NxM Guild Social Media Team :
Twitter: @AugustKinge
Instagram: @Sleezy_Moss
Discord: @Sammiee
Telegram: Co-Handled by @Sleezy_Moss & @AugustKinge
Previous Report: [REPORT] Social Media | Twitter & Telegram | April 2022
Joined the Social Media team for NxM Guild on March 23rd, 2022 as per request from the Guild’s councils to handle and co-handle the Guild’s official Instagram and Telegram channels respectively. I was honour to serve the NxM Guild after being a member since late 2019/ early 2020.
Compared to last month’s report , the Nxm Guild’s Instagram account has reached an amazing increased in terms of impressions, account reached, account engagement and content interactions. Instagram followers of received 23 new followers with a total 273. A roadmap for daily post as recommended by @Monish016; [Approved] NxM DAO Marketing Funding - May 2022 - #5 by Monish016, has also been applied so the amount of posts this month has been consistent and satisfactory to say the least.
Attachments below indicate the further details on the Guild’s Instagram’s growth throughout the month of May:
Instagram Setback
The choices to curate an IG story with a vast choices of music catalogue still couldn’t be resolved. I’ll try to find the solution for it in future times.
Currently the Guild have 605 members, an increased of 53 new members. I’ve detected a lot of curiosity accounts within the 605 members where within’ the month of May around 6 scammers has been removed. I’ll update the membership of the Telegram group since there has been plenty of deleted accounts detected.
The Telegram for NxM Guild are very active during the beginning of the month especially through the Hip-Hop Quiz curated by BeatDAO; one of the community DAO. Once the quiz is done within its 10 days span the interaction became a little less and I believe with the existence of Name the Song quiz as proposed by @AugustKinge will help more interaction for an entire month so I’m waiting for his update on when the quiz can be held since the quiz was proposed by him.
Attachments below indicate a more details on the Guild’s Telegram Analytics:
What to expect in June?
- Will try to push the Guild’s Instagram followers to 300 and more video related post
- Finding a solution on the Music selection for IG Story.
- Me and @AugustKinge will going to launch the Name the Song quiz on telegram.
NEAR wallet name: sleezymoss.near
Total requested funds: $300