The activities of Argentina’s Hub of MotionDAO began in the month of May, when I, Aníbal Zorrilla, began to be part of the weekly meetings of the DAO in which we share our projects and organize our activities.
The project consists in the creation of a space aimed at facilitating performing works that include the art of movement and use interactive digital technology for real -time image and sound processing, through training, artistic and communicational actions. It has as a history 11 continuous years of workshops, residences, samples and participation in works of the InTAD Group,,, formed by teachers from the National University of the Arts of the Arts and directed by me. It consists of the creation of a collaborative economy network through the adoption of the Blockchain Near as a means of exchange for goods and services and belonging to MotionDao, which after a sufficient initial investment generates a number of economically sustainable events in the market of traditional art and in the new scope of cryptoeconomy.
In the month of June the first activity of Argentina Hub was carried out, the virtual workshop “Creative programming for dance on the web.3”. The workshop consisted of addressing the creative programming for dance through the Isadora visionary programming language and its projection on the new website. He was aimed at dancers, choreographers, directors, stages and any artist or student related to dance, but also open to performing arts, visual artists and musicians, among others, in order to form an interdisciplinary group.
In July we launched the “VI residence in interactive technology for the scene”, which resulted in the exhibition “Overflows, Bodies, Interactions to the South.” It is the sixth edition of a super intensive event of scenic creation with interactive digital technology, this time accompanied by the web dimension.3 that the INTAD is traveling.
Towards the end of the month we made another workshop, “Creative programming, NFT and web.3”, in order to perform virtual performances and token as NFTS the record of these.
In August we participated in the presentation of MotionDAO in Documenta 15 with a remote performance. Then, during the last fortnight, we held several meetings with participants from the workshops, members of InTAD and we incorporated RedPanal, an artistic group of sound artists and experimental musicians, which also has a long history and that I has been integrating for more than five years.
Upcoming events.
In September I will make a workshop in the city of Mar del Plata and participate in a congress in the city of Córdoba. On both occasions I will organize in parallel an activity related to Motionndao and the Near protocol.
Towards the end of the month we will organize from Redpanal and Intad a joint activity that consists of a two -day hackaton of audiovisual material and its token as NFTS.
Group of artists.
All these activities and those that we do until the end of the year are intended to form a group of artists familiar with blockchain technology, the Near protocol, the operation of decentralized organizations and the web.3 In general.
Creation of DAOs.
The project continues with the creation of two DAOs, InTADAO and RedPanalDAO, both related to the MotionDAO project. These organizations will allow us the management of a sustainable collaborative economy system that is an effective tool for the monetization of the goods and services that both groups produce and that are difficult to value.
Collaborative economy.
The collaborative economy environment that we are designing consists in the creation of a system for the exchange of goods and services that in a first stage function between members of the two communities, separately for each one but with exchanges between them. This system consists of a set of coordinated activities, based on the use of web tools.3, cryptocurrencies and NFTS:
organization of collaborative events,
the realization of common artistic projects,
artistic training workshops,
dissemination and communication actions,
software development for artistic production and collective creation profits,
software development for the operation of DAOs as DAPPS for the management and governance of the community,
programming training workshops,
creation of a market and services market to offer inside and outside the community.
These activities, which represent an intensification of the activities that RedPanal and InTAD have already carried out for more than ten years, will grant incentives to the organizers and the attendees, so that these funds are reinvested in other activities of the same organization.
After a while, these activities will result in the expansion of the number and artistic disciplines of its members and also of artistic products that are viable in the art market so that the economic community begins to generate resources that make it sustainable. The expected result is that the impact on the communities in which the DAOs act and their members will be extended and tend to achieve the following objectives:
facilitate access to cultural goods by the community,
enable artists to devote time and resources to their work as a result of an improvement in their remuneration,
form interested and participatory audiences,
perform educational and training actions for art students and for the general public,
perform educational and training actions in software development,
maintain a program for the dissemination and communication of related artistic content and community actions.
The actions of Argentina would have so far been the beginning of a continuous activity that will work at a later time. There is no certainty of how events will develop, but with the accumulation of experience that is added to what we already have; with the coordinated and organized incorporation of new members, whether individuals or organizations; With sufficient investment in time and economic resources and with the constant work of the organizers, a result is expected that when it appears it will be so evident that quantitative criteria will not be needed to evaluate it.