[Approved] onboarding university students

@prelekzy a piece of advice for you my friend, you should learn to investigate before you come in here and accuse someone. You called her a liar and giving a bad impression about Nigerians. There’s no gain destroying a young dream because you don’t have a dream to work on. @Dabbie3229 thanks for the clarification and try as much as possible to be a better person in building Near Ecosystem.


How do you mean i called her a liar, I cited the obvious… She mentioned ASUU strike… and Alvan Ikoku Federal college of Education is not part of ASUU… was that a lie?@Romanus

The school went on a civil strike for only a month and a half, and moreover the ASUU strike never really affected them because it doesnt really correlate… Question is why did she use ASUU as an excuse when its clear, obvious and factual that Alvan IKoku federal college of education is not part of ASUU and not affected by ASUU… Where is the lie? can she prove that? if she can then let her go ahead and do so

@Dabbie3229 why do you use ASUU to validate your excuse for delay in executing this project and how are the lecturers halting this event when it is an onboarding event that wont last more than 4 hours in a day. This makes the event easy to be held in the afternoon after lectures have concluded.

@Romanus one last thing, are you supporting the idea that an event which has been approved and paid out to be forgotten and NO REPORT given until the moderators came on to request about the update of the event. 4 months after the event was paid for? do you work like that also? she should have at least kept the moderators updated with updates on what was delaying the event and not look like she pretended that the event was forgotten about

Just my honest takeout, sorry though but please take it easy on me, am new on NEAR and only observing and comparing how things are done from where i came from which is Solana


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Check the links I posted earlier about the strike fam. I don’t speak without fact, I don’t want to leave any question unanswered. That’s why I’m answering this. Alvan was on strike fam. Read through the links. And sorry to say this will be my last response to you before the report.
Peace :v::dove:

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Please, next time you want to post your balance, maybe you should do so with the part that shows your name above the balance as evidence its your wallet… They opened a near wallet for me that shows my name at the top if i was to ever show my balance

Hey @prelekzy I hardly comment on people’s post but at this point i think i have to because you are taking this too far! Infact you are talking it too personal.
Yes you have made your points and I think that should be enough already.
@Dabbie3229 never claimed to have executed the project when she did not, from her response she said it’s in the process, she is a known member within the Ecosystem so I don’t think she is running away.

You sound as if you’ve known her before now or you guys had issues! Anyways that’s not our business for now.
Like she wrote, wait for her report.


Hello mate!
I once attended an event at a school in Nigeria, and

  1. I was in awe of what the school administration was doing. They acted like the students will be scammed.
  2. The Student Unions demanded a huge amount as their share of what they never had am idea of

So, many things within a school can be a factor. However, @Dabbie3229 should have done better by updating the community about the delay…


@prelekzy thanks for your concern, she said she has the funds for the program so let at anticipate her report at the end of the program. I think @Dabbie3229 is doing well and i appreciate her courage. Don’t expect her to you her wallet to the public to prove a point which she already did, NOBODY DOES THAT!

Lastly using “We Nigerians” to express a subject isn’t right, i know many folks in the Nigerian Guild who are very transparent so please mate comport yourself and mind your language.


@prelekzy be careful how you conclude things here ok? On this forum we don’t pick on people @Dabbie3229 may have used Asuu as an excuse, then why generalize words and been specific on Nigerians.

Before joining a community or an organization please watch and observe. Note there’s a code of conduct and guidelines in this forum which I find disrespectful for making a general statements on Nigeria. You’re just 10days on this forum.

I would advise you to make you contribute transparent and pick out your complains in a friendly way not like an attack….
@Dabbie3229 is in charge of the project why putting blame on the country???

I can show you countless of approved project without results and are not Nigerians so feel free to make your thoughts known in a friendly way

@IgbozeIsrael thanks for correcting him

Mate, that’s where you’re wrong, don’t compare how thing work on Solana to Near all blockchain has different purpose and culture.
As for @Dabbie3229 she has made it known she would execute the project and the mods are not complaining they just only reminded her, she’s still on the forum and would have to bring a report anytime soon.
Thanks for the read
Big ups :ok_hand:


Do you have a personal issue with @Dabbie3229 ??? Cause this thing isn’t sounding funny anymore.
If you are really educated like you claim you’ll know that every school has their rules, SUG body n the rest…
You don’t expect people that just came back from strike to start giving rooms to someone all in the name on onboarding new members… this will take a little time and she has to get approval before carrying out the job. You even said you are not happy with the way “Nigerians” are being represented, I think you need to learn how to talk in a public place… You re referring to a whole nation and I know you don’t even know up to 2% of people in your state not to talk of the rest 35 states. So I’ll suggest you learn how to talk or better still if you have personal grudge against @Dabbie3229 you sort it out than trying to make her look bad.

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It’s a decentralized system, I (you) can check the balance of all wallets nothing there to hide​:face_with_raised_eyebrow: are you a noob???…. Haven’t seen any positive contribution you’ve brought to the community yet you accuse and call names. You should be banned you sound like a treat to NEAR ecosystem. Be careful what you say :speaking_head: @prelekzy


Guys, let us all take it easy okay,

I am pointing out an observation that makes it possible for a negative perception from people approving funds for these projects…

@Psalmy thanks for the observation, i didnt mean to include all nigerians, i was just worried about what such simple lies can cause in terms of perception

@IgbozeIsrael you are very right, thanks for your discretion, I checked you up and you have been doing amazing things for the NEAR people, really fantastic work you are doing. Such a resume

And as for the others, i have been busy doing some research in the whole NEAR arrangement and on your accounts and activities, I am not a judge of anyone but i would like to address you all accordingly … but first i would like to mention @Dacha @David_NEAR @satojandro to watch these mastermind agenda suspicious accounts who gang up in an ecosystem to leverage for personal gain and gang up to defend each other baselessly without conscience and only for selfish reasons, something like this happened in solana when there was a gang up of nigerian individuals that constituted comments and reactions just to sway public opinions and shady deals… I would like you to observe these accounts @Dabbie3229 @Bossbae @Sammy9ce @kenjay60 @Dadkay … These accounts are defending someone without a proper answer to the question of why she used a wrong reason to lie and also not saying @Dabbie3229 should provide her wallet address so we can check on a blockchain explorer or other means to prove she has the balance,

Main question still is, Alvan Ikoku went on a strike for only four weeks in june, Why did she had to use ASUU which the college of education doesnt belong to as a LIE!!!

And since she claimed she has the balance, let her provide her wallet as evidence for us to check on the blockchain explorer


Hey @prelekzy I saw your tag hence my reply. No one is against you or the points you raised ok, but the approach you used, condemning a fellow NEARIAN is what I don’t like.
There are ways you can call our attention to this and it will be looked into rather than condemning her by saying she is a liar.

@Dabbie3229 came up here and said that her reports will be presented here soon upon the completion of her project. What you and I should do now is to wait patiently for that.

I’ll advice you stop stressing this by writing, pointing and tagging people who have contributed in one way or another to the Ecosystem.
Rather you should think of how to contribute to the growth of the ecosystem positively.

@prelekzy you are free to suspect anyone or group of persons if that’s what will ease you offff but if you wanna know some more about me you can use my username.
Same username for all my social media including discord.

Welcome to NEAR, Reimagine your World.
Cheers :heart:


So why was I tagged? @prelekzy
Can you read? If yes you should understand what I said, I’ve been into the space for 5yrs now i’m not a noob… it’s simple if something is not transparent enough you should investigate properly not call names. Just simply check the wallet she used in receiving the funds, stop tagging me am too busy to reply this. Point of correction :sweat_smile: don’t suspect me, I was a mod on near protocol tg and did a good job @KriptoRaptor knows. I was among the selected army that shilled near from day 1 to its ATH and then we always had issues regarding funding. @Dacha was on our neck just like what you’re doing, but difference was that, @Dacha had more clear evidence and fact to everything he says about the degen army, he went through all the wallets and check the stats of each paid person.
Is good you added a voice but bring facts before you raise alarm :rotating_light:


Hello @prelekzy!
So much is happening here…judt to ask, do you know anyone who has been here before named John x and do you know anything about Fashion DAO?

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Sorry i dont get your question, you are asking if i know someone with that name and about a DAO?, If that is the question, i would answer that i dont know, but am curious and would love to know, about the DAO and the person, are they on NEAR? and are there interesting projects linked to them? what’s up?

Hello everyone, the event is still in progress. Sorry I’ve been busy with planning, visiting the school and convincing our audience. Already our hall payment is successful as you can see in the receipt below.


Good, its nice that you are showing some seriousness after scrutiny. Transparency and diligence in community is effective when we own up.
@Dabbie3229 I took time to learn the NEAR ecosystem and i discovered the explorer and your near wallet for the project which is dabbie3229.near… right? and you showed that you had a said balance of 350+ NEAR in the picture you uploaded. But this is just not true… because after checking your wallet on the blockchain explorer it brought the balance of 0.33NEAR as at the day you posted that balance…

And i also checked your summary and activity on the governance site and it brought about some anomalies about your involvement with a particular DAO for receiving some NF money and sending it in bits to DAO treasury… You have a lot coming though… woww… try and be a better person

Woww… seems you have a lot going on with you

Your balance wasnt 350NEAR even still

@David_NEAR dabby stands on her own and doesnt represent what genuine nigerians are, there are those who are diligent and honest, please take note

Greetings great Nearians
At first I want to thank God for the success of this event…
My sincere appreciation goes to the @marketingdao-council for their patience and support during the process of this event… Their keen advice cannot be overemphasized…

At last this event has been concluded successfully after a long delay, the barriers I encountered during this event included.
. Postponement (from school authority)
. Unavailability of students
. Events going on in the school
. Charges asked from the SUG and many more.

Due to these unforseen circumstances, another strategy was used to lure the the students to participate in the event.

Below are some pictures of students that were onboarded and their real life pictures…

I put them in a Google drive cos most students are still afraid of disclosing their rl pictures. More pictures will be posted from tomorrow onwards…
Thanks once again for this opportunity @marketingdao-council . I’m really glad

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Thank you @Dabbie3229 !

Guys, @Romanus , @prelekzy , @ENYI do you have any questions?


Feels good to be onboarded into this great ecosystem.
My name is amarachi I was onboarded at the just concluded onboarding event at Alvan Ikoku Federal college of Education.