[ APPROVED ] Graff on the wall

GRAFF ON THE WALL ( Edited low budget materials )

Hi Graffbase community

I’m Dedeukwu and as a versatile artist, I would like to present my idea to help grow the Graffbase community with my painter friend @Gbenga03 and @Azavitch ith my experience in the NEAR web3 ecosystem I’m hoping to serve for a few while as a council member while I initiate what I call “GRAFF ON THE WALL” which is planned to be a day irl event here in Lagos state with maximum of 10 graffiti artists will paint, discuss NEAR & Mintbase various potentials,understand their various $NEAR wallets potentials and need to protect it, explore ideas and mint their various illustrations in a small wooden wall that’ll be constructed one time to be used for next edition of the event or for any Graffbase community activities.

We will publicize this gathering online and irl using banner and E-flyer and also identify with every artist willing to join us in this experiment.

This event will be covered and photographed by @roxy for Graffbase YouTube documentation and pictures minted in our store.

The wooden wall will be under the custody of DedeukwuShryne as a property of Graffbase community after this event.

Advert materials prepared and promoted from 17th April.

Wall construction by Carpenter on 20th April.

Event will hold on 27th April


  • To onboard 10 graffiti artists…
  • Educate them about the NEAR web3 ecosystem….
  • Create a $NEAR wallet for them upon activation of 0.2 N each….
  • Mint each individual illustration in the Graffbase Mintbase store……
  • Mint the event video and photographed images during this painting activity.


*Spray paint cans: $6 per one x10 pcs= $60
*Acrylic paint bucket $32 x 5 colors = $160
*White paint (emulsion) = $20
*Roller 3= $10

*Brushes: set of 4 artists $15 x 3= $45
*Filler = $15
*Quarter of an inch plywood $17 x 10 artists = $170
*2/2 plank( per panel ) = $120
*Nails: $15
*Transportation: $40
*Workmanship: $120
*Team bounty: $50 X3 =$150
*Location : $150
*Advert materials= $55
*Snacks and drink refreshment= $50
*Photography and video coverage = $200

Total $1400

After which the photographed illustration will be minted on 70% to the artist and 30% to the DAO store.

Total target = $1400
Targeted wallet = dedeukwu.near

@Pinkmole13 @ted.iv @Ligaya @Albhion


Hello @Dedeukwu, the Creatives DAO at the moment only supports DAO’s and GUILDS through monthly funding. In this case, I think that you need propose your project for some DAO that has budget to support you.
We have a meeting every Monday with the creative community where you can promote your project and try these partnerships. Join the group on telegram.


Yeah I’m pretty much aware of this fam, I tend to use the GRAFFBASE DAO for this project but didn’t see the tag in the categorized section pls help me with directions.



It’s ok man. I’ll tag here the council members of Graffiti DAO. @mwhyden and @ted.iv can you help here?


Hi heverton​:smiling_face:,
We will still Write Our April Funding Proposal and Report One of this Days, just finalizing the Other Infos and we discuss few days ago​:smiling_face::smiling_face:

This Post is Under in Graff Base Dao :smiling_face:


For sure hahah I understood my confusion now haha.

Sorry @Dedeukwu. So perfect. I’ll wait the proposal to validate it better. =)

Thanks for clarify @Ligaya <3


Thank u @hevertonharieno hehe, we will Write the Report/ Proposal soon, thanks for guiding also :pray::innocent:

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*We are procuring a total of 140 cans of graffiti spray pain cans. To be sub divided 7 different colour group.

  • Acrylics, we looking to get a 1 liter buckets of 7 colours. Not the ones in tubes.
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@ted.iv any questions on this side fam?

Hey @Gbenga03 ok, in the proposal above it says 20 cans at 18$ per can, which to me sounds like a lot from experience. For example, here in Lisbon I can get high quality montana spray cans for about 3 to 5 euro per can… Could you maybe link the shop where you would be purchasing the paint?

The acrylics will be used as a base layer or for the actual mural then?

Thanks :slight_smile:

also, just to note, I’m no longer council of graffiti dao, just assisting the first month of changeover and also fulfilling my role as a Creatives moderator. As @Ligaya linked above, the list of new council is posted there. Thanks!


@Dedeukwu another quick note on the proposal. Only the USD value is required, the NEAR foundation uses the NEAR value once the request has been passed and KYC received.

Some details on the location of where the event will be held would be great also.


Okay nice one, I’ll just remove the $NEAR value then.

This project is to take place at The C1 Studio DedeukwuShryne / Bruth Lounge situated at 10b Bashiru Olusesi avenue, Lekki-Epe Expressway Lagos state in the center of the city where they’ll be enough space for this 10 graffiti artists to explore.

We can be able to do 5 artists per day or 10 once to cut costs and make way for other proposals if that’s fine.

Thanks for the observation, the quote didn’t break it to details that was why I had to do the explanation earlier. We using emulsion pain as the base layer while acrylics is for the murals.

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Hello NEAR community,happy Ishtar to those celebrating :partying_face:
Heads up on the event as proposed.
-We @Gbenga03 Azavitch and myself have scheduled this “GRAFF ON THE WALL” event to happen on Wednesday 20th April.
-We have constructed the (10) wooden wall with first coach of white painting.
-We have bought the Spray Cans and Acrylic oils proposed for this event.
-We have achieved the banner and E-flyer of this event.
-We have a TELEGRAM group for this irl event and anyone interested in this experiment can join us let’s build together.

-We have been on promotion lately and have received 11 entries from various graffiti artists in Lagos state.

Tagging @ted.iv @Ligaya @pinkalsky