Black Snake
Savage Sap. It wasn’t until this bizarre mineral in a liquid state started to be smuggled, by the big ones, that the whole fucking thing turned crazy. Savage Sap, that’s the name. And if they legalize it, you can be sure it will catch on. I have no idea who invented it, but the guy saw the future! Okay, it doesn’t help that the so-called Savage Sap is almost always used for the purpose of mass poisoning of riverside people + consequent facilitation of land grabbing, but I honestly don’t get involved in politics. The people want it, Aguirre gives it. It’s not my motto, but from now on it can be my slogan, how about that? These are prosperous times and I can already start thinking about some more badass marketing, putting some neon on the boat to arrive in town when I get back with the goods. Aguirre gives it (flashes) gives it (flashes) gives it.
Which would make a nice jingle too, if Axl, the Minstrel of the Vessel, didn’t present with that fever of singing serenade for three nights in a row and throwing himself with guitar and everything after crying and crying and crying more than singing the last song properly. The last man of the crew. So I have to confess that losing Axl really took a toll on morale. I’m really used to losing men, good, weak, whatever: I accept the majority, even because this thing of living piracy in the ass of the heart of darkness is something that often makes good people food for big fish, and chicken-hearted people, chicken-flavored food for big fish. But then there’s a coward that turns into a genius, a reward that comes from within us, and so the song goes.