Here is my report as council form Nomade Label DAO in the month of July
During our decentralization process, we passed the month of June without council members that lead us to the understanding the needs of council members, and also the roles concerned to them; so, in our last June meeting, we decided together who would take these places between the community members, as we reported here:
During the month of July, I started as council, and here is my activities report
- release the first Antimetodo DAO’s Talk Series, inviting Tabea, from Muti Dao; this is a one hour program, broadcasted on Nomade Label’s youtbe, with the aim of exchanging experiences between daos, so we can know us better
support Nomade Label community on proposals and reports
support Nomade Label with our social medias, making posts on instagram and twitter, as we did not approve our marketing proposal this month
vote on CFCs on AstroDao
submit the DAO’s Inscription Form to the Creatives DAO
support Nomade Label community on releasing their projects, helping with production issues and so
stay active on Creatives DAO chat on telegram, being aware of the discussions that concerns to the community
I think it’s just a beginning, I am learning a lot in this process, and of course have lots of doubts that are being solved during the hole process in my best antimetodo’s way.
Waiting for community feedbacks, so I can be more active and helpful in this journey. And hope I can keep sharing experiences inside Nomade Label DAO, to encourage other members to assume this role, as I think it’s very important for decentralization.
Sending loves for you all!!