[Proposal] Antimetodo 3

Proponent: Guilherme Pinkalsky

NEAR account for payment: pinkalskyy.near

Objective: Continuity to the proposal executed last month, of teaching art, theory and technique classes, though Zoom Meeting classes streamed on Youtube. Four Professors will propose remote learning experiences, in 2-hour meetings. The meetings will be mediated by Nomade Label @pinkalsky streamed on Nomade Label Youtube channel

Past edition are at:

NFTs from the divulgation material will be minted at Mintbase’s Gambiarra store


Justification (benefits):

Antimétodo is a series of online workshops with Brazilian artists from different backgrounds. Held in Portuguese, to bring the Portuguese-speaking public, which does not necessarily participate in the near ecosystem, but also presents an internal educational proposal within the community of Brazilian artists. Last month, the second edition was held, with the participation of four teachers. Building a culture is the basis of all financial, social, or spiritual development.No matter how useful art is, it serves no one, cause it is itself. But all knowledge and all sectors of human life in community depend on the ability of art to dream the impossible. Supporting the continuity of this deconstructive education project, Gambiarra DAO benefits from this support by winning to its legacy, the record of this moment of exchanges, such as NFTs, and videos on its Youtube channel, as well as enabling synchronous meetings, through meetings via ZOOM. This Zoom account year signature earned from the past proposal, makes the actual proposal possible to have four artists with the same budget.


Antimétodo - YouTube

Project Timeline: April 7 th – april 28 th 2022

On April 7 th Bluw will be the invited artist and will share how Antimétodo is going until now, on a recapitulation class, and will also share his experiences on this ecosystem

The next 3 artists will be chosen by a “bounty” here that is open for all Nomade Label, Feminu and Gambiarra Dao, the parameters include racial and gender balance, and this will be the method for the future.

for the 3 artists that will be on Antimétodo on the next weeks we ask a short bio and description of the content that they will share on the class, and after the selection we will ask for a picture and a short selfie video (1min max) in order to share on social media.


Project coordenation - 100.0 USD - tagget - pinkalskyy.near

4 Teachers - 100.0 USD - 400.0 USD (N)

Total - 500.0USD


Thankful to be part of this month Antimetodo, not as proponent this time!

let´s grown together!


great idea, to make an open call for artists to share their experiences, and also connecting Feminu and Gambiarra Dao. Nice proposal @pinkalsky :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Congratulations @pinkalsky
I already know Antimetodo from other editions and through him I can take a Processing class and learn a little bit more about this software.
Thanks for being with us, you can create your poll for approval in our Astro


Amanhã será debatido uma assunto filosófico de suma importância:

o (des)curso do método
(ou o fracosso da premissa cartesiana no contexto
da cultura decentralizada, politicas algocráticas
e desvios de percurso)

a teleologia que leva de:

descartes → Guilda → web3 → algocracia → blockchain

possivel quebrar o binarismo no antimetodo iii?

que a trindade nos ajude !

Live no:


quinta feira passada começou a terceira temporada do AntiMétodo <3
link ai pra quem quiser conferir <3


Oie, Hello, I want to make an Antimétodo. I propose a class on poetic experimentation in graphic arts: comics, “strips” and floating drawings. I will present the HQ Fallen Women. Thanks amores! <3


Que massa DAKA \o/

Pode ser essa semana? Dia 14, quinta feira, qas 20:00 ?

Muito bom ver esse curriculo se formando.

Universidade #antimetodo Já!


Isso! Quintaaaa 20hs. Bora partir pra deformação experimental #curriculum fluid D.I.Y * T:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

1 Like

Gostaria de me candidatar para o anti-método


I also want to apply for an Antimétodo lesson! “Tradeturpação: puxando Sardinha pro banquete canibal” on translating and warping poetry.


Atualizem as infopastinhas pro marketing preparar a agenda do banquete… :wink:


I want to propose a antimetodo class about generative art and NFTs


Foi TUDO! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


Acho que já temos candidates suficientes para o mês :smiley:
Será que podemos pensar nas candidaturas de continuação para maio tambem?

Talvez facilita para o planejamento das atividades da comunidade, escrever proposals com mais agilidades, etc… o que acham @pinkalsky @Ghini @filmesdeinfiltracao @Dazo

fazer esse antimetodo deterritorializar o metaverso

mama blua loves u all


I wanna propose also another class for antimetodo, the community can choose the best one, the theme for this antimetodo class is how (not)became millionaire with NFTs. I will give one NFT for 1 of the participants(random choice).


What about offering a bounty hunter class? I’m available :heart:


Arte Generativa com Zydron

Nesta aula do antimétodo Zydron vai apresentar a arte generativa de forma teórica e prática, na primeira parte será sobre o contexto da arte generativa, seu passado presente e futuro, incluindo os NFTs. Em seguida, vai ensinar de forma prática com a ferramenta P5js, duas funções muito usadas na arte generativa: o random e o noise. Na última parte Zydron vai demostrar como salvar as imagens e mintar um NFT na loja da Gambiarra no mintbase.

Em um cenário pós-apocalíptico, Zydron é uma inteligência artificial programada para fazer música, vídeos, imagens e sons. Por trás deste projeto está o produtor, compositor, multi-instrumentista e multi-artista Caleb Mascarenhas.

insta: @calebavlab
twt: @calebmascarenh1

#zydron mintbase near #nomadelabeldao #gambiarradao dao #neardao astrodao #generetiveart #genartclub antimetodo
Assista em Quintas Paralelas | Instagram | Linktree



Foi uma experiência incrível assumir a função de host dos Antimétodos, e estou ansiose para fazer o próximo mês <3

1 a͉ṇt᷆i̻m̶e̜t᷉o͠d̶o̦ Blua Discódia - o (des)curso do Método

2 A̴n̼t̳i̙M̱é̤t͐o̘d̓oͭ c̈́ômͧ A͝lͭiͧn̴e̺ D᷁aͮk᷄a͙

3 Antimétodo 3 com Gabriel Felipe Jacomel

4 AntiMétodo Arte Generativa com Zydron


Bom demais Antimetodo :heart: