[Approved] NEAR P2P DAPP

What is more importat for the Blockchain Industry than massive adoption?

Presenting here:

The path to mass adoption on Crypto by the hand of the NEAR PROTOCOL

Starting from one country…

More than 2.4 million Venezuelans own cryptocurrencies (+10% of the country’s population). That combined with the NEAR P2P could lead to an overflow of transactions on the NEAR network from new wallets and interactions with the ecosystem.

Argentina will follow, and other countries with needs for financial tools, let’s open the decentralized finances - DeFi - to them, to the world’s most needed users.


This post intends to give you a glimpse of what it is like to live in an economy where the HIPER-INFLATION was over 65.347,00% in 2018 compared to 2017. Of course, this is a complex topic to discuss, but if you keep an open mind, you will be able to understand the enormous opportunity NEAR have to grow in the Latin American community by providing a much-needed solution for the masses

Like most third-world countries, Venezuelan people live in a failed state of governance/economy. That leads people to do things they are not supposed to do in a stable economy.

But what are these things people do?

From the beginnings of cryptocurrencies, Venezuelans have struggled to survive with a fiat currency constantly being devalued by the second. So the common sense will lead you to interact with a side currency that helps you survive that devaluation.

In the year 2007, with the exchange law, the government implemented a financial blockage that restrained people from interacting with other currencies like USD. Every foreign currency transaction had to be made within the parameters of a very bureaucratic and sometimes insane system.

That’s when people started the mass adoption of Exchanges like LocalBitcoin; People even started working daily in LocalBitcoins, taking advantage of the spread in the platform, which at some point had daily transactions in Venezuela of over 2 million USD.

That volume had increased over time, and Localbitcoins gave the people an answer to a problem, but not an efficient solution.


-Scammers were all over the place
-Not an easy-to-use platform
-Not efficient customer support
-They never updated to new forks like BCH, so people never got their BCH from the forks.
-And of course (in my personal opinion), the biggest mistake that later led to LocalBitcoins disappearing in Venezuela: Not supporting multiple cryptocurrencies and at least one stable coin.

Not long ago, Binance started taking over the market by implementing a P2P exchange besides all the functionalities we already know.

But in the end, Binance is still a centralized Exchange. If you have a substantial amount of coins invested in Binance, dont tell me you dont always live on the edge of your seat, wondering if one day you will wake up with news that Binance has “been hacked” and your funds are lost (for example). Or like recently… Binance NEAR Network service is suspended


We want to implement a decentralized P2P market that provides an easy-to-use and secure platform that can help fast adoption in Venezuela and can easily expand to all Latin America.

You have to do what has proven to work and make it better. We want to replicate the Binance P2P exchange. At first, nothing more, nothing less.

A platform that provides people a bridge between fiat currencies and blockchain technology.



We know it is hard for readers who live in countries with a stable FIAT currency to understand the magnitude of people’s problems every day. On the other hand, the impact/growth that NEAR can have by providing a solution for this problem.

We will take the market share from other exchanges used in Venezuela like:

AirTM: $6 Million USD per month
Binance: 3.800 verified merchant members

Publications about it:

Other alternatives in Venezuela are the so-called “Remeseros,” a group of people who provide a remittances service by receiving the fiat currencies and exchanging for another fiat, using crypto in most cases. Hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans work as middlemen for local and foreign transactions.

More than 2.4 million Venezuelans own cryptocurrencies (+10% of the country’s population). That combined with the NEAR P2P could lead to an overflow of transactions on the NEAR network from new wallets and interactions with the ecosystem.

That is the first step of mass adoption.



This could be even bigger than Binance


Sounds awesome… Have you got funding for this? Might be a good one for the Grants


Binance still has suspended NEAR deposits.
So i imagined worst case scenario if most of exchange platforms would disrupt their work. A DEX is a must have!


This is very interesting, remembers me of hodlhodl and localbitcoins. How can we help from the NEAR Wallet side?


It’s great to see how you and your teammates are leveraging your expertise with this project, and I think your motivation will inspire so many others. Thank you for being open to suggestions and ideas, and good luck with the project!
It was great to hear how you’re focusing on crypto end-users in Venezuela and wanting to empower individuals in their every day lives through NEAR



Thanks, Fritz! Grant requests are handled by the grants website: NEAR Foundation Grants
More specifically, this is where you can request for a grant: NEAR Foundation Application Manager - NEAR Startup Grants


This would be a huge step for NEAR in Latin America.
Im based in Argentina and the situation here is similar to Venezuela. Lots of people every day are adopting cryptocurrencies and P2P is the fastest way (IMO) to reach mass adoption in this type of countries.

I’d like to help with this Fritz, so feel free to reach me whenever you need something!


Thanks for the guidance mate! i hope this post was useful :beers:


Thanks, brother, we will work together :beers: we need people who understand the problem from the inside, and Argentina is an excellent example of a similar situation


:star_struck: From Venezuela here ! Hope this come true soon


Thank you Benz ! yeah for sure we will call you for collaboration !

You just reminded me of another member that wanted to join this venture

@NEXC how are you doing ? Take a look we are going to start this project right now :rocket:


And yes, it’s definitely investing project , which requires funding from Near Grants program.


I am here,I’ve been thinking about the roadmap for this project.
come on!

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Hi @shreyas ! All Done :white_check_mark:

We fill the form for Startup Grants ! Let us know please what are the next steps. :100:

Cheers :beers:


Hello @shreyas how are you ? Hope everything is going great !

Please could you give us further advice, we did fill the form for the Grants.

Again this projects is really important for mass adoption :pray:

@andresdom your team has great advance right and received an awesome feedback from NEAR University correct ?


Hello @FritzWorm, @shreyas we have been working for about 3 weeks, yesterday we present the progress in the NEAR University weekly AMA and let me tell you we receive a nice Feed Back. And we posted our progress here:






Hey @FritzWorm, I think that’s an amazing idea and much needed (not only in Latin America). I just think about the remittance market, which is projected to be valued at $682.60 billion in 2026, so this could be huge! If you need support just let me know!


Thanks my friend, yeah right now waiting for the grant approval. :pray: To continue with the development of the dapp.

Let me know if I should fill another form or give you any other information so you can be updated.

Big hug, and a beer :beers:

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Hi Fritz,
Thanks for following up. I will check with the grants team and let you. Things are just picking up after the holidays. :slight_smile:

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The Development team has been building the NEAR P@P dapp:

Some of the members of the team has been working on the DiR from Near University, here the last report:

1st Payout proposal for the NEAR P2P - $500 USD = 42 NEAR

Subject: Dedicated Server for 1 year on Digital Ocean to upload the Front and point out the Domain nearp2p.com with the SSL certificate.

@Arturoahs @andresdom @Jloc @LuisAponte99


Hello Hello! A second request to the NEAR VENEZUELA DAO, where we have the funds for NEAR P2P:

Logo Concept Ideation / Logo Design


First Logo ideations

We know branding is a priority at this stage of the project, so we are looking for several different proposals from several designers. (even when I am a designer myself, it is better to find different ideas). Budget for 10 logo proposals/concepts: $400 USD


Paypal proof of payments


Open Call for Creatives

With the concepts, we will make an open call here on the forum for creatives to create a Logo better than the ones we have. Anyone will be able to participate. Budget/Reward for 1 winner: $200

Total Budget: $600 = 46 NEAR
@Arturoahs @andresdom @Jloc @LuisAponte99


  1. Contest started: [Contest] Logo Creation for NearP2P [Closed - Agnesba is our winner]

  2. Contest paid: [Contest] Logo Creation for NearP2P [Closed - Agnesba is our winner] - #80 by FritzWorm


Go for it.

Nice project mate @FritzWorm I love it

Count with me in everything you may need

Luis Aponte :rocket: :goat:


This year I have been working on different areas for the NEAR P2P Product Growth.

  1. New Legal Status: Delaware Series LLC


Expenses: $180 USD

  1. Logo Creation Leadership

Expenses: $200 + NFT (contest) and an additional $394.36 for other 5 creatives

Conclusion: It is like an N (for NEAR) and at the same time it is the exchange symbol

  1. Pitch Deck

  2. Human Resources, building the promotion team, marketing, legal, community

  3. Seed Phase Investment initiation, with VCs + Friendly Horses NFT Project