Project Name: Demonstra DAO
Project Status: [in progress]
Project members:
@dani danimore.near
@RebeccaJ rejoh.near
@JulianaM jmm.near
@yuli07 yuli07.near
Target Address: demonstra.sputnik-dao.near
Project Accounting: current account balance: 519.35 NEAR
Funding Period: August 2022
Council Matters:
- Council = 900 USD (part.time 3 x 200 USD) (full time x 300 USD)
@yuli07 was added to council matters with the intention of helping more effectively in the production of projects developed by DemonstraDAO (follow-up of the edition of the Demonstra Dialogues, communication between the DAO and the people who develop workshops, communication between the DAO and the “Bolsa de Criação Demonstra”, organization and scheduling of workshops and recordings), in addition to cooperating in voting on Astro proposals and DAO administrative matters.
1. Bolsa de Criação Demonstra - August (BCD)
Curatorial Monitoring Stage and Media Communication Strategies
After we have selected and approved the artist João Racy who will be awarded the “Bolsa de Criação Demonstra (BCD)” , we will start the work relevant to the follow-up of the artist’s project together with the curator responsible for directing the work. Meetings will be held to evaluate, guide and support the artist’s work.
- Production: 300 USD
- BCD Communication & Promotion - 250.00 USD / Paid boost from: 100 USD
- Communication design of BCD - 250 USD
Sub-total: 900 USD
2. Diálogos Demonstra (Webinars) - August
Diálogo Demonstra 06: Representation, visibility and professionals who stutter
- Host: 250 USD
- Fee for guest speakers: 300 USD (2 guests x 150 USD each)
- Sign language translators and audio description for the 2 webinars: 250 USD
- Direction and Production: 300 USD
- Video edition: 300 USD
- Recording: 150 USD
Diálogo Demonstra 07: Accessibility for people who stutter
- Speaker: Gustavo S. Fernandes 150USD
- Direction and Production: 300 USD
- Video edition: 300 USD
- Recording: 150 USD
Sub-total: 2.450 USD
- Demonstra NFTs: 225 USD ( 3 x 75 USD) Artists: Bruno Novaes, Fábio Passos, Rosilene Fontes
- Curatorship and direction: 200 USD - full time Yuli Anastassakis | 75 USD - part time Daniel Moraes
Sub-total: 500 USD
- fund to support a new edition of the NFT Fair = 250 USD
Sub-total = 250 USD
Metric for success
Thanks to this proposal we’ll:
- Create 9 new wallets
- Onboarding 5 new persons for our community
- We expect to increase our reach on our social networks, reaching new people and spreading the word about our projects
- We expect got 500 views or more in our videos
- Collab with 5 DAOs cudo-dao incubadorapt-dao garden-collective 55sp muti-dao
- Next month we will create 3 new Nfts with guest artists and we intend to make this number grow expressively every month
- We sell more than 7 NFT’s during the NFT Fair.
Total: 5.000 USD
Thanks you!!!
All are welcome to join us to talk and see our projects.
Website | NEAR Forum | Instagram | Facebook | Mintbase | 3XR
Last Months Reports: