Hey there! I am writing this post to share with you this week´s Discord metric analysis!
Discord Metrics Analysis
To start with this report, i´d like to mention that i have already decided with other NEAR moderators which bot we are going to use in our Discord server, we decided to use “MEE6” bot, i am learning to use it, and it will contribute in our server´s growth! I´d love if you have any advice on how to configure the bot or anything you consider useful!
Let´s get started with metrics:
This week was a really decent one, due to NEAR´s anniversary, the community was really active and engaged, they asked a large quantity of questions and there was a constant flow of information within the members! However we had one main problem that ruin our metrics: BOTS. On august 11th we had a massive amount of bots joining that i am still banning them, so this bots ruined our metrics, so they are not 100% accurate, but they still useful!
We had an average of 40 new members per day, which is an interesting number, mainly because almost 30% of each new member became a communicator, it means that people are getting more and more interested in NEAR and that is what i aim to as a moderator!
As i mentioned Augus the 11th almost 400 people joined the server, and 90% of them were bots, so this chart is not 100% accurate.
But i do not want to leave aside the fact of members who left the server, it was incredibly low this week! With an average of only 12 leavers per day, much better when you compare it with the last week, so i am happy about this!
Then, the number of new members who participated in the server was exponnentially growing compared to the past week, but suddenly it decreased, as the chart shows.
And the amount of communicators remained in the decent average of arround 20%, which is a good sign that the community has a strong basis of new members who participate in our server.
And as i previously mentioned, the ammount of messages and data flow in the server this week was incredible! With almost an average of 5 messages per member in some days! I feel discord is getting stronger!
So here i can conclude this week´s report, and i want you to give me any kind of feedback about discord. And also any advice or idea to make the community more engaged to NEAR, i thought about making votations, questionnaires and those things that keep members “busy”, let me know waht you think please!
Have a nice day,