[REPORT] NEAR Globe DAO MARCH 2024 Report

Hello Everyone,

I am happy to present the March report, highlighting the achievements, challenges, and initiatives undertaken by regional guilds.

DAO/Project Overview

DAO Name: NEAR Globe DAO Reporting
Reporting Period: 12 March - 12 April
DAO’s Category: Regional Development & Marketing
Project’s Category: Community Led

Funding and Financials

Funding Received: We received $54225 in NEAR on 14 March 2024 through NDC Trust.

Budget Utilization: Here is how budget allocated for each guild on each KPI:

KPIs % of Allocated Budget
Referral systems for the ecosystem + IAH : 15%
Activation of dApps through gamification mechanics + Transactions 10%
Social Media Growth (Twitter, Telegram & others 20%
YouTube/TikTok/Instagram Tutorial or any educational event 5%
Demonstration of NEAR to non-blockchain communities: 20%
Online/ Offline Events (AMAs, offline events & Merch giveaways 15%
Dev Activities & Training (BOS workshop, training courses 15%

Check all our expenses and funding report: GLOBE DAO FINANCIAL REPORT


Project Objectives & KPIs: Widening Adoption of NEAR:
P-1.1: Outreach to New Audiences CoA priority

Continuous outreach to new audiences is the source of new community members and ideas. That’s why we believe this priority is a cornerstone for the NDC. There are many initiatives that fall into this category and we intentionally do not want to limit what is possible. However, here are some ideas that can be explored:

  1. Referral systems for the ecosystem.

  2. Activation of the protocol’s daily usage through gamification mechanics (for example, leaderboards).

  3. Demonstration of NEAR to non-blockchain communities:

    • TradFi apps seeking exposure to DeFi yield;
    • Traditional software companies seeking to offload security and risk to blockchain;*
    • AI/ML data provenance;*
    • Social apps with data privacy requirements and possible network effects.
    • Universities engaging with developers and IT tech students)
  • Completed Milestones in March:
KPIs Achieved Numbers
Newly onboarded wallets 868
Transactions from these new wallets 25K+
Online/offline activities (AMA, Community Calls, offline events & more) 36
Developers Workshop (BOS workshop, Trainining courses Useful dApps) 17
Partnership with non-blockchain communities (TradFi apps, software companies, AI/ML data provenance & other web2 companies) 16
Videos Created (YouTube, Instagram & TikTok) 35
  • Social Media:
    Platform March Achievement
    Twitter 29.9K
    Telegram 25574
    Twitter Impressions 398.7K
    Telegram Active Members 2230

  • Challenges: Despite the strides made, our communities encountered various challenges in March. As I have mentioned in last month’s report that most of our communities’ Twitter accounts were suspended by Twitter, this month we have faced the consequences as we got less impressions on new Twitter accounts that were created by communities as a replacement of suspended accounts (it takes time to grow Twitter & getting impressions on new accounts is tough as compared to already grown accounts). But the good thing is, NF is working with the legal process. I hope it will be fixed soon.

Detailed KPIs & Impact on Ecosystem

  • Wallet Creation and IAH Verification: A total of 868 wallets were onboarded in March, contributing to the expansion of our user base and ecosystem. Additionally, we have started IAH verification in communities. We don’t have exact numbers of verified users in March. But it was a pretty decent start. Our local communities had a significant participation in the VB polls, with around 65-75% of voters coming from Near regional communities. We made sure to be fair and never asked people to vote for rewards. Our main goal was to let communities share their thoughts without pushing anyone to vote for something in return.

  • Online/Offline Events: In March, regional communities organized a total of 36 online/offline events, enhancing visibility, education, and spreading NEAR around the world. These events served as platforms for knowledge exchange, skill development, and community building.

  • Partnerships with non-blockchain communities: Regional communities managed to initiate 16 strategic partnerships with non-blockchain communities, expanding our reach and impact beyond the blockchain space. These partnerships include partnership with TradFi apps, Traditional software companies, Social apps, AI/ML data provenance initiatives, and universities engaging with developers and IT tech students. Sharing some highlights from these partnerships:
  1. NEAR German partnership with OneFinance - all-in-one app for your finances with AI integration and a smart bonus program.

    • OneFinance is considering launching their new token on Near Protocol.

  1. Near Vietnam partnership with Ho Chi Minh City Computer Association (HCA)


  • HCA will be the news partner for NEAR VIETNAM DAO and
    connect NEAR VIETNAM DAO to Web2, Web3 businesses & universities
    and technology colleges.
  • NEAR VIETNAM DAO accompanies HCA events, and supports NEAR’s technology, promotes project incubation funding, and contributes to popularizing blockchain, Web3, and the image of NEAR PROTOCOL in Vietnam.

In the future, in July 2024, NEAR Vietnam DAO will join the IT Expo Vietnam 2024 to reach the Web2 business in the Tech Industrial Park to present them the Web3 opportunities.

From left to right side: Mr. Gem (CM & Collab Manager) of Near Vietnam DAO, Mr. Tuấn (General Secretary of HCA), Mr. Tú (Founder & Business Strategist)

  • Transactions Through Gamification and Other dApps: To get more people to use dApps, we organized fun activities in Zealy and other platforms. These activities encouraged users to try out different dApps on the NEAR platform and dApps facilitated over 25K transactions within our ecosystem. This not only helps more people start using NEAR but also shows how making things fun can get more people involved in the NEAR community.
  • How did we calculated this?

    • We asked all the community leaders to collect newly onboarded wallets from their community and to attach their pikespeak link in a sheet and write the number of transactions of each wallet. However, as we all know currently we don’t have any tracking dashboard. We councils personally checked a few random wallets from the list of each guild if the numbers are really true. Although, stats were correct but still we think it’s approx. numbers not the exact numbers. We believe there might be a 5-10% difference in these stats (can be lower or higher). Hopefully, we will have a dashboard soon for tracking so that we can track exact growth.

      You can check the wallet list HERE: WALLET LIST

Developer Training Sessions: A total of 17 developer training sessions were conducted, equipping the communities with the knowledge and skills necessary to build and innovate within the Near Protocol ecosystem. These sessions were meant to help new developers in the community to learn the necessary skills and information to build in the NEAR ecosystem. We want to encourage innovation and make our community stronger.

  1. Near Turkey’s Offline Workshop With OzUBlockchain DevconIstanbul university:

  1. NEAR Indonesia Dev Workshop:

Basic Smart Contract: https://youtu.be/G074YZPqBKg
Create Smart Contract: https://youtu.be/YnXg6SrDq6k

  • Social Media growth: As I mentioned we had several Twitter suspensions in February, this affected our Twitter growth in March. Apart from this, we did great in overall stats. Our stats reflect the rising interest and awareness to empower communities worldwide.

    Our active presence on these platforms got greater visibility through guilds’ initiatives and events.

  • Combined followers on Twitter: 29.9K
    Impressions: 398.7K+

  • Combined members on Telegram: 25.5K
    Active Members: 2230

Highlights with detailed stats



  • For community leaders, we would like to remind 5 key points as follows:
  1. Partnership with non-blockchain communities must belong to 5 categories (Trafi; Traditional software companies; AI/ML; Social apps & universities engaging with developers and IT tech students).

  2. Wallet txns must follow the template here Template_Wallet report with data extract from pikespeak.ai

  3. All dev activities must have evidence by video formats.

  4. All events must have evidence in pictures or screenshots.

  5. Prioritize tables and diagrams in the proposal, report for easier tracking and comment. Please follow the report Template.

  6. Stick with the number of activities according to their tier, for example: Tier B must have 9 Swags delivery, Non-blockchain partnership events (2 events) , Devs training (2 videos).

  7. Only transactions from newly onboarded in the month will be counted, and new wallets must have at least 3 transactions.

Additional Contributions by Team:

Dery: Our ‘Detective Dery’ works on all reports tracking and making sure communities do not miss any KPI.

Cizi: Closely working with all guilds collecting their challenges and providing them feedback & solutions.

Hai: Setting all agendas, providing tasks to leads and members, helping in creating strategies. Proper management guy for us.

Ihor: Just started financing all our expenses & taking notes on complete budget and distribution, creating graphics for announcements & other reporting work.

Aman: Managing all the additional tasks, responsible for the Report, Proposals & Announcements on Forum on behalf of Globe DAO.

All thanks to our incredible communities, working day and night to spread NEAR across the globe. It’s their dedication and passion that fuels our progress and drives the expansion of the NEAR ecosystem worldwide.

Looking ahead, the journey of Globe DAO is filled with exciting possibilities.In the coming months, we have plans to further expand our reach, impact, and amplify the ecosystem. Whether it’s through educational initiatives, dev training sessions or strategic partnerships, our goal remains the same.

Your encouragement is important in shaping the future of Globe DAO. Don’t hesitate to connect with us through our social media channels:

Twitter: NearGlobeDAO
Telegram: Near Globe DAO (Group)
Personal Telegram Handle: Aman
Email: nearglobedao@gmail.com


Thanks @GLOBE_DAO_Councils and regional community leaders for great work done, have a great day ahead!


Very detailed report.
Excellent work.


Thank you for the detailed report! Looking forward to April!


This initiative gave Near ES the chance to participate as community builders. :muscle:

happy to be part of it :slightly_smiling_face: