Monthly Report - African DAO Council Member - March - April 2023
I am Muhammad Auwal, Member NEAR Africa DAO Council. My role is Governance and Strategy which has the following responsibilities:
- Build, Manage and oversee the Governance Framework
• Develop and oversee strategies that aid in Regional Communities Growth
• Overseas, manages and develops partnerships in and out of the dao and Larger Near Ecosystem
• Develop and manage Community Outreach programs and governance that aid partnerships, collaborations and onboarding new members into the ecosystem
• Manage DAO Charter and Framework
This report highlights my activities for the month of March
- Worked with community leaders towards the aligning their KPIs and Focus with that of NDC
- Scheduled virtual calls with grantees to assess community progress, challenges and as well their target and focus
- Participated In african communities X (formerly Twitter) spaces to help provide guidelines and support
- Updated DAO charter document.
Plans for the upcoming month (April - May)
- Continuous support to bothe old and newly onboarded communities for continuous growth and development
- Provide tools and resources to promote transparency as regards community activities.
Thank you.