[Approved] Funding for 2 Projects -> Crypto Beer and Palmeros de Chacao

Hello NEAReans, this is an update from the squad I am leading here in Venezuela.

Granular breakdown of the funding proposal - Projects:

We have a project that is targeting the community goals, but we lack developers or funds. We need help and guidance.

We have the Crypto Beer project, and we developed the idea for a P2P DEX. And now we see that the community had a good interest in targeting end-users. That is our goal.

Venezuela is undoubtedly a good place for NEAR to spread. The audience here is willing to try new alternatives, and NEAR will be easily adopted.

Working Hard

To prove we are working hard for the growth of the community.
We have created a base full of content, connections in the ecosystem, and an increasingly engaged team.

Our squad performed tasks

We have been working on several tasks to grow the community

Onboarding new members into the community

"Helping new members on how to use the Sputnik DAO"

We have been lea through the process

Mockup for the P2P project

Muckup here

[IDEATION] Mineria-Virtual Guild: NEARer Wallet dApp - #5 by StefanoPepe

"Course about Blockchain and NEAR on Youtube - We received $600 USD from NEAR"

As an important tool to be used on the following events, so people will go with the link to learn more about NEAR with easy videos

"Redirect former Economic topic Instagram account to be now a Near Hispano account"

Participating in several projects/Guilds

Near Week

Starting last week for

Translations and Medium Publications
→ @LuisAponte99

Meta Pool
Near Hispano, Growth Project

Tenk bay

jloc.near currently managing the marketing plan (social networks and customer acquisition) for the project, discord admin, and moderator.

TENK bay is a project from the NEAR community that provides Home of artists and collectors alike.



A project for NFT´s fans, jloc.near is working as community manager for this project to be launched very soon, also working on the creation of the webpage and promoting for the discord community

Cause of death

Another NFT project where jloc.near is working on as a CM and promoting the project. jloc.near is generating value in many NEAR projects and will be working on the Cause of death web page too.

Merchants Guild

With good predictions, creating content and translating Merchants posts.

Tasks given by Learn Near

We have been translating and helping others to translate the webpage: learnnear.club

"Guiding/Reviewing the EN->ES translations from the Learn Near Club"

Helping other members with the translations

Organazing the translations and making the calculations in a google sheet
Translations learn near club to spanish - #3 by FritzWorm

"Council members of the Spanish Learn Near DAO"

@Jloc and myself leading this Spanish Learn Near

Tasks given by the NEAR HISPANO Guild

Webpage design

I am the web developer of Nearhispano.org

"Quality Content on the Near Hispano Medium - Paid by OWS Content Creation/Translation"

Writing content about NEAR

Finding new developers for the NCD program


Create, promote, and leading webinars. This month was the first one leaded by @Jloc

Tasks given by the OWS Guild

Moderate the spanish channel on Discord

Content Translation

I have been organizing our different collaborators, directing their efforts, reviewing and accepting their translations.

Promotion: Social Media NEAR Force

I started this Twitter account for NearVenezuela, and later welcomed other collaborators that take part in this community management tasks @Nicolasp2 @yehosua.near

With four months, we have a constant growth of +100 followers per month

We have reached 400 followers in October. We post daily content in relation to retweets and posts such as memes, written content and valuable content threads. We have promoted daily interactions thus, achieving between 8 and 12 likes per post. Twitter is linked with publications from different Medium users who upload valuable content in relation to news and curiosities.

Near Venezuela Twitter

Vectors and Outreach


Tasks given by the Swineguild


The memes made by @yehosua.near are a hit, of course, he is an experienced designer with skils on video editing that knows how to make nice gif/videos. As I have been saying, we are working as a squad, so we all share ideas, and this way, the memes are top quality


NEAR Community Goals

We are on the same page about going out there to find all of those people that need this technology, and their lives will be improved when they start to use it on a daily basis.

There is a lot of interest in the ecosystem around DeFi:

And of course, there is also a big interest within the NEAR community to reach end-users:

Our core mission at NEAR is to onboard everyone to Web3- not just developers & early adopters, but end users. This is an interesting challenge as the onboarding to some of these applications might not be the most intuitive. We can, and are, innovating constantly on the product side. But it’s super important for us to focus on the people’s side.

Shreyas - Link

What We need: Funds

We are certain that a City Node in Caracas, Venezuela, will have a tremendous impact on NEAR’s growth. with a Guild monthly fund we will achieve a lot more.

  1. People is willing to try (Venezuela and other countries like Argentina need financial tools)

  2. We are a professional and experienced squad that have worked with cryptocurrencies for several years, and we are onboarding a lot of new members with different skills that are improving in areas like translation, writing and video edition.

  3. We already own a place where we can host events (see Crypto Beer Project)

In June, we found a place, and we could not finish the project due to a lack of resources. To see what the project was click here

We found a new place, where we will explore many new opportunities for NEAR, because there we will start giving blockchain courses as teachers of Tecnologia Financiera, a very recognized finance school with +200k followers. Our City Node could be located on the same floor.

Waiting for further instructions, we have been asking, and we are waiting for any reply:

Hack Node

Hello @mecsbecs We wish to have a Hack Node. We are waiting for further instructions, and we did not receive an email or message regarded to the Hack Nodes

City Nodes

Hello @chloe, as you are aware, Venezuela is a very good place to have a NEAR-Hub, so a City Node here will be very beneficial to the community

As you can see in the links of this document, we are waiting to run a marketing plan, we can first make several pubs accept NEAR tokens as payment, exposure for NEAR with Palmeros de Chacao, blockchain courses, several events.

We could start with more force our following efforts if we can get a monthly fund, we can achieve our goals with 10,000 USD per month.

Since we are going to perform tasks related to Venezuela we need a “NearVenezuela” Tag.

Also, we need the contact of the web developer of https://near.org/guilds/ so we can update the Logo.


Our following efforts - What’s Next

We show you on the “Crypto Beer” project that we can make partnership with big figures on Venezuela that will give good track and marketing to NEAR Protocol around here.

Now we have an even better idea, we have close contact with “Palmeros de Chacao” (Cultural Heritage of Humanity), and we are sure that if the NEAR Foundation helps them as a sponsor to continue to do their work saving the world by planting trees and protecting green areas, then we will have the best of the marketing impact, good exposure.

"Create a DAO on NEAR for an UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage"

Palmeros de Chacao is an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
they take care of the Avila, a sacred mountain for them (and for me too), part of their collaboration to all of us (for free) is planting palms and trees.
They lack of resources, and I am helping them to organize in order to ask for funding.

Find more developers established in Caracas

We already reach out one University: UNIVERSIDAD METROPOLITANA
And we are going for another top: Universidad Central de Venezuela, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Universidad Santa Maria, Universidad Catolica Andres Bello.

"Host events to onboard Artists for an NFT Venezuelan marketplace on NEAR"

We get the interest of a few artists that will invite others, teach them about the benefits of deploying an NFT marketplace on NEAR, and do the technical work for them.

This November We will start a Blockchain Course with Tecnologia Financiera


Upgrade/Improve our educational Material

Improve and add more videos on youtube and more online Guides about trading, blockchain, and cryptocurrencies from NEAR.

POP material

T-shirts with the NEAR and BEER logo and stickers for BEER accepted here, about we accept crypto in the local pubs we are friends of, starting with our own, and we will be waiting for the community to support the project by approving funds.


I am very grateful to @claudioac; he guided me into what was the main goals of the community and made use of my skills. He trusted me and valued my work in the Near Hispano Guild. People like him are there to make you grow and take the better from you, a great leader.

I have been working and learning with the NEAR Hispano Guild as a council, and thanks to the NCD Program in Spanish by the NEAR HISPANO Guild, we are now receiving more than 20 new devs from one University in Caracas, so we soon will have NEAR developers around.

Also, a big thank you to @Sofia_Alum and the OWS Guild, it really helped me build the team, I started inviting people to opportunities as it is part of the assigned tasks, and then I organized them to have a bigger positive impact.

I have to mention @satojandro AVB and thank him for telling me about NEAR (and OXEN). He has always been very into the crypto community, having all these tips. Thank you, friend.

Thanks to all the exceptional members of this community I had the pleasure to cross by, I have been able to build and lead a team here in Venezuela. We are right now a good squad with different skills that complement, so we are certain we can achieve our goals, as we have been doing.




LOVE seeing the NEARverse building community in Venezuela! :tada:

I think it would be better, at least initially, to post your funding requests on an ad-hoc basis. I’d recommend sticking to USD denominated funding, too.

With that in mind, I think it’d be great to see a more granular breakdown of the funding proposal.

In the future, trusted Guilds may be able to receive a monthly budget without the proposal formalities, but to get there it’s essential we build that bond together :heart:


Hello everyone! many of you already know us and helped us with our first steps into the NEAR community as you know we are working very hard to make the Venezuelan community more relevant into the NEAR ecosystem, that is why we are taking these steps to improve our efforts and start achieving big goals, I really hope you like our proposal and if there is any question please contact us on discord or telegram we would love to talk about our project! :slight_smile:

@chloe @Grace @David_NEAR @shreyas @jcpacion @mecsbecs @JMaenen


Hola, sow un Venezolano basado en USA y desarrollador de proyectos en Near. Me gustaria participar and lo relacionado con Near Venezuela…


Awesome, nice to meet you @marlonbarriossolano

Here our telegram: Telegram: Join Group Chat

Please feel free to join us!


Great! nice to meet you please contact us :beers:


Hey! Could you provide more of a breakdown for these funds? Then I’m happy to approve :100:

In the forum, right? This has now been made :ballot_box_with_check:


Hey! Could you provide more of a breakdown for these funds? Then I’m happy to approve :100:

Hey @David_NEAR ! Thanks, nice to know you are happy to approve this marketing budget :white_check_mark: :v: :beers:

So here I share all the breakdown for the funds:

1) Cultural Human Heritage: Palmeros de Chacao


You will see in the spreedsheets that tools and equipment is going further than $14,000 but the idea is not to buy everything in one month and manage monthly in the best way $5,000 dollars
Our plan is to go step by step, growing and having a greater impact on events, so we will only adquire around %30 of the tools on the first month, and we will organize and deploy 2 events this november, one is a Diagnosis and the another one is Nursery garden rehabilitation.

We create a document where we record the meeting with Richard Delgado, the head of the “Palmeros”, where we record their needs and the action plan: here (Spanish version) and here (EN version)

2) Crypto Beer

Here, it is simpler, we did explain in the post that we will run 10 events per month with around $200 USD each. The number of events may vary, but if that happens, then the funds will not be spend waiting for the following events. We also want to print t-shirts with NEAR and the QR code.

With those funds we will pay the musicians, stand-up comedy, artist. :v: :beers:

Here the events we already have schedule:


  • Saturday 13: Cheers Factory Monthly NEAR meet-up: The first reunion of many (hopefully) where we will introduce people to NEAR. We will start from the basics and teach them how they can take advantage of what NEAR has to offer.
  • Friday 19: Factoria del Enano NEAR contributors: presentation for opportunities and explanation of the OWS and DAO systems. We will teach people how they can contribute to the NEAR ecosystem and generate profits.
  • Sunday 28: Galeria Tresy3 sculpture and photograph, gallery art presentation. We will talk about NFTs related subjects like the relationship between arts and how NEAR, with Mintbase or Paras, can help local artists introduce their artwork into blockchain technology.


  • Friday 10: D´ tapas live music event and NEAR talk. We will present some live musicians to draw newcomers into our NEAR community.
  • Friday 17: Cheers Factory Monthy NEAR meet-up and recap. Let’s take a look back and talk about what we have achieved as a community in the last months of the year.
  • Friday 26: Cheers Factory’s last meet of the year. Christmas diner: A general meet-up where we will talk with our community about individual progress into the NEAR ecosystem.


aprox $200 each event (for artists) → 10 events = $5,000

aprox $30 each T-Shirt (this include everything, like design, printing, transportation, etc) → 200 T-shirts = $6,000

Again, we are going to ask for $5,000 and we will spend the funds with this marketing strategy and we will show the result the next month, we are pretty sure it will be a success and will help the community to growth.

This has now been made :ballot_box_with_check:

Thank you for the Near Venezuela tag

We are asking for $10,000 USD in orther to start with this two projects.

Let us know how to proceed, best regards.


Good with me, pinging @Community-Squad for any further comments.

Thanks for such a great breakdown :tada:


Awesome @David_NEAR, thanks for the feedback :beers:


Good morning.

Only 3 new members in October?

This YouTube channel has 18 subscribers, and now it’s abandoned (last videos were created 2 months ago).

Dear councils @Grace @David_NEAR @jlwaugh did you watch the videos? We spent $600 for them. For example:

Is it quality education videos ?

Last post was published over 14 months ago. Instagram account is abandoned.

Does it evidence of participation? Ok :blush:

What kind of content did you create? As I know you was just a one person who guessed the correct price. I’m an active member in Merchants Guild, but saw you ~ month ago there.

Overall, looks like the guild leader don’t put necessary attention on his guild. Don’t works with community. Occasionally shows activities in other Near Community guilds /groups.

Dear @Grace @David_NEAR @jlwaugh please put you attention on their next report.



@Dacha this reply from you is emotional because of this:

So you take it bad when a point it out inappropriate behavior

I will still reply to your questions:

I was yestarday on a 2 hour interview with @Samtoshi_F_Baby talking about everything we are building here, from Venezuela and with the Hispanic Guild, we are really growing community and doing a very nice job that we enjoy because we are truly helping people when we teach them about blockchain and we onboard them into NEAR. We have onboard more than 30 developers now… there will be NEAR community on Panama, Ecuador, Argentina, I will update you about that on my future posts, and we will continue.

I will edit this post and answer you later.

Again, and this is for real: I am glad you are part of this community, we need people who cares and perform the role of controller Cheers on that :v: :beers:

But, sorry, on that post you where rude with @dmitryne and is not the way we interact, so I had to point it out.


  1. What is the issue with just 3 new members on the forum ? I am not receiving funds for that

Only 3 new members in October?

  1. We are on it @Dacha you are right there, I do believe we need to do more work there, and we will. We have use this videos to onboard real new people like Arturoahs Developer leyner ArianaVictoriaMoreno Giselle059 mavimorantes Grard and many more… And we will see the fruits for doing that, those videos help us to onboard them. To make it clear: We where 6 people and using a office and it takes around 8 hours of work for everyone.

This YouTube channel has 18 subscribers, and now it’s abandoned (last videos were created 2 months ago). We spent $600 for them

  1. I think you are right, quality should be improve, @Jloc was sick that week but we still wanted to reach the day line, we do know we have to repit that last one and we are working on editing and changing some of the videos, that last one is for sure. - we will improve the videos for sure and I will update you when done - take note: @Nicolasp2 @yehosua.near @Mineriavirtual

Is it quality education videos

  1. I explain it, you have to read carefully next time you see a post of mine. This is an account where I deleted most of the information, it has real followers from all Latin America and it was about memes and economy. I change the name to NearHispano, I did that for free… I never charge it… I am doing things for free (not encourging anyone to do anything for free, as we have discuss on other posts) what I dont like is you to question good work, this one is a good tool for marketing.

Last post was published over 14 months ago. Instagram account is abandoned.

  1. @NEARWeek-Rasmus nearweek you are not reading the information or investigating before asking me this questions, is like repeating the same…

Here the medium posts:

@LuisAponte99 was onboarded with the help of the youtube videos too, he has a english certification… I have welcome so many people that I mod a channel on OWS discord.

Does it evidence of participation?

  1. I am a professional trader, you could read the info again, you could investigate, I am being all the transparent that is possible to be.

@SanketN81 giving me a tip for an advise

I am MOD now on Merchants group because on Zuccini words I am a valuable member of the community

What kind of content did you create? As I know you was just a one person who guessed the correct price. I’m an active member in Merchants Guild, but saw you ~ month ago there.

Hope you can review professionally next time and not emotionally

May the Force be NEAR you :sunglasses:

Cheers :v: :beers:


You got me definitely wrong. I meant this place is not about equal access for Near Community members. Someone has privilege and favor over other.

Would you like do $600 refund ?

Ok. Thanks for explanation. I hope it’s volunteering work for you.


You could be right ! That’s why I always cheer you up and congrat your work.

But there are better ways to question members and ask for more transparency

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No, the work was done and it has work for it’s purpose onboarding people. Not to many right now but real good people, developers lawyers artist an go on.

What I ask the team is to edit or update the videos to improve the content

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I am volunteering leading the Venezuelan Guild, I will not charge for that for example I really want to lead the projects to the best results.

I see a lot of people charging for being council and I am doing it for free and also I am reviewing, helping, leading this hard projects. It is a lot of work and I am doing it happy knowing it will help a lot of people and will growth the Near Community and ecosystem.

But again, I do not encourage to do work for free to anyone. If you do a work and you create value you should be rewarded.


How many people were onboarded after theses videos? Did you get any feedbacks in comments?


Grad to hear it. Usually, people here just chase money. Only 1-5% of real true believers on the forum.


I have use the videos with people that came to me on events, or that is referred to me by others. So we haven’t do any marketing for the YouTube channel yet. We chill the videos on our telegram group.

We have comments on how to improve the videos but even though we are full time with Near, we have not time yet for the task. But we will do it for sure.

I don’t know if that is a real percentage but I do believe that there is always people only chasing money. That’s why I always cheer you up and congrat your work here as a contrallor.

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