[CLOSED] Reddit bounty active until november 2021


Earn 100 USD in NEAR as a moderator & admin per channel per month! :slight_smile:

  1. Speak to @reginamintbase to check if you can be added as an admin on the reddit channels. (Mintbase / NEARNFT’s)
  2. Moderate the channels and post regularly. Please get creative, engage in conversations, talk about Mintbase and its features. DO NOT just copy our tweets.
  3. Don’t post exclusively in our two channels but do crossposting in other big ones like NFT, NFTsMarketplace , NFTexchange
  4. Reward users and grow a community.
  5. At the end of each month, please reply below and briefly comment on how much the community grew and provide quick stats (share some metrics). Then, submit a payout proposal. BONUS: if you do exceptional work growing our community we will be happy to reward you with a bigger prize in NEAR.
  6. Submit a payout proposal with the “target” being your NEAR account and the value being 100 USD (in NEAR) per channel. (SputnikDAO).
  7. Use the forum link from your reply for your “Link to the discussion” needed in your payout proposal.

I’m admin of reddit channel (Mintbase / NEARNFT’s) with nick u/NEARMEME. Nice to do this!!!

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@TRENDHEO We have updated the the prize from 30N to 100USD in Near because of the increase in value of near. We are happy to see NEAR getting stronger but we need to be reasonable with the payment. I hope you understand. We have also included this new part: “Please get creative, engage in conversations, talk about Mintbase and its features. DO NOT just copy our tweets.”
for you to have a better idea of what we wish to see on there. Thank you for understanding :slight_smile:


Thank you, I will try!

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@Psalmy @suking49 @Monish016 so tomorrow I’ll do a live stream somewhere (not quite sure where yet) to explain a bit about mintbase tech so you will be able to do the administration next month. How would you feel about that?


That seem Awesome, Understanding the requirement would be a great start. Looking Forward for the session.

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@psalmy @suking49 @monish016 @trendheo So today there will actually be an AMA on Discord on the mintbase channel by @MoniBlockdiver (MonikaBlockdiver on Discord). You can join there too and ask her everything, she is truly a blockchain pro!!!

She will be able to go more into detail than me regarding the technology behind Mintbase. So feel free to join both (her today, me tomorrow) to truly understand Mintbase and all the ah-may-zing features we offer!

It is of great interest for you to understand what Mintbase is about, so you can go and talk about it on the other reddit channels! :slight_smile:


Interacting on reddit is very easy to get channel locked. It won’t be much!

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I see you have been active with u/nearmeme I am just asking you to not only repeat our tweets but to create own posts, go on different channels and talk about mintbase, answer posts on other channels redirecting people to come to the r/mintbase channel and so on

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My current posts have completely new content :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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please how can i participate ?

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Read the description of the bounty. If you have any specific questions feel free to ask

Hey @marianeu I wish to Start Admin Activities for Mintbase & NEARNFTs Channel on Reddit From Start of September 20th 2021 if it is cool for you…

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Yes sounds great! I am anxious to see what you can do! :slight_smile: :weight_lifting_man: :weight_lifting_man: :weight_lifting_man:

Pls I also would like to apply for the post as admin in the mintbase via reddit…
To improve in my creativity and be active too

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Sounds great. How much reddit experience do you have? Do you want to start in October? :slight_smile: Focus is on growing our community. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Yes I can start October…I’m good at promotioning cause I have an active tweeter account and reddit too

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I have 60% experience on Reddit and still improving

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What do you mean with 60% experience? :slight_smile: Could you please send me your reddit username? :slight_smile: Sound really good though.

I have 60% experience on using the app and am still studying the app online my reddit username is “psalmyb”

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