[REPORT] - Gambiarra DAO Funding for APRIL 2022
DAO/Council Members
*Target: Gambiarra DAO Funding for APRIL 2022
*Total Requested Funding Amount: 5.000 USD in NEAR
This month, we had some turbulence outside Gambiarra, and ended up starting a month without receiving our funds around April 15th.
Even so, we had the guts and drive to execute our projects successfully.
See below what we have accomplished in APRIL:
1 Antimétodo 3 - 500 USD
2 World Art Day Exhibition - 500 USD
3 Mintbase Sunday 5th edition - 500 USD [Concluded] Mintbase Sunday 5th edition - #9 by cleusaraven
4 Metatronic 3 - 500 USD
5 Mama Blua Responde - Q&A(question and answer) sobre o ecosistema Near, para artistes Brasileires - 500 USD [APPROVED]Mama Blua Responde - Q&A(question and answer) sobre o ecosistema Near, para artistes Brasileires - #26 by blusw
6 Curating proposal for Gambiarra art events - 500 USD [Approved] Curating proposal for Gambiarra art events - #17 by Mayramendes
7 Fernando Pessoa: Tobacco store - 500 USD Carlos
8 - Council work.
Each of our council members received the amount of 500 USD making a total of 1500 USD.
Financial Movements
This month we experimented with fixing again the dollar amount received. We pay everybody according to the fixed value in NEAR.
Missing the Marketing work
We really miss our marketing group, we realize how much we miss a group that promotes our work on social networks. Our level of access fell immensely with the lack of Marketing helping us.
This was the first month in GAMBIARRADAO.NEAR a new wallet to proceed with the Decentralized Autonomous Organizations and a new month for our council Ghini, to learn the steps by steps of being a council.
New members started to be part of GAMBIARRA DAO and new artists came up with incredible works, exchanges and proposals.
Updated Projects Timeline
This month we started later, both because of last month’s issues and new issues related to the delay in receiving the funding. So the artists had to run with their projects. One of the projects will be released this week, but we are already moving forward with the overall report.
(a) April we had the chance to have a curator that took care of all the exhibitions in GAMBIARRA space. We finally have located the land, we have the building constructed, and have held 5 exhibitions with more than 70 NFTs. (b) we have made some more courses from Antimetodo 3, with other amazing artists. (c) we have the great experience of Metatronic 3, where we had in total more than 100 people passing by the place (d) The 5th edition of Mintbase Sunday has increased our collection to 101 works of art and a total of 54 artists participating in our editions. e) Mama Blua was extremely important to the community, answering questions about how Near and Mintbase work in an irreverent and funny way. Showing that it is possible to learn with Humor. (f) We had the opportunity to celebrate World Art Day with a big exhibition with more than 40 artists exhibiting their artwork.
We learned that we need to be more connected and to exchange more about our projects, duties, and tasks. We learned, in the difficulty, that supporting the other makes more sense than pointing fingers.
We are learning to organize the DAO and the projects better, and that we should more and more create partnerships with other friendly DAOs in order to make bigger projects and bring more opportunities to the community.
Next Steps
We are really happy to announce that now we will have our own space on cryptovoxels land, until the end of the year, so that we can hold GAMBIARRA exhibitions, possible parties in the metaverse, lectures, and so on.
We realize that we have super great projects in the community, and it is essential to request more money, so that more projects can be implemented.
For May, we have 9 incredible and important proposals for the community. So we would like to request 6000 USD for this upcoming month so that each proposal could be contemplated.