open NEAR wallet 🔴 - YouTube 🔴 How to earn NEAR 🔴 - YouTube
  • Создал первую в мире сеть заведений готовых принимать NEAR в качестве оплаты, обучил продавцов тому, что такое NEAR, и создан уникальную гугл карту, на которой нанесены данные заведения. ∞NEARZONE∞ (Google Мои карты) ❤️ mukachevo.near (en)❤️ - YouTube (у карты уже более 4000 просмотров) Предложил награждать такие точки чтобы их хозяива носили NEAR мерч 🅝 NEARZONE funding но мне было отказано!
  • Убедил соощество в необходимости и начал разработку кошелька для андроид Development of NEAR wallet for android к сожалению разработка затянулась из за недостаточной квалификации програмиста. wallet - YouTube
  • Мы провели огромную работу в каналах телеграм со многими разработчиками, убеждая их в необходимости помощи NFT художникам, что являлось мощнейшим маркетинговым ходом. Идея заключается в том, что формируется группа кураторов, которые отбирают лучшие недорогие NFT и покупают их, таким образом происходит активизация рынка NFT маркетплейсов.

Илья поддержал меня в этом начинании и утвердил выделение фондов, но данный фонд так и не был проголосован, а я на него рассчитывал, поэтому перераспределял фонды из других выделенных мне средств на помощь комьюнити и художникам. Из за возникшего дисбаланса многие начинания так и не были реализованы. 🔴 I propose to create a special fund to support and develop NFT creativity through the direct purchase of their work - #11 by illia предложенная мной технология с успехом используется до сих пор группой @starpause

Наша группа поддержала художников покупкой NFT на сумму более 500N и я занял 17е место среди коллекционеров

  • В Мукачево мы провели первый в регионе блокчейн хакатон, в результате которого познакомились с группой блокчейн разработчиков, которые планируют организовать в NEAR свое дао и написать для NEAR свою следующую игру Telegram: Contact @FlorianPoliakov MUKACHEVO CITY NODE (youtube version) - YouTube Hack Nodes - Kick off Event Aug 27-28 - #8 by INFINITY
  • Для хакатона была разработана целая серия мерча, футболки, кепки, ручки, мы провели NFT выставку, напечатав репродукции работ.

Были задействованы некоторые местные СМИ.

Организовал мощные комьюнити в Индии и Беларуси, был сценаристом и менторов в создании рекламных роликов NEAR the new WORLD - YouTube

Я планирую провести достаточно интересный и большой митап во Львове, там я познакомился уже с большим количеством людей. Имею контакты организатора IT кластера во Львове. На митап может быть приглашено от 50 и более людей из IT сферы. Лекторы, юристы.

Также хочу помочь одному разработчику в его проекте “МАПКО” который очень тесно переплетается с моей идеей карты с магазинами, где принимают NEAR.
Это CRM система для локальных бизнесов, которая в дальнейшем должна использовать NEAR.
Есть идея использовать эту карту для создания чего-то похожего на социальную сеть для проведения митапов и объединения WEB3 разработчиков со всего мира.
У меня еще есть масса маркетинговых идей и даже физическое решение в виде POS терминала с 99% готовностью.

Это далеко не все, но предлагаю на этом пока закончить.
@chloe @Grace @vlad @mecsbecs @starpause @jlwaugh @Jessica


Thanks Valentine. How many N do you have in staking and why you didn’t pay money from Ilia in full for your guild members?

Thanks for sharing! We appreciate what you are doing to help our community :heartpulse:

Potentially. Keep in mind, you are asking about what NEAR ecosystem actually needs, and the answers will vary, depending on who is answering. I’d love to see more specific proposals, so we can better understand your offer. I’d focus on what your community needs to achieve our common goals in pursuit of the NEAR vision:

A world where all people have control of their data, money, and the power of governance.

That is up to you and your community. We have an Ecosystem Development DAO reviewing on-chain payout proposals on behalf of NEAR Foundation. You are welcome to submit a proposal to that council, and further communicating with members could help build trust. Also, you may find support in other DAOs / guilds, or apply for a grant via the NEAR website:

My advice is to build your community as a gardener tends to their plants. Prioritize its health over wealth, and be sure to emphasize quality of experience, along with sustainability.

I believe any funding recipient should have to explain why they need additional resources to create more value, maybe for important projects or events?

Overall, I hope you stay positive and never give up. We are learning together as a community, and I feel you are a great contributor. Please don’t hesitate to share more questions :slightly_smiling_face:


NF/OWS paid for these stickers

“Sandbox JUNE Reward Claim of 🔴INFINITY#8036” For creating stickers

Misleading information. It’s inactive (only retweets from You, Sister and her husband) since you got grant for the group creation. 75% members are bots.

Yes, and got another one grant from Russian Guild.

Cool, but as you know (please, read your lawyer’s report) it’s illegal in Ukraine use cryptocurrency as one of payment method.

Screen Shot 2021-12-06 at 11.31.44 AM

Most of them your sister’s and her husband’s NFTs , for other purchases you got grand for NF. You didn’t spend even one dollar for this work.

You got money from Ilia and didn’t pay these guys in full.

This report contain personal ( not for public) information, I am not sure that it’s legal to show it for everyone. Second part just translated copy/paste information from FAQ.


Misleading information. I contacted with guys . You even didn’t give them information about Human Guild