[Report] NxM DAO Management - October 2021

This payout request is for the management of the NxM DAO for the month of October 2021.

NxM was really put on the map in October through the activities that took place in Lisbon for NEARcon Alpha. I gave a presentation that spoke about my journey and included NxM. There’s the NxM T-Shirt that Swagger DAO created for the event as well as featuring NxM at the After Party at Arroz Estudios!

Although I didn’t have time to get to creating the documentation for the granting streams we want to introduce, I did prepare a guide for the Open NxM store on Mintbase and will be working towards what the structure of granting will look like as we move into December.

There have been many challenges managing the NxM DAO but through this experience a lot of learning has given me the opportunity to explore what the future will look like and after speaking with @mecsbecs today about it I’m excited to work on the proposal that will bring NxM to the next level and really enable us to make the type of important impact that we were created for.

Request - $300 (30 N)
Target - vandal.near

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