Near account for payment: iagods.near
Alexandre Macieira
Near account for payment: macieira.near
Near account for payment: ghini.near
Project Timeline: 03/01/2022 to 03/31/2022
Title: Four thematic exhibitions (preparatory to the Mintbase-NEAR Gambiarra Art Festival)
On April 15 World Art Day is celebrated, the date was enacted by the International Art Association (IAA) in order to promote awareness of creative activity in the world. The first celebration was held in 2012. The date chosen is in honor of the birthday of Leonardo da Vinci, one of the leading figures of the High Renaissance and one of the most complete artists of all time, considered a symbol of freedom of expression and multiculturalism.
Taking advantage of this special date, we decided to organize the first edition of an Art Festival, selecting works published on the network Mintbase-NEAR in order to further promote the Gambiarra store, the platform and NEAR. Thus, encouraging artists who have not yet had the opportunity to participate in exhibitions and events, thus also increasing the publication of new works.
During the month of March, there will be 20 spaces for four different themes to be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Each theme will compose an exhibition of 20 works set up at 3XR Space and from each theme/exhibition, 10 works will be selected to compose the Festival that will take place in April, with a proposal to be released for that month, integrating all the curatorial part, selection of works and realization of the Festival.
From March 1 to 4, the 4 themes will be disclosed and the production of texts about the action and inviting the artists by the Telegram, Whatsapp and Discord groups to register their works through Google Forms and participate in the exhibitions. This disclosure will also happen in the social networks of the proponents and the information will be sent to the marketing team of Gambiarra DAO to be disclosed also in the networks of DAO.
A poster will be produced for the event.
We will encourage the use of the hashtag: #FestArtGambiarra.
From March 5 to March 10 the first exhibition will be set up, to be held on March 11, 12 and 13.
From March 12 to 17 the second exhibition will be set up, and will take place on March 18, 19 and 20.
From March 19th to 24th, the third exhibition will be held on March 25th, 26th and 27th.
and will take place on March 25th, 26th and 27th.
From March 26th to March 31st the fourth exposition takes place, being its realization on March 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
being its realization on April 1, 2 and 3.
For each exhibition to take place, a Google Form will be used for each theme, released on March 1 - 4th . The artists will have to choose one of the themes to participate, being 20 artists in each exhibition, registered in order of arrival.
We will publicize on all social media and NFTs groups.
Besides all the movement generated by this action, the relevance of this project is to promote beyond the NEAR network and bring new artists to Mintbase, showing that it is a differentiated place, where the platform that sustains it cares about collective actions and encourages artists from the Brazilian community interested in NFTs.
This whole action is a joint celebration calling attention to our work as artists. The moment shows itself as an opportunity to encourage the community to know more about the history of art and the appreciation of culture.
The importance of this project, aimed at holding four exhibitions during the month of March, with one exhibition/theme per week starting on March 11, 2022 and the participation of 20 applicants/artists, is to be a preparatory phase for a Gambiarra Mintbase-NEAR Art Festival, proposed for the month of April, in which a curatorial selection will be made of 10 works from each exhibition/theme. The Festival will open on April 15, 2022 with a party held in a space at Cryptovoxels, either in the Metaverse DAO building or the future Gambiarra DAO building.
The 1st edition of the Festival will become an NFT:
The gathering of all the visual works will become an NFT, to compose this final work a JPEG file will be produced with the list of the names of the participants to be used together with the file that will become NFT.
Images of each publication made on the Mintbase-NEAR network will be prepared for the production of a video that will be published on Youtube channel and COS.TV Gambiarra with a list of all participants with the link to the work of each one. In addition, an exhibition will be organized with the works at 3XR Space.
An example of how this will be done is exposed in the project “SemanaDe22” that can be checked here: @gambiarranear | Linktree
Event Poster:
Production of a poster to publicize the event on social networks, it will be published and become an NFT, it will be distributed among the participants and interested collectors.
Budget: USD 1.000,00 (to be paid in Near)
USD 333.33 to be paid to IagoDS
Make Poster
Publicize and call for participants (Twitter / Instagram / Facebook of Gambiarra DAO and the proponents’ staff)
Organize the event
Be accountable at the end of the project
USD 333.33 to be paid to Ghini
Publicize and call for participants (Twitter / Instagram / Facebook of Gambiarra DAO and proponents’ staff)
Organize the event
Be accountable at the end of the project
USD 333.33 to be paid to Alexandre
Publicize and call for participants (Twitter / Instagram / Facebook of Gambiarra DAO and proponents’ staff)
Organize the event
Be accountable at the end of the project
http://iagods.com.br | iagoDS | Linktree
Alexandre Macieira:
http://alexandremacieira.com.br | @alexandremacieira | Linktree
@ghini_ar | Linktree