[REPORT](Grafitti Dao April Report)

Hello Again Near And Creatives.

Its Our second Month since we Elected as New Council Of Graffiti Dao and we are Happy To share with You Our Journey for our First Month Activity in Graff Base.

Guild name: Graff Base
Astro DAO Address: Grafitti Dao Astro Dao

Councils: @Ligaya @Dedeukwu @Albhion

As a Start Of this Report let me Share with You Our Funds Left for this Month.
Council rewards is Still in our Dao and The funds From Last Month For the Bayor Project.

We still have 2 unpaid Artist for their Entries In Throw Your Tag cost of $30 for a reason they are still not requesting their payout in Our Dao.

We conduct 1 Event and 1 bounty last Month of April .

This Time we are planning and Agree to showcase real grafitti arts instead of making arts using softwares and digital arts. Our mission is to See and Showcase the talents in Grafitti of the People here in Near.

Throw Your Tag

And Our Event Lead By @Dedeukwu was amazing. The initiative to have a Grafitti event in their country is a good start for our Mission.

Graff On the Wall Proposal
Graff on the Wall Report



We are trying our Best To Onboard more graffiti artist to near,
Thats why we will continue the Graff on the Wall Event every month to meet and see live graff on the walls.
By next month Graff on the wall will be held in Philippines.

From the time we added as a Council in graff Base telegram we meet amazing artist and now they are with us in Our telegram channel, from 42 members before we are in our 78th now. And looking forward to onboard more artist in the process.

We also have our discord channel, Twitter Account, other Social Media account.

We also Have a Community call last month discussing about BAYOR the Collaboration Of Beat Dao and Grafitti Dao, its still on the process as of now and working with it too. :smiling_face:
Bayor Project with Beat Dao and Grafitti Dao

And Few days ago we hop into a Twitter space With Naksh Marketplace and discussing about our future Collab with them.
@Albhion will be attending the first event in Bangalore on May 14 & 15 with a massive NFT art exhibition, well-curated talks there will be a discussions also about educational workshops for public audiences, artists and developers.

Thank You Creatives, looking Forward For another Succesful projects and Event the Month of May ,

Here is Our Social Media Accounts.

Telegram: Telegram: Contact @GraffBase
Discord: SuperSol
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/graffbase/
Facebook: Redirecting...
Twitter: x.com


Nice activities… ligaya

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Thanks sterryo :relaxed::relaxed::heart: working on it one step at a time

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