[ANNOUNCEMENT] NEAR Globe DAO April 2024 Funding Process

Hello Everyone!

I am happy to announce that the April funding round for Globe DAO is LIVE now. Our commitment remains same in empowering local communities around the world.

Note: Use NDC Application Template format to submit your proposal.

Our KPIs

P-1 Widening Adoption of NEAR, Outreach to New Audiences (Referral systems for the ecosystem, Demonstration of NEAR to non-blockchain communities: Education of the local communities, creators, and influencers; Activation of the protocol daily usage through gamification mechanics (for example, leaderboards)) - Continuous outreach to new audiences is the source of new community members and ideas. That’s why we believe this priority is a cornerstone for the NDC. Many initiatives fall into this category, and we intentionally do not want to limit what is possible.

KPI Activities
1. Referral systems for the ecosystem New wallet/ IAH registration by reference link (for ex: using Keypom/ Shard dog…)
2. Activation of the protocol’s daily usage through gamification mechanics (for example, leaderboards). Create media channel for amplify ecosystem news in local language and increase the engagements. (views, like, comments)
User engagement, increase active members in NEAR ecosystem through on-chain metric or other platforms:Social media: Twitter, Telegram, YouTube, Tiktok. Engagement platform:Zealy campaigns, Learn to Earn, mystery boxes, Near social.
3. Demonstration of NEAR to non-blockchain communities: Founders & Start ups: Biz development, connect with local community for new users recruitment. Partnership announcement/ events such as: AMA, Learn to Earn Quiz, Games… or any engagement activities with evidence.
a. TradFi apps seeking exposure to DeFi yield
b. Traditional software companies seeking to offload security and risk to blockchain
c. AI/ML data provenance
d. Social apps with data privacy requirements and possible network effects
4. Education of the local communities, creators, influencers: For Developers: courses & training (online & offline). Number of Devs, training courses, BOS workshop, courses. Useful dApps, able to build on top of it
a. Local offline and online workshops or lectures in regional languages Online/ offline events (Devs event, Defi & NFT event)
b. Catchy swag Create and deliver an eye-catching swag with high use rate to increase NEAR brand awareness
c. Referral programs
d. Time-bound events: NEARtober fest, NEAR advent calendar.

For more details, Please refer to our CHARTER.

Timeline for April 2024

  • 1 March - 7 March: Applicants are required to submit their proposals on the NEAR Forum within the Globe DAO category.

  • 8 March - 12 March: Globe DAO’s councils thoroughly review proposals, provide feedback and make decisions on proposal (support or reject).

  • 12 March - 13 March: Councils submit funding requests to the HoM. KYC/KYB processes for approved applicants begin.

  • 13 March - 20 March: HoM members review the funding request, voting & providing feedbacks. The HoM’s PoC provides necessary feedback to Grassroots DAOs.

  • 20 March - 23 March: CoA reviews and votes on-chain.

Your encouragement is important in shaping the future of Globe DAO. Don’t hesitate to connect with us through our social media channels:

Twitter: NearGlobeDAO
Telegram: Near Globe DAO (Group)
Personal Telegram Handle: Aman
Email: nearglobedao@gmail.com