This last months have been really challenging but Im very excited to keep up with this amazing group of people.
Following the lead of @ritamaria and @blusw I feel like making my own too.
Here are some of my contribuition to the DAO so far:
Project Name: NOMADE LABEL
Project Status: [ concluded ] -
Council members Statues: [No Council at this month]
Neste mês, visando o processo de descentralização da DAO e de onboarding dos membros ativos no fórum de governança, o cargo de Council foi extinto e a DAO não solicitou fundos para isso. Passaram a existir duas funções no Astro DAO: members e everyone.
Nesse processo, mais pessoas passaram a int…
Here is my report as council form Nomade Label DAO in the month of July
During our decentralization process, we passed the month of June without council members that lead us to the understanding the needs of council members, and also the roles concerned to them; so, in our last June meeting, we decided together who would take these places between the community members, as we reported here:
During the month of July, I started as council, and here is my activities report
release the…
In the last year I have been learning a lot about this ecosystem and have established my participation within this communuity. My good and amazing friend @blusw has suggested me to make this overall report from my activities on the last 6 months. Here we go:
In december I have founded Metaverse DAO with @thephilosopher and John. Have worked designing its connection center. This is some of the activities we have concluded from december to January.
The building are stilll being used …
My participation on AstroDAO so far:
Im happy to be a part of this beautiful family! I hope we can keep doing all this movement and supporting each other . Thank you Nomades <3