Hello Everyone,
I am happy to share with you the highlights of my work report covering the period of February - March.
Meeting Attendance : Attended a total of 6 meetings with a 100% attendance rate, including team meetings and sessions with the House of Merit. Meeting durations ranged between 1-2 hours.
- Apart form team meetings, had 10 sync with each guild team (except Turkey & Turkey) explaining them all the necessary steps that needs to be taken. Received their feedbacks/challenges and provided them solutions.
Assigning all the additional tasks to the team + to the community leads. Daily active discussions with Globe DAO Councils for all strategies & planning.
- Keeping track of all the DAO expenses and managing them into sheets.
Compiled and prepared a comprehensive combined report for February from all 12 guilds, sharing our collective progress and areas for improvement.
Created a detailed sheet to show the highlights of all 12 guilds for the month of February, facilitating transparency and insight into each guild’s achievements and challenges. Sheet link attached in our monthly report.
Reviewed proposals for April, providing constructive feedback to ensure their alignment with our values and KPIs.
- Total Proposals: 16
- Approved Proposals: 14
- Approved proposals on AstroDAO
Reviewd reports of March, providing feedbacks + calculating all their budget according to the KPIs achieved by them.
- Total Reports: 12
Managed communications and engagements with the communities, conducting two meetings with each to address concerns, gather feedback.
As part of my responsibilities, I prepared [PROPOSAL TO HoM] Globe DAO Funding Request to House of Merit for March
Took note of all Twitter-suspended communities and drafted an email to the NF Legal Team regarding the issue.
ANNOUNCEMENT Post on Forum about April’s Funding Round to keep the community informed.
Thank you for your attention, and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or require further information. Your encouragement is crucial as we continue to shape the future of Globe DAO.
Reach out to us via our socials:
Twitter: NearGlobeDAO
Telegram: Near Globe DAO (Group)
Personal Telegram Handle: Aman
Email: nearglobedao@gmail.com