[Concluded] Green Exhibition



Cleusa Raven

  • Near account for payment: cleusaraven.near

Alexandre Macieira

  • Near account for payment: macieira.near

Holding a virtual exhibition from June 17 to June 30, 2022 with the artists of the Gambiarra store.


Title: Green Exhibition

Our goal is to mobilize our entire network of Gambiarra store members, which now has 181 artists and have published over 800 works of art. Create themes and challenges for artists to be inspired, this time each participating artist will use their own language, but using shades of green, create a work in celebration of green, nature, the Environment.

Holding events and exhibitions is an incentive for our artists to continue producing and publishing their works on the Mintbase-NEAR platform. The group formed by Gambiarra’s store believes that it is punctual actions like this that generate the growth of the network, showing the strength of the collective in the Mintbase-NEAR network.



The theme of World Environment Day 2022, “One Earth”, focuses on sustainable living in harmony with nature.

In 2022, it will be 50 years since the Stockholm Conference, which designated June 5 as World Environment Day.

The Stockholm Conference or the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment took place from June 5 to 16, 1972, in the Swedish capital.

This was the first event organized by the United Nations (UN) to discuss environmental issues on a global basis.

The Conference is considered a milestone in the history of environmental preservation, because for the first time, leaders from around the world came together to talk about the issue.

The meeting also addressed human development policies and the search for a common vision for the preservation of natural resources.

The Stockholm Conference had representatives from 113 countries, including Brazil, and 400 governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Performing actions such as the World Internet Day, World Art Day, the Tribute to 100 years of the 1922 Week, as well as celebrations such as the Day of Indigenous Peoples and Women’s Day with the FEMINU Exhibition and the 4 Women Exhibition, the members of Gambiarra Shop have been increasing the engagement generated by the collective.

The Action: A call will be made throughout the community with the dissemination of a form to register for the event. As there are more than 100 members in the community will be made a selection of 20 participating artists who will exhibit 20 works of art inspired by the theme. At first the works will be organized at the 3XR Space, but we hope to occupy one of the rooms in the Gambiarra DAO building in the Cryptovoxels Metaverse, where we can hold an exhibition with all the works together.

Green Exhibition becomes NFT: The gathering of all the visual works that will be available in the gallery at 3XR Space creates an NFT that will be distributed to the participants of the event.

The pre-event is already being organized since May 2022 through meetings and conversations between those involved.
As of June 1, 2022, the graphic materials and texts will be produced so that in the following days the action will be publicized.
From June 6 to 13, texts, posters, and publicity will be organized, as well as invitations in Telegram, Whatsapp, and Discord groups of the network of artists interested and active in NFT. All this content will also be available for dissemination in the social networks of Gambiarra DAO and the proponents.
The Green Exhibition will be available virtually on June 16, 2022.

Budget: USD 500 in NEAR

USD 250 in NEAR to be paid to cleusaraven.near
Publicize and make the call for participants (Twitter, Instagram and Facebook of Gambiarra DAO and personal profile of the proponents).
Organize the event
Be accountable at the end of the project

USD 250 in NEAR to be paid to macieira.near
Publicize and make the call for participants (Twitter, Instagram and Facebook of Gambiarra DAO and personal profile of the proponents).
Organize the event
Be accountable at the end of the project

SIGNATURE: Cleusa Raven

Cleusa Raven:
Link Curriculo: Cleusa Raven | Linktree
Alexandre Macieira
Link Curriculum Vitae: @alexandremacieira | Linktree
Site: http://alexandremacieira.com.br


Very good @cleusaraven ! Congratulations on the proposal! One more challenge and incentive for our artists, you are all invited to participate! :deciduous_tree: :heart:


A wonderful proposal @cleusaraven ! Very important your project.


Hi @cleusaraven thank you for submitting your project to Gambiarra DAO.
The council will be evaluating your proposal.


Hey @cleusaraven , this proposal reminds me a lot of the fact that NEAR is a green protocol, I will for sure participate and you can count on me to support the project.
I’ll send you @michanascimento for you to take a look and participate :slight_smile:


Minha contribuição para Green Exhibition


Thank you @cleusaraven and @macieira

Link to my artwork: https://www.mintbase.io/thing/QGshxACRjtViiJx63Vd7jn0yDpbCmFmyCvWWOqR8zDs:danonepsicodelico.mintbase1.near



Project Status: COMPLETED


The Green Exhibition started on June 16th, 2022, with two galleries at 3XRSpace and from June 18-30, 2022 at the Vibes by de C. building, home of Gambiarra DAO in the Voxel Metaverse. We had excellent feedback from this exhibition, so the period was extended to July 10th, 2022.

The exhibition included 24 arts by 23 artists and most of them created specific works for this exhibition using within their languages, shades of green in celebration of nature and the environment.

@macieira was the curator responsible for setting up the exhibition at Metaverse Voxel and @cleusaraven for the galleries at 3XRSpace.


The main objective of this Exhibition was to bring another creative challenge to the artists, encouraging them to create and engage, strengthening more and more the collective of Brazilian artists in the Mintbase-NEAR network.


The disclosure of the Green Exhibition project began on June 5th, 2022 and lasted until June 15th, 2022, through Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp and Discord. After submissions, artists had their art featured on Gambiarra’s Twitter feed. The hashtags used were: #greenexhibition #expoverde #meioambiente #diamundialdomeioambiente

NFT Art for disclosure I Green Exhibition

Gallery #1 Green Exhibition I 3XR Space


Gallery #2 Green Exhibition I 3XR Space


Exhibition Participants

NFT #1 I Green Exhibition

NFT #2 I Green Exhibition

Post on Instagram



Post on Twitter


Graphic materials and texts were produced as of June 1st, 2022.

From June 5th to 15th, 2022, publicity was carried out, in addition to invitations to artists in the Telegram, WhatsApp, Discord groups and also on the social networks of GambiarraNear and the proponents.


Green Exhibition used a different production dynamic. Contact with artists interested in putting their works on display started 1 month before the start of the project. The contact with the artists who are part of the Gambiarra collective is done with great attention, respect and affection, we try hard to be united and always encourage each other.

Encouraging artists to create, to produce new art by topic suggestions has been very inspiring for everyone. In this way, there is a greater approximation and integration of the collective, with many exchanges of ideas and feedbacks.


01 | Source of Nutrition | marcospalhano.near

02 | Green Light | felipedevicente.near

03 I Gaia I leorezz.near GAIA on Mintbase

04 | Green thinker | dddanil00n.near

05 | Earth Wormhole | igormoura.near

06 | Ink tree | ff_mec.near

07 I Viewing machine I martamonteirovix.near

08 I Capybara friend I lunalylh.near

09 | Green with Compassion and Healing by Andrea Sechini | andreasechini.near

10 | Save the green | ghini.near

11 | Green Vision by Mariana Sacrini | marisacrini.near

12 | Tree feeds man and is healed by him - Mayra Mendes | mayramendes.near

13 I Greepol I paulapapu.near

14 I Linye I paulapapu.near

15 I Meio Ambiente I dazo.near

16 I Dia Mundial do Meio Ambiente IagoDS 2022 I iagods.near

17 I The Grandeur I architect3d.near

18 I Flowers by Bianca Victal I biancavictal.near

19 I Fountain - Green Exhibition June, 2022 I cleusaraven.near

20 I Green love I micheltavares.near

21 I Naturaleza I isadanoninho.near

21 | The book of world | kimwayolic.near

22 I Hidden Paradise I zambrella.near

23 I OneNFTaDay #56 Tijuca Forest in Rio de Janeiro I macieira.near

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