Gig opportunities for 3D Model/Avatar designers for NEAR's native metaverse

Hey folks, we are looking for artists who can help us with 3D Model design/rigging in NEAR Hub. We need artists who are experienced in Blender and are familiar with the metaverse architecture, artists who can help us model custom avatars but don’t hesitate if you would like to explore something else. We might have more opportunities for other artists in the future. Please feel free to reach out to Nick, @orztirrstudio and he will be happy to give you a tour and explain the requirements.

Non NEAR native artists are also welcome. If you’re not an artist but come across anyone who meets the profile, please send them our way. More details about NEAR Hub can be found here:


Easy way to find artists it’s do a post on our official TG channel there are over 33 000 active users.

You will kill two birds with one stone : you will find the artist and show example of transparency and equal opportunities for everyone.

Have a great day!


Whats the NEAR tg group? Ive got blocked from some groups, because ive didnt know about the 60s math answer atm. If thats.the case, can i be unblocked?

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NEAR Telegram Group here:

If you’re having trouble joining can you let me know your Telegram handle, please?



GM @David_NEAR

Thank you for the reply. My TG @duOCELOT

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You should be able to rejoin now:

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