[Approved] Arroz Estúdios: Studio Space for Artists from Low-Income Backgrounds

Project Proposal: Planting A.I.R

Studio Space & NFT Onboarding for Artists from Low-Income Backgrounds

As a part of our continued objective to support the creative community in Lisbon, we (Arroz Estudios) are launching a project to give free physical studio space to digital artists from low-income backgrounds. This proposal is an application for funding support to onboard the artists into the world of NFT’s and the NEAR network.

This project will build on our progress into the crypto art sphere after we recently co-founded chain based collective Art Progression Now (with Mintbase, Keyko and others) and hosted the Rare Effect Vol1 exhibition. The outcome of the project being that each artist will create a series of NFT’s on the NEAR network and the Mintbase platform. These will be eligible for selection in upcoming Art Progression Now exhibitions and event series.

The program, called ‘Planting A.I.R’ (artist in residence) will go through a 3-week open call phase in which we will appeal to our target audience of digital artists who did not have easily available access to learning materials during their education. The open call will request information on past work, educational background, artistic field, portfolio, project proposal, detailed project schedule, CV and motivational letter.

After the open call we will select approximately 5 artists, to undertake a 4-8 week residency over the total project duration of 16 weeks. The selection criteria will be based on; fit within the educational criteria, quality of artwork, fit within digital arts and commitment to the artistic profession.

During the residency, each artist will document and publish their journey using an online blog (medium of their choice), the blog will be made available to the rest of the NEAR community so other creatives can benefit from the lessons learnt over the process and be included in the report of the project.

As a part of the program we will offer:

  • Studio space
  • Learning resources
  • Equipment & Materials
  • Career support & development
  • Workshops (with our studio holders Art Progression Now)
  • Exhibition opportunities (inside the studios and with Art Progression Now)

NEAR, Mintbase and APN branding will be present on the promotional materials. Reports into the promotional campaigns, open call and residencies will be produced as a part of the project.

I would like to ask for 1600 $NEAR Tokens for the following tasks

  • Reserve of physical space for the residencies (16 weeks period)
  • 2 or 3 people to review the proposals and conduct the selection process
  • 2 or 3 people to facilitate the residency (tasks including onboarding, guidance and support through the project timeline, giving access to contacts and learning from the association)
  • Onboarding on to the NEAR network and Mintbase NFT platform
  • Workshops and lessons on digital and crypto arts provided by blockchain based collective Arts Progression Now
  • Equipment to facilitate the creation of high-end digital arts
  • Budget for physical materials for the artists to use during their project


  • Kick-off meeting with Arroz studio management team 24/02
  • Introduction to Createbase team and working group formed 03/03
  • Review and submission of the application 11/03
  • Open Call launch 17/03
  • Review of open call 5th - 9th April
  • Contact successful applicants and interview 12 - 16th April
  • Begin Program 19th April
  • Exhibition phase [at end of respective placements]
  • Closing of program, retrospective and report delivery - end of August

Info document: http://bit.ly/ArzGrl0321


Dynamic Sardine Associação [Non-profit Cultural Association]
Av Infante Dom Henrique, AAFC, Lisboa 1900-320, Portugal
NIF/ VAT #: 515273686

Community Council Poll
  • Yes
  • No
  • Abstain
0 voters
Open Community Poll (min trust_level_1 required)
  • Yes
  • No
  • Abstain
0 voters

Voting and quorum thresholds:

<2K$ - 1X Yes - no minimum quorum (* quorum defined as min number of members needed for the vote to be valid)
2-10K$ - 2X Yes - no min quorum
10-30K$ - 3X Yes - min quorum 4 of 7 - 4X members should vote in either direction
Above 30K$ requires Erik or Illia’s additional approval (Head of NF/Chairman of NFC)
Above 100K$ requires NEAR Foundation Council approval


Check out some our channels below:


As well as the blogs, suggest whole project should be summarised in a short, shareable video including all of the artists and showing their experiences (and ease of experience) onboarding onto NEAR and what opportunities NEAR creates for them.

The video would help multiply project impact for the broader ecosystem


I wanted to send some NFT artwork, but I didn’t pass the whitelist.

I love the proposal. We (Mintbase) know the Arroz team personally and have been working well together with them here in Lisbon :heart: We already worked with them on art gallery (rareeffect) where Createbase was involved. Would love to have them as a guild and support each other


I think the proposal is very detailed already. All the onboarded artists can be seen here: RARE-EFFECT-1 | Total: 38
There is a huge potential in onboarding the artists on Mintbase and NEAR. I can confirm that Arroz has a very prestigious standing here in the Lisbon art community.


Wonderful initiative. :ok_hand:


Hi @Vera, yes the Rare Effect open call was very popular - we had over 40 applicants so could only feasibly exhibit a % of the applicants unfortunately. We’re releasing the next open call today if you’re interested in applying again :partying_face::partying_face:

1 Like

Yep, thanks :hugs: :hugs:

Thanks for putting this together, team!

I’m a huge fan of the learning in the open approach! Perhaps, @Ozymandius could offer some help with the content, more specifically in getting it on the community curated NEAR medium blog, so that it’s all curated in one category. We could still add the original authors as publishers to guest contributors etc. Can figure out the logistics later, but just a thought :slight_smile:

I think another interesting opportunity that we have here is to also collect feedback from the artists to understand their pain points from a usability & onboarding perspective, with both NEAR and Mintbase and convey it to the team. I think this is what @Ragingbunyip mentioned as well.

That artist feedback would definitely be super valuable to both NEAR and Mintbase.


Thanks for the feedback all :+1:t4::+1:t4:

Yes, agree it would be good to collect perspectives from artists using the platforms for the first times, we can do that easily. We can also integrate into your blog if that’s the best way to record the diary…

It sounds like it would be useful to have a kick-off meeting with some experienced NEAR content creators and then we can establish the best mediums & platforms to create content?


Sure thing, ping me at Ozymandius1 on Telegram or m@4nts.com

We can get you on the Medium page in no time and help out with the writing if that would be useful!


This is a fantastic project! Well designed and thought out. FU22YDICE would love to support or help out with any usability studies for artists in residency.
@takoau on Telegram.


What a wonderful initiative! Just voted :slightly_smiling_face::rainbow:


Hey everyone, thanks for all your feedback and comments - excited to get stared with this :slight_smile:

We’re hosting an open kick-off meeting to discuss the best way to document the project and interact with the NEAR community next Wednesday at 17h (link below). In the meeting we’re going to introduce the rest of the team on the ground here in Lisbon, go through the project overview & timeline and then ideate on ways to document the project.

Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/uxp-rmkk-uzp

You can also get me on telegram on @StevenRice for more info

See you next week :partying_face:


We’re updating our Arroz Blog with content of this project, check it out the first resident here:

I’ll be updating with more content very soon, including feedback from the artist) and also I’ll help him to create an account here in the forum :smiley:

It is a nice idea to integrate the content with NEAR blog as well for sure! How can I do that?

cheers :dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy:


Sounds great, Juliana!

Our Medium blog is community run: NEAR Medium Handoff. Since the public launch of NEAR Mainnet… | by 4NTS Guild | NEAR Protocol | Medium

@Ozymandius can chat more about getting content up there.


Jo’s Report #1



Meet our second Planting AIR Resident :dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy:



Nice! Have you introduced Riky to the NEARxMUSIC guild? They have active discord and telegram.