[Approved] Renumeration For RCWG Core Contributors For June, 2023

June Activities

• Worked on strategies for RCdao Council elections. Post by Regional Community Working Group | Near Social -
• Built the RCdao Voter Platform on-chain Near Social -
• Oboarded 300 verified Humans on the Voter Platform that will vote for council members in the upcoming election. https://near.org/hack.near/widget/communities
• Created a Self Nomination procedure for community members interested in becoming an RCdao Council member Post by Regional Community Working Group | Near Social -
• Developed and set RCdao Council election guidelines Post by Regional Community Working Group | Near Social -

• Worked on the RCdao Charter RC DAO Charter - Google Docs. Was revised in June.

• Evaluated and set guidelines for funding proposals for the regional communities Evaluating 15 and approving 10 for funding Trello

• Managed the Day to Day Operations of the RCWG These operations involved brainstorming on strategies, and answering questions for the community, getting and giving feedback to GWG and MDAO.
Keep a close eye on community growth via the tracking sheet REGIONAL COMMUNITIES TRACKING SHEET - Google Sheets

• Collaborated with Marketing Dao to ease funding for regional communities

• Organized 2 weekly calls and educational Workshops with the community. With a total call 8 Monthly calls and Educational workshops. The workshops focus on enlightening the communities about the RC-DAO process and how to handle some key onboarding platforms, e.g., Shardog, keypom, NEARDROP, etc.

Given the work done, time taken (ranging from 70-100 hours a month) and research involved, We request remuneration for the month of June.

Contributors are
Igboze. $2000
James $2000
Bakaka $2000
Ola $2000
Hlib $1000 (part-time,)

TOTAL: $9000

Given the work done, time taken and research involved, We request remuneration for the month of June.

All proposals for the month of June and July are found here
Approved (Trello)
Rejected (Trello)

Proposals for July/August (Trello)

A summary of reports for all Regional Communities’ work for the month of June is found in this document. NEAR Community Review | June - Google Docs

Community members can follow up on proposals for the RC-DAO elections here

Wallet: rc-dao.sputnik-dao.near

Thanks to @Dacha for all your support.

Tagging @marketingdao-council for consideration.

Wallet :



Thanks, guys, for a great job! I am moving it to approved.

Also, my personal opinion regarding Glib’s case, I believe we need to give him a chance. Some mistakes were made by RC DAO, some by candidates, but this is the first-ever voting in the DAO, it can happen.


How this can be approved when proposal must be before the 25 of the end of the month ?

This is remuneration for core contributors/admins.