[Report Jan | Feb & March ] - Talks on Near Social Media Activites & Videos

Hello Team Near

I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the amazing opportunity that you have provided me. Your support and encouragement have been instrumental in helping me achieve the significant milestones that we have reached. So here’s the list of all that we have achieved.

Approved Proposal : [Approved] Global YouTube promotion on Near protocol and Near ecosystem - JAN 2023

Subscribers: 1.22K
Total Views: 12k+
Total Watch Time: 200+hrs

Attaching the Metrics Screenshot :slightly_smiling_face:
Below Analytics are from Youtube Analytics

Overview of Analytics :slightly_smiling_face:

Twitter Analytics

Posting: 75 Post

Instagram Analytics
Posting: 70

Recently Started Youtube Interview Session and Talked to Near Ecosystem Project Co-founder and Builder

Thanks :rocket:

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