[PROPOSAL] Demonstra Gallery / April 2022

Curated and coordinated by Julia Morelli, Demonstra Gallery will invite the visual artists:

Ana Matheus Abbade https://www.instagram.com/anamatheusabbade/

Julia Ayerbe https://www.instagram.com/juliaayerbe/

Thalita Hamaoui https://www.instagram.com/thalitahamaoui/

Each of the artists will create a work in NFT related to the purpose of the Demonstra project. The artists were selected for their multiple body diversities and with artistic projects relevant to the poetic resignification of disability in the contemporary visual arts.

In March 2022 we had the participation of four graphic artists who published their arts on NFT.


  • Demonstra NFTs: 450 USD ( 3 x 150 USD) Artists: Ana Matheus Abbade, Julia Ayerbe and Thalita Hamaoui.
  • Curatorship and direction: 450 USD (full time x 300 USD) Julia Morelli (part time x 150 USD) Daniel Moraes


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