[Approved] Curating proposal for Gambiarra art events

Proponent : Ghini
NEAR account for payment: ghini.near

Project Timeline: April 1 th – April 30 th 2022

Objective :

The goal of this proposal is to establish a curatorial advisory for all exhibitions and cultural events to be developed by Gambiarra store in the month of April.


Gambiarra store has held several cultural and artistic activities every month, some of them already known to the community for their constancy, such as the MintbaseSunday, and other unique activities such as the FEMINU exhibition I curated.

Why we need a curator?

The importance of having a curator in these artistic events is that the curator’s sharp eye establishes different clippings, ways of exposing, and unusual encounters between artists, which together form a language of their own to instigate visitors and .

I propose to establish a dialogue, whenever possible, with the several activities that take place throughout the month, integrating workshops with exhibitions. Interpretation of poems with the creation of original works using some related theme, for example. Idealize bountys for the community to actively participate in many of the activities of the Gambiarra store, make cutouts of artists for specific exhibitions throughout the month and once a permanent space in cryptovoxels is defined, decide how to organize the space establishing a rotation scheme in order to give opportunities for diverse artists to exhibit their work following the curatorial cut.

We’ll have at Gambiarra several exhibitions a month . In April we will have the already known MintbaseSunday that has presented about 20 artists , we will also have the World Art Day with 40 artists , alone totaling 60 NFTs.
Besides curating these exhibitions, there will be meta-architecture work , because the building is not builted.
We also have a marketing that promotes artists in the social networks, which I will be the one to select, following the works that have been minted in the store that counts with 187 members, that is, we are a big store.
In addition, I will set up a permanent exhibition that will house at least 10 artists that will take turns so that many will have the opportunity to show their work either in the parcel we are getting with free rent or in my space at cryptovoxels, also with my meta architecture work.
Even more… I will make exhibitions of artist duos that can show more works, because in the permanent exhibition we will only have one work of each artist. In this cut I intend to establish dialogues between the works presented, that is, also having the conceptual work of the exhibition developed by me.
If this were not already a bold enough project, I also want to establish, space permitting, a place for workshops that may have a link to an exhibition that is in progress.

My skils:

I have an artistic career that includes several international exhibitions and is about to complete 20 years. Since the beginning of my experience with NFTs, I became interested in curating exhibitions in the metaverse, having been one of the curators of BrazucasNFT, the largest exhibition of NFTs by Brazilians until then, I held several solo shows at cryptovoxels, and recently, I idealized, organized and curated FEMINU, which included 60 artists among cis women, trans women, non-binary women and transvestites. Both Brazucas and FEMINU had the expography carefully planned and especially praised in terms of its originality.

Project and Timeline:

In order to fulfill the objective I intend:

  • planning and general organization based on the approval proposals

  • get in touch with every proponent to discuss the needs of each proposal and make the necessary choices and decisions to organize and realize the event;

  • indicate the highlights of the week for the publications on social networks;

  • surch for a proper free space for The Gambiarra Gallery in cryptovoxels;

Budget (April): 500 USD will be required, paid to ghini.near

TOTAL: 500 USD in near

Artistic name: Ghini

Traditional, digital and NFT Artist, curator and poet.
Gambiarra DAO council, FEMINU DAO council.
FEMINU curator, Brazucas NFT curator, both historical exhibitions in the Museu.xyz in Cryptovoxels metaverse.
NFT’s exhibitions in New York (NFT.NYC 22), Art Basel Miami Week 22 and several exhibitions at Cryptovoxels Metaverse.
Physical artworks exhibited in Museums in Germany, Switzerland, Israel, Korea and Lithuania.
This year I will publish my first book of poems.

Links: @ghini_ar | Linktree


I feel supported by this perspective of curatorial action and in full agreement with the proponent’s ability to connect with the contemporary arts scene and the exhibition environment.


@mayhd thank you so much for you support. It means a lot to me.


It is an amazing proposal to support us. I loved. It will make and help us to be a better artists.


nice proposal, @Ghini!

as an long-time “offline” artist, I know how hard is to find a curator and, herder yet, make things works nice together…

when I joined Gambiarra, my wish was to have someone to look at my (our) artworks and discuss how to improve it’s potentials, using that sharp eye you said. so I’m happy with the possibility to join forces with curators in the Near ecosystem!


Ghini…. You are incredible!!! :heart:


@bagadefente I am really glad to read your post! Thanks for the support. Hope to help the artists as much as I can.
Thanks @Mayramendes and @BiaVictal, two great supporters and very active, despite the short time they have been in Near’s ecosystem,


very important proposal, a curator’s work is fundamental to support and improve all the productions, and also to make the potentials of the community grow. @Ghini has a special way of doing this, with a real community feeling, as shown in FEMINU’s process.


@ritamaria Thank you for the support and for the kind words, dear Ritamaria, it means a lot to me.


looking forward Ghini!!

You also can aply to teach at this month Antimetodo, if it gets also approved.
But in the world of luckily speculation, it will be a pleasure to host you there :slight_smile:
Check it out:
[Proposal] Antimetodo 3


It is an honor for Gambiarra DAO to have @Ghini as curator and it is extremely important for a store with over 800 works and more than 180 artists. Having Ghini’s eye and experience adds even more value to all the cultural and artistic activities Gambiarra has been doing. :star_struck: MintbaseSunday is really a great example of the importance of the work that will be done by our curator. With the 4th edition held in March, our collection reached 78 works of art and a total of 44 participating artists. I am already counting the days to see an exhibition with works selected by @Ghini from the MintbaseSunday Collection. We continue building a solid, professional, and serious history. Thank you very much Ghini for being with us in this journey. :heart:


@blusw that’s really great! Thank you so much for the invitation. Antimetodo is an awesome project. It will be a pleasure to be part of it.
Long life to Antimetodo!! :heart: :heart:


@macieira you’re a guy that makes a difference and it’s visible all your effords to involve new members in all the projects idealized by you so they can learn. Teaching and community work are the words that guide your work. It’s an honor to work you you and your projects. You can count always on me. :heart: :butterfly:

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long life Gambiarra DAO, Feminu and all others that are changing my life, to see this ‘avantgard’ artist community, growl and learn with each other!

great respect for your heroic works around ecosystem

see you at #antimetodo???


@blusw as I am going to do the curatorial work at Gambiarra and the FEMINU DAO is in its first month, I guess it’s going to be a hard work month, but I really wanna participate of this great project. Maybe I can organize myself for next month. What do you think about it my friend? Let’s work together to do it happen. :star_struck: :heart: :pray:


I would love too <3

Lets see… what do you think @pinkalsky ?

I think its great to change rolls and exchange experiences

we are wait for you \o/

count on me!


It’s going to be awesome! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart::clap:t2::clap:t2::butterfly::butterfly:

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Project Report

Curating proposal for Gambiarra art events

Project Status: Concluded
Project Accounting: The main objective of this project was to do a curatorial work for the Gambiarra store due to the many events and the great number of artists that compose the store.

Updated Project Timeline:
The first thing accomplished was to find a place at Cryptovoxels to do the construction of the gallery. I talked with some people and finally got the authorization to use the parcel where I had previously held some solo exhibitions for free rent.

Started on April 10th, 2022. It was a tough task because the cryptovoxels’ building tools do not work above the default build height, so I had to build a voxel file and adapt it to my planned gallery needs.

I finished the building and started to set up the first exhibition, World National Art Day, with 40 artists and 40 nfts.

The next work was to plan the design of the Indigenous People’s Day Exhibition, organized by @macieira. A beautiful project that was a volunteer work. For this exhibition I set up 14 NFTs simulating a cocar on the building. Because of the height, the cryptovoxels commands doesn’t work as well and was really difficult to accompish.

As soon as those two exhibitions were opened, I was informed by the owner that the parcel was sold, so I contacted the new owner, explained our events and exhibition plans including the International FEMINU, to ask if it would be possible to let us use the whole building until the end of the year, and we all celebrate very much that he gives us permission, having been decided in a meeting between FEMINU DAO and Gambiarra DAO that the second floor of the building will be destined to events promoted by FEMINU DAO and the first floor as well as the two floors of the voxel construction will be used for Gambiarra DAO’s activities and also that during the International FEMINU, the whole building will be available for this great event.
This way, I started remodeling the rest of the building, and set up the next exhibition, working on the MintbaseSunday curatorial selection of 9 artworks, and assembly.

I finally started to project the ground floor of the building that was the space I choose for the permanent exhibition of the Gambiarra store. My intention was that the architecture of the building would mirror the concept of the exhibition. Two large red columns served as pillars for the entire Gambiarra building, and on them were displayed 8 NFTs by some of the first artists to join the store, including myself, in an exhibition I called “Path Finders”. That space represents the foundation of the Gambiarra store. The beginning of everything.

The result met almost all the tasks proposed by this project, which were:

  • planning and general organization based on the approval proposals.
  • get in touch with every proponent to discuss the needs of each proposal and make the necessary choices and decisions to organize and realize the event;
  • surch for a proper free space for The Gambiarra Gallery in cryptovoxels - which exceeded our expectations. To find such a beautiful and huge space for our gallery was a great achievement;
    The single item that wasn’t acomplished was to indicate the highlights of the week for the publications on social networks beause our marketing wasn’t approved by the Marketing DAO, which was a pity because the store’s sales were very low during this period and the visibility of our artists and exhibitions were reduced. The work that has being done was totally volunteer. Hope the @marketingdao-councils realize how this has affected Gambiarra and the artists.
    I owe the success of the proposal, among other things, to the fact that the curatorial work, exhibition design and meta-architecture were carried out in an integrative and conceptual way, which made a lot of difference and the result can be seen in these four exhibitions that totalize 71 (seventy one) NFTs exhibited.

“Path Finders” - ground floor: 8 NFts

FEMINU Aquarium - first floor -

World Art Day Exhibition - second floor - 40 NFTs

MintbaseSunday – third floor- 9 NFTs https://www.cryptovoxels.com/play?coords=N@6578W,119S,10.5U

Indigenous People Day - roof – 14 NFTs

It was a month (20 days to be more precise) of intense work but certainly, a worthwhile one.
I invite you all to visit our exhibitions as well as the one that is inaugurating the FEMINU Aquarium space.
Thank you,


Amazing! Congratulations, Ghini! You did everything with love and care and a lot of hard working. :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::100::100:


dear @Mayramendes, thank you so much for the support, always. Thank you so much