[CLOSED] Hype Battle #7 Photo Manipulation

Good Day Near Fam,


Theme/Concept: Photo Manipulation, Draw a Art that Illustrate How Our Pollution,Global Warming Affect the Animals

Your Main Character is Any Kind of Animals.


Let your Creativity Shines and Show it to the World.
The Concept and Artstyle will Depend on the Artist itself as long as The Flow of the story of your art Contains with our Given Concept.

Hype Battle will Start October 17,2022
And Will end on October 27,2022
Announcing of winners Will be on November 1,2022

3 Winners

1st prize: 10Near
2nd prize: 7Near
3rd prize: 3Near


Reference From Internet is prohibited (Finish Artwork/Photography)

Any artstyle is acceptable,chibi,anime,vexel,vector,digital paint

You need to keep it original

Backgrounds from Internet is Prohibited

Entry with most Heart react is Appreciated, but it will not put you in winners list

Judging The Entries will depends on Your Arts,the Creativity,Originality of an Artwork, and Cleanliness

For all the Participants a Short Description together with Your Entry can Help the council to Understand Your arts .

Dont Forget to Include your NEAR WALLET ADDRESS in your submission.

Winners will be selected by The COUNCIL


Our Mission In This Hype Battle is to showcase Worldwide Talents and Creativity of People In Near Community.

And To all Participants please Tweet Your Entries and tag @HypeDao :heart::kissing_heart:.

Please Feel Free To Join Hype Dao Telegram :
Telegram: Contact @hypedao to share Your WIPS, and getting to know each Other also and Also Send some Work In Progress Arts.

Also we have Discord Channel : HypeDAO
We have Hype Battle Bi Weekly channel there where u can Share your Hype Entries :fire::fire::fire:

For comment and Questions please Dm me in Hype Dao Telegram Ligaya here at your Service :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:

All Entries Should Be minted On Hype Dao Store so Your entries will be accepted
If You are not yet added as a minter please tag me so we can add you.

Xoxo Ligaya​:kissing_heart:


Cool! Sharing this to the community!


Hello big thanks Miss @Kurenai :blush::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

Greetings, I travel a lot to different countries, mostly located on the coast. Often I had to observe how truly amazing and paradisiacal beaches are heavily polluted. In some places I have seen plastic waste that is thrown out by the ocean and in some places, for example India Goa, I had to observe oil and oil waste in the sea and on the shore, this happens because they wash tankers directly into the sea. This greatly harms marine animals and fish, they die because of all this. I would like to contribute to the coverage of this problem through my art. I also support reasonable consumption of the planet’s resources.



Nice :fire: did u already mint it fam? @Doomsayer :blush:

Hello, thanks no I’m didn’t mint, how can I do?

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Good Morning Fam, please Dm me on telegram ill guide u​:heart: @Doomsayer

Good, How to found you in telegram?

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Pollution and Global warming causes many threats not only for us humans but also to the animals, many of their home were damage and destroyed and many lives were also lost because of the effect of global warming and pollution. I hope that may Art reaches you and help me/us to spread awareness about global warming and pollution.


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Hi there miss @Ligaya I’m not yet a Minter please add me as a Minter

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Ill tag u here once u added as a minter already :heart: @arkielharts.near

Can u please write your near wallet address on the description so i can send u some Hype special token​:heart::blush:

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Thanks, i already edited the description and added my near wallet :blush:

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“Torn Future”

Living in a time when pollution is prevalent in every part of the world is like living with a ticking time bomb; we have no time to spare and it is true that “You Only Live Once” so might as well make it worthwhile. The earth has so much to offer to us and this is a gift that’s placed in our hands, a gift that we shall carry with sense of responsibility and with nurturing measures.

Wallet: agathart.near


“Pollution Planet”

The world can no longer accept pollution. Lots of cars, factories, facilities, we are so overcrowded that even plants and animals can’t handle it anymore.This artwork is about the air pollution we may see in the future, If we keep doing things that destroy our world.


@Ligaya maam can you add me as a minter?


Hello, is it still possible to change/move the deadline?

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Please add in store.


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No fam​:blush: the Deadline is Fix, so the schedule for next battle will not be affected.:blush: @mikiiel

To other participants, ill tag u here or in Telegram if u succesfully added as minter in the store.
If we add you late please submit your entry first here​:blush::heart: and mint your art later on.

Thanks Guys​:heart:

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My submission:
Dry Africa

Due to excessive heat and recurring droughts in various parts of Africa, species of animals are endangered. This is a result of global warming as the climate is too harsh.
Burning of fossil fuels and other materials causes smoke that destroys the ozone layer

Tweet link:

Wallet address: eliaszinas.near

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Oh no… this cold and fever of mine( ╹▽╹ ) but thank you for the reply ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

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