[CLOSED] Hype Battle #7 Photo Manipulation

That’s my entry…


Due to the uncontrollable and inappropriate dumping of wastes and sewage in wrong places and pollution of the atmosphere by humans, we have made it difficult for animals to fully adapt to their favourable environments(habitat) especially the sea creatures and if such continues they are prone to death, even leading them to the brink of extinction of their species.
Let’s indulge in the habit of always keeping the world clean and value the lives of animals

Wallet: miles1.near

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Initiative for Environmental Conservation Be wise and avoid actions that damage the environment

wallet: togee.near

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Every passing day, we as humans tend to pollute the enviroment by with every kind of aspect (from noise to land pollution). Though most of us are aware of the consequences of such behaviours and attitudes towards our only habitable planet, we think it will only affect us. Nevertheless, we are not the only living beings to suffer from the pollution. Similarly, as the global warming turns into a climate crisis, the chances are that we hear more about the incidents of wildfires which are caused by so-called natural disasters. Considering the effect human beings have on the increase in the temperature of the world, more and more animals and plants and trees are dying or dying off due to this. To explain, wildfires in Australia destroyed most of the life withing their range.


could you also add me as a minter?

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Hi guys, miss kodandi added the following to Hype dao store as minter. :heart:

agathart.near @Agatha
arkielharts.near @arkielharts.near
nanashi02.near @nanashi02.near
natashacremoneseartista.near @Natashacremonese
ash_jose.near @Joseash

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Every creature on earth has the right to live. So as humans it is our responsibility to take care of mother nature, love and protect it. And not the ones who will destroy and become the reason for the depletion of animals and the destruction of our world, our home. So when are you going to act my friend, when it’s too late?

Wallet: ashiya.near


One of Causes of Global warming

  • Climate change has an impact on several oceans. In particular, animals that dwell in the water are significantly impacted by climate change, and there are oceans that are left unprotected and where human trash is consumed by the sea…

Wallet : vanengs.near



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Humans are an integral part of the environment. Both the environment and the animals are impacted by global warming. Pollution can cause adverse effects on the environment and have significant consequences. We must remember that Environment is no one’s property to destroy, it’s everyone’s responsibility to protect.


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While drawing this entry of mine, I woke up in the true reality of the world that the gradual destruction is not longer a joke. The constant flooding and climate change due to human abuse. The depletion of animals and cutting of trees. I
felt the feelings of the turtle here in what I have drawn, the hardship and pain but still continue to swim until the last breath because he does not lose hope that we humans will wake up someday and take an action to save his home, our home. The world.



Cool, This Bounty is Now Closed.

My internet just resumed and i don’t have internet for 12 hours because of bad weather.

To all participant please mint your Entries to Hype dao store.

We will announce the winners soon.
Thanks and Good Job Guys :rocket::fire::heart:


Good Day Near and Creatives,
The Long wait is Over. We are happy To Inform You all our Top 3 Winners For this Bounty.

1st: @vanengs 10Near
2nd: @Agatha 7Near
3rd: @ashiya 3Near

Congratulations and Stay tuned for Hype battle #8 Soon.:heart:

Please propose Your payout in Hype Astro Dao.

Please Tag me if u have any questions and Help.


Congratulations to all the winners


Congratulations to all the winners especially to those who participated :sparkles:

Thank you Hypedao Fam :revolving_hearts::sparkles:

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