[Approved -$3000] Near Korea DAO Monthly Marketing and Community Growth Budget - June

Hi, community and @rc-admins :wave:

[PROPOSAL] Near Korea DAO Monthly Marketing and Community Growth Budget

Guild Name: Near Korea DAO

About us :raised_hands:

What is Near Korea DAO? :busts_in_silhouette::kr:A community-led initiative in South Korea, our goals :point_down:

B - Building a strong community :building_construction::handshake:

O - Onboarding new users into the world of NEAR :globe_with_meridians:

S - Spreading the word of NEAR across Korea :mega:

:globe_with_meridians: Join us in shaping the future of blockchain! :black_heart:

Stay connected with us via our social media channels:

Core member Jaden: Near Social
Core member Kailey: Near Social
Core member gryptoguru: Near Social

Detailed what we have done: (Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases. )

Marketing Type: Social Media, Advertising, Blogs, Events

Funding Scheme: Monthly

Previous proposals :scroll:

Elevating the Ecosystem: Uniting, Engaging, and Building

We are excited to introduce our mission focused on fostering growth in the BOS/IamHuman/Keypom ecosystem. Our strategy is three-fold: Attracting new users, Engaging existing users, and Building powerful partnerships.

Attracting Newcomers and Fueling Engagement

Our prime focus is to usher new users into the dynamic BOS ecosystem and sustain their interest through exciting and interactive engagements. Our innovative Monthly Activity Leaderboards serve as the perfect tool for this, cultivating a spirited and active community.

Building Collaborative Bridges

Partnerships are essential for us. We’re actively seeking collaborations with projects on the Near Ecosystem, offering tutorials and our newly established leaderboard and incentive system to simplify the onboarding process for new users.

Amplifying Development and Building Products

In the realm of development, we’re eager to extend our influence. By consistently sharing content on Near.org, we’re doing our utmost to attract more users to NEAR BOS.

Upcoming Events and Expectations

We’re thrilled for the upcoming NEAR Korea DAO Community Meetup, which will be a side event during ETH Seoul Week in June 2023. Through this event, we aim to onboard around 100 new users to Keypom, bolstered by our engaging leaderboard system.

Growing Together

As we march ahead, we have set a goal to rally over 100 Near.social followers this June. Join us on this exciting journey, and let’s make the most of the opportunities that lie ahead in our growing community.

Content and Engagement Strategy:

We’re bringing our community alive through engaging content and diverse communication channels. Here’s our plan:

Content Channel Details Category Expected deliverable USDC per month
Dynamic Community Management Telegram Our mission is to foster an engaged, thriving community around the clock. We’ll fuel this through regular news updates, partnerships, and a mix of fun and educational activities. Core focus > Social Media Expect 2-3 daily news and education contents updates 1000
Robust Social Media Presence Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Naver blog, Near Social We’ll keep our community engaged with regular updates on ecosystem news, partnerships, giveaways, and challenges. To ease onboarding for newcomers, we’ll share succinct tutorials and informative infographics, ensuring a smooth and welcoming entry into our ecosystem. Core focus > Social Media 1Expect 2-3 daily news and education contents updates 1400
Onboarding & Engagement via Keypom Initiative Zealy, Keypom We are committed to onboarding new users to BOS and ensuring their continuous engagement through Keypom. Our approach incorporates Monthly Activity Leaderboards and enticing incentives. This strategy is designed to foster a thriving community, spark participation, and maintain user interest, making the Keypom experience both rewarding and enjoyable. Core focus > incentives > Leaderboards 2 sessions per month 400
Thoughtful Content Creation Medium We will author informative articles about the Near Protocol. These writings will both educate and attract newcomers, providing immense value through insightful content. Core focus > Content > Writing 2-3 articles per month 450
Influencer Marketing Campaigns Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Telegram, Naver blog, Near Social, Leveraging KOLs, In collaboration with our DAO members (KOLs), we’ll work with influential bloggers and projects to promote our community through paid advertising. Our success will be measured by the increase in our membership. Core focus > Social Media > Influencer Marketing 2-4 promotions per month 850

Total :moneybag:
4,000 USDC

Wallet :credit_card:

If you have any questions, I would be delighted to answer them
Happy day, everyone :raised_hands:


Hello! Than you for your proposal.

How many UAW and transactions are your community bring to our Ecosystem every day? What is Near Korea’s favorite app?

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Hello! Thank you for considering our proposal. Since the inception of Near Korea Dao in April 2022, we have successfully created over 1000 Near wallets. While we don’t have specific onchain data on the daily number of transactions, we can assure you that our community actively engages in transactions within the Near ecosystem.

Regarding Near Korea’s favorite app, Meta Pool has gained significant popularity. Many users continue to inquire about Meta Pool and express their interest in it.

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Please could you lower your budget, the monthly cap for regional communities is 3k per month.


:+1: Nicely done. Your three-fold strategy is truly remarkable: attracting new users, engaging existing users, and forging powerful partnerships. As we embark on this journey, I’m curious: in attracting new users, what strategies or incentives will be implemented to ensure long-term engagement and adoption?


Absolutely, we understand the necessity of enhancing our budget. The primary motivation behind this is to attract and onboard new users to BOS effectively. To achieve this, we’re dedicated to offering more incentives and to improving the quality of our content. Additionally, we’re focusing on creating a variety of tutorials on multiple platforms to ensure ease of access and learning for our new users.

Thank you for your acknowledgment of our strategic approach. In terms of attracting new users, we’ve developed an engaging strategy centered around gamification. By introducing quest-style missions, we’re encouraging users to explore and interact with BOS in a manner that’s both fun and challenging.

This is further supplemented by a competitive element through the implementation of a leaderboard on Zealy. It not only incites a healthy competition among users but also offers them an incentive to engage more actively.

As the users seek these incentives, we hope they discover the inherent value and enjoyment of using BOS. Our ultimate goal is that users do more than just use BOS - we want them to feel so at home with it that they start building on it. Essentially, we are not only creating users but also fostering a community of creators.


Awsome job, keep up the great work :+1:


NEAR Korea DAO were kind to introduce us, Rogues Studio, to their community.
We had the pleasure to have a Telegram AMA, and do multiple giveaways. They are working hard to build a great community, and they deserve the funding to do keep doing so.

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Happy to support the proposal, good social media, and active telegram with nature views.

Great job!


Hello @rc-admins

One more vote please

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I Support this proposal wirh $3000 payout.

@CoinEasy i kindly readjust budget for $3000

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Hello team @CoinEasy @AnnaS @dsacorp !
Moving to approved according to RG WG
decision. Have a great day!


Thank you very much for this recent development and your continued support. We acknowledge and appreciate the decision by the RG WG. We are optimistic that this will significantly contribute to our shared goals.

Have a great day too!

Thank you for your support! We have successfully adjusted the budget to $3000 as per your suggestion. Thank you once again!

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Hey there,

Thanks for the thumbs up on our proposal and our social media! It’s fantastic to hear you’re enjoying the nature views on our telegram. Your support means a lot to us.

Hi there,

That’s so kind of you to say! We’re really glad you had a good time during the Telegram AMA and enjoyed the giveaways. We appreciate the shout-out and your support for our hard work in building this community. Thanks a lot!

Hey there,

Thanks so much for the positivity and encouragement! We’re definitely motivated to keep up the good work. Appreciate it!

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Thank you once again for approving our proposal.

Please help to check and approve: DAO Proposal (astrodao.com)

@cryptocredit @satojandro @so608 @Dacha

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We’ve successfully completed the IronClad form!

@cryptocredit @satojandro @so608 @Dacha

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