NxM Guild Social Media Team :
Twitter: @AugustKinge
Instagram: @Sleezy_Moss
Discord: @Sammiee
Telegram: Co-Handled by @Sleezy_Moss & @AugustKinge
Previous Report: [REPORT] Social Media | Twitter & Telegram | May 2022
Joined the Social Media team for NxM Guild on March 23rd, 2022 as per request from the Guild’s councils to handle and co-handle the Guild’s official Instagram and Telegram channels respectively. I was honour to serve the NxM Guild after being a member since late 2019/ early 2020.
Compared to last month’s report , the NxM Guild’s Instagram account has reached an amazing increased in terms of impressions & account reached due to the reminded and infographic contents. Unfortunately for account engagement and content interactions dropped a little compared to last month. Instagram followers also went up by a small number of just 5 new followers with a total 278. The reasons for the dropped are due to the lack of contents and the last minute information that were received by the Guild’s community. Daily Instagram post is impossible to be done if those situations keep on repeating. IG Story still unresolved so the lack of song choices made it a little bit hard to create an interesting IG Story contents because generally users used stories more and this also impacted the dropped of engagement and interactions this month.
Attachments below indicate the further details on the Guild’s Instagram’s growth throughout the month of June:
Currently the Guild have 645 members during this time of writings, an increased of 40 new members. This month plenty of scammers & spammers has been detected and some members reported that they privately texted them personally. Around 7 new members have been blocked and kicked from the Telegram group which from my side during my active sessions alone.
Currently the members have been reminder to fill on their details through the link below since it would be useful for all social media’s platform contents where a Top 5 NxM Songs on Tamago is currently in the making but the participation from the group members has been unimpressive, they prefer to come to the group by writing good morning or wishing birthdays more than co-operating to push their music on the NEAR Blockchain. Hopefully this will change and the content can be created and fulfilled soon.
While attachments below indicate a more details on the Guild’s Telegram Analytics:
What to expect in July?
- Will try to push the Guild’s Instagram followers to 300 and more video related post
- Top 5 NxM Songs on Tamago content on IG
NEAR wallet name: sleezymoss.near
Total requested funds: $300