- Store Demonstra - August 2022
Store Demonstra has the objective of publicizing and promoting works by artists with and without disabilities who are committed to the purposes of Demonstra. This month the curatorship and selection of works will be in charge of Yuli Anastassakis in which she selected three artists to develop a work that relates to the purposes of Demonstra and that will be available on the MintBase NFTs platform.
Selected artists:
Bruno Novaes
Fabio Passos
Rosilene fontes
Each of the artists will create a work in NFT related to the purpose of the Demonstra project. The artists were selected for their multiple body diversities and with artistic projects relevant to the poetic resignification of disability in the contemporary visual arts.
- Demonstra NFTs: 225 USD ( 3 x 75 USD) Artists: Bruno Novaes, Fábio Passos, Rosilene Fontes
- Curatorship and direction: 200 USD - full time Yuli Anastassakis | 75 USD - part time Daniel Moraes
Sub-total: 500 USD