[REPORT] AUGUST Monthly Report -NEAR Health Guild

Hello fellow Nearians, hope this meets you well.
Hello @marketingdao-council hope y’all are great, and of course busy with Nearcon.
Presenting NEAR Health monthly report for the month of August, the month was basically for social media boost, contents and education.

We did the media boost of all time by making twitter threads that catch lots of attention, basically explaining Near and projects built on Near, and other topics, we’ve made 300+ tweets including pictures and videos.
-45k tweet impression
-9k profile visits
-45likes on average
-20 retweets on average

-15 posts made
-650followers —> 800followers
-300 profile visits

We organizd 20 short lecture educational series with rewards for best learners in 9 out of 20 series
-average of 60 attendees for the lectures
-950 ---->> 1030members
-5.4k messages

-400 ----> 480 followers
-8 posts made
-5likes on average

After social media boost, we’ve also been working on making partnerships with projects that could work in the healthcare industry, currently working with orrin from QSTN, Clint from Datality, Decentricity from Debio, Vself, and HealthGO.
We are also busy preparing for Octopus Africa Meetup happening on 18th Sept.

@marketingdao-council @Dacha @cryptocredit @so608 @Klint @satojandro