Objective: The main objective of this project is to teach other members of the community my own process of creation on voxel art with the software Magica Voxel trought live or recorded educational videos
Justification (benefits): I believe this will be an important thing for the community who are not very familiarized with voxel art and to bring more people to know how to create buildings and wearables for the metaverse
Project: This project is intended to bring at least 10 people to participate in a mini-course about voxel modelling and rendering. It will be divided in 2 classes that will happen on google meets.The wearables produced by the participants will be minted on our store and distribuited trough the community. After that some parts of this classes will be minted on our store.on Mintbase
February 5th:
Planning of the workshops and organize educational material
February 14th:
Invite people for participating on the classes.
February 16th:
Building the classroom at Near Metaverse Connection Center
February 19th:
First Class - Modelling Buildings and wearables
February 20th:
Second Class - Shaders, effects, tricks and lighting.
Make wearables available for the last exhibition of the month.
February 26:
Start accountability
500 usd in near: To build the classrom and organizing the material for the classes.
Final Products: Classroom on cryptovoxels and the classes registered on youtube with some highlights minted on our Mintbase store.
The participation is free of charge. Im not sure if there will be 10 people, but if there is more than that I may find a way to attend them all. I will make an announcemente for everyone who want to apply. Thanks for the attention!
Hello Everyone, I would like to make an update here. For anyone intersted please fill the form below.
The class will be trough Zoom meeting and streamed on twitch and presented on the cryptovoxels.
The voxel art classes, despite not having many students present, were a success. I managed to pass on a good part of my knowledge to the people who were present and recorded in videos that are on youtube for the people who could not be present.
We got some problems with the timezone. Some people in different parts of the world couldnt be present because it was pretty late on their countries. So that is something I might put my attention on the future.
Next Steps:
Im planning to keep doing workshops not just for Magica Voxel but also building for cryptovoxels and other metaverses. I would like to create a metaverse space where the people that participate can share their creations and build things together and create new education dynamics.
Iยดm very nice to have this extaintion of Antimetodo/Nomadelabel features.
Was a fortunately coincidence that Gus asked me to host his classes on our Zoom meeting account (founded by Gambiarra, thanks to @Dazo@macieira@Natashacremonese@Ghini@filmesdeinfiltracao and others)
We came from the same place, stardusts, and now there are maybe growing flowers around the path.