Planting AIR DAO September Budget
Project members:
@Mette (mette.near)
@lamour (samhill.near)
@StevenR (stevenrice.near)
DAO: plantingair.sputnikdao.near
Arroz Estúdios’ project called Planting A.I.R was launched in Mar/April 2021 with the intention of giving free studio spaces to creatives and artists from non-privileged backgrounds, helping them to interact with Near ecosystem and blockchain language. The first edition of this project, still ongoing (with 2 new residents - Héverton Harieno @hevertonharieno and David Arranhado), will be finished soon. For the continuation and expansion of this project, we setted up this project’s DAO (plantingair.sputnikdao.near)
Planting DAO purpose:
Planting AIR is a residency and stipend program for artists and creatives at Arroz Estúdios. The aim of this DAO is to keep funding this project for the next editions and to help expand the possibilities inside and outside the Arroz community.
Some of the goals:
- Support artists from non-privileged backgrounds
- Create a platform for artistic creation
- Expand our presence within NEAR ecosystem and community
- Be part of the educational & NEAR integration of Arroz Estúdios
September is the first month we are requesting funds as a SputnikDAO. To kick-off the next edition of the project and keep supporting the ongoing residents we request:
Council work 70 N x 4 members = 280 N
Ideating and organizing the new Open Call (Open call to be launched mid-september/ Residencies and Stipend program to be launched in October) = 40 N x 2 people = 80 N
Community Management = 160 N (32 hours/month more or less) - (5 N per hour)
(Bounty) : Creation and management of the Instagram and Twitter page = 45 N
Fee for materials and supplies for the ongoing residents= 200 euro (David) + 200 (60 euro remaining = 40%) (Heverton) = ± 60 N
Buffer for the planting air residents to implement creative ideas (David’s big mural in collaboration with @hevertonharieno ) = 250 N
Studio expenses = 50 x 2 spaces= 100 N
Total = 975 N
Planting air reports and news: Arroz News - Arroz Estúdios
First edition: [Approved] Arroz Estúdios: Studio Space for Artists from Low-Income Backgrounds
Note: I’m no longer Arroz staff, so my participation in this Council will be brief until we make a smooth transition to the next Project Manager.