Community Squad DAO Council: An Introduction

Howdy all :cowboy_hat_face:

You might have heard a lot about the Community Squad DAO and the Community Council which are involved in the funding process for all your awesome ideas :muscle: But as we all know, there are people behind the profiles.

Check out our intros below :point_down:

Oh, and don’t forget you can drop any of us a message any time!

Current Community Council


NEAR Wallet: chloethedev.near

Forum Username: @chloe

Adoption Specialist within the NEAR community; just here to iterate over efficient methods of spreading love and positivity to those that require additional support to realize their goals


NEAR Wallet: thegrace.near

Forum Username: @Grace From NEAR

Marketing-Community Lead. Social impact activist, Community-Driven Development. Founder, Investor, and Advisor for Web 3 Technologies.


NEAR Wallet: infinity.near

Forum Username: @jlwaugh

I’m a multidimensional human who enjoys creating opportunities for builders via collaborative coordination. Here to connect and support open web contributors!


NEAR Wallet: shreyas.near

Forum Username: @shreyas

Guilds Lead at NEAR. Community builder with a strong focus on open source tech. Built and executed community strategies within tech & open source communities for almost a decade. Come talk to me about open source, coffee & sneakers.


NEAR Wallet: nearlove.near

Forum Username: @3UN1C3

I’m a people person in the NEAR team. Here to support the community and connect passion in the NEAR ecosystem.


NEAR Wallet: jcpacion.near

Forum Username: @jcatnear

I’ve been sucked in the crypto & blockchain rabbit hole for over 4 years. Talk to me about communications, social media, marketing, events, creative projects, and your favorite anime!


NEAR Wallet: rebecca.near

Forum Username: @mecsbecs

Information-sharing and organization nut (a.k.a. Community OS Specialist) @ NEAR. Coming from an arts/festival/event/business management web2 world to build web3 communities and sustainable business models.


NEAR Wallet: rossgates.near

Forum Username: @ross

I’m a 2X founder from Connecticut with a passion for growth marketing and rock climbing. Here to help NEAR powered dApps find users.


NEAR Wallet: joep.near

Forum Username: @jmaenen

Social media lead at near, co-founder of the first Dutch crypto news website, loves football and music


NEAR Wallet: davidmo.near

Forum Username: @David_NEAR

Decentralisation maxi, crypto addict, and community builder. Feel free to shill me all your bags and, let’s face it, I’ll probably FOMO in.

This page will be updated on the regular as the Community Council changes.