[REPORT] NEAR Design Guild February 2022

Hello NEAR Fam! :wave:t4: :smiley:

It’s been a great month for us in terms of our activity and work but can’t say it GREAT with the happenings around the world, we at NDG hope to see things better! Starting with main focus to provide a quality design & branding service to the great NEAR Ecosystem & building a hub for designs with the community of designers & design lovers, we have managed to get good number of design requests & deliver them on time.

Here’s the list of all projects & tasks covered by the NEAR Design Guild:

NEAR Design Guild’s Sheet Report

Note: This includes two unpaid projects from December.

Designs created for the projects/Guilds/DAOs :

NEAR Design Guild Portfolio

Our main goal remains the same as always i.e. Delivering quality service to every project on NEAR so they stand out different in the crowd.

Stats of our socials:


NEAR Design Guild Twitter


NEAR Design Guild Discord
We don’t have stats available for Discord yet as it is only possible once the server hit 500 members. But from less than 40 members, we are now 273 and still counting! :rocket: :chart_with_upwards_trend:


NEAR Design Guild Telegram

We will post our upcoming months plan & activities in a separate proposal. Thanks Ecosystem DAO Councils for allowing us to add value to NEAR Ecosystem. Would love to see the comments on our report and work we did so far! :partying_face:

Tagging: @Grace @jlwaugh


Impressive Quality Designs Is The Goal :heart::clap: