[REPORT] JUNE Monthly Report -NEAR Health Guild

Hello fellow Nearians, hope y’all are doing fine!
Hello @marketingdao-council hope this meets you well.
Presenting Near Health monthly report, even though our proposal for June was closed, we managed to do as much we could from what we planned.

1- Webinar- we didn’t host extensive webinar but we were able to speak at a similar event to which Near health was invited, we explained NEAR and our mission.

2-NCD grooming- we continue supporting talents for Near certified courses from what we have and we are pretty good on that.

3-Short Lecture Series- we did our lecture series for the whole month and still counting, we didn’t organize any quiz but we were able to treat all planned topics.

4- Wrting more articles, we didn’t write any new article, we rather focused on editing and making improving our previous articles as suggested by @David_NEAR

5-we were not able to live stream as we planned for giveaways

6- website creation- we are halfway, UI almost completed.

Social media performance

-Twitter: we reached 318 followers, thousands of tweet impressions and profile visits with couple of mentions.

-LinkedIn: we reached 626 followers, thousands of impressions and few hundreds visits.

-Instagram: we reached 528 followers, 15 posts averaging 8 likes.

Telegram: we reached 1008 members, 4.4k messages with reactions.

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