Community Engagement Manager - Nomination (Russ)


Im Russ 25 year old Founder, Community Builder, Web3 Enthusiast, and Vibe Curator. Born in Philadelphia and raised in Austin today I’m going to be sharing why I believe I’m the perfect candidate for this position.

I am thrilled to submit my proposal for the position of Community Engagement Manager. With my extensive experience in community building and my passion for bringing underrepresented groups into the world of Web3, I believe I am the ideal candidate for this role.

So I started the 40 Acres DAO, a collective that has been dedicated to onboarding marginalized communities into the Web3 ecosystem. We have successfully onboarded over 500 members from different parts of the world and have held activations at major crypto conferences. Our success is attributed to our commitment to promoting inclusivity and diversity.

As a steward of 40 Acres DAO, I have been responsible for managing our social media presence, creating onboarding flows, organizing events, and crafting documentation. Our social media has garnered close to 10k followers across all platforms. Furthermore, I have established close relationships with other major DAOs such as Developer DAO, Boys Club, Her DAO, Cabin, and more. These connections have allowed us to collaborate on various initiatives that promote inclusivity and diversity in the Web3 ecosystem.

My passion for community building and my experience in the Web3 space make me the perfect fit for the Community Engagement Manager role. I know I can bring my skills, experience, and network to help Near Governance Working Group engage and onboard underrepresented groups into the Web3 ecosystem. And More



Russ, in the time that I have known you and watched you move within the web3 space, I believe you would excel in this position. You have the experience and the temperament for this community engagement manager position. Not only have you built a dynamic community but you also have an expansive professional network.

I am happy to second your nomination!



There is no vibe like you create in Web 3


Thank you for the kind words, have nothing but the upmost respect for what you. Love what created thus far and the community you’ve cultivated.

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The originator of “Vibes on Chain”. Everything Web3 needs and more! Russ is innovative, professional, and full of enthusiasm!


I’m here to champion Russ’ nomination and emphasize not only his genuine passion for Community, but also highlight his consistency, focus and unparalleled work ethic. I’ve had the pleasure of working/ collaborating with Russ on several projects and it’s been inspiring (not only to me, but so many others) to see such effervescence and dedication to the space. Any need for more detailed references on that, hit me up! NDC would be more than lucky to have you as Community Engagement Manager! :fist:t4:


Hey all, my name is Anthony Marshall and I am the co founder of Lyricist Lounge a 30+ year old Hip Hop institution. As a big fan of Russ I just wanted to leave a personal note of support here for the collective. He’s been an invaluable part of my onboarding process and think he would be an incredible fit for this role. Please reach out to me if there’s anyway I can help.



Ahhh, if it’s a election, Russ you already won it. Lol

Anyway, wish you guys all the candidate best of luck, you guys all deserve to be selected, looking forward to how we can contribute to the ecosystem, together we will form a strong alliance. The future is near


Hi Russ,

Thank you for your nomination!
I would love to schedule an interview with you to discuss this in more detail, I will send you a Calendly link in DM.


I wholeheartedly support this nomination. Russ has been outside building community engagement every day since before I met him. He is enthusiastic and approachable, and has the information to connect people to the hubs that will ensure that they get involved and stay involved.

Congratulations on the role Russell, we’re excited to have you on board!

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