[Report]Discord October Report 2

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing great :wink: !

What an october we had! This month was amazing for the Ecosystem, we grew in every aspect, community, NEAR users, engagement, i am really happy for this! So i want to congratulate the whole team for the organization of NEARCon, it was a total success and even though I wasn’t there, i really felt the good vibes and the strength of NEAR from my home :slight_smile: .

Now, let me share with you the tasks covered and the metrics analysis of the second part of October!

Tasks Covered

I continued with the bot managing, I implemented the bot i mentioned in the previous report known as “Ticket Tool Bot” we are testing it for a month and if every moderator think it was good, we will keep it in our server!

Let me share some screenshots with you to show how it works!

Inside the support category i created a channel #custom-support where a panel is shown. When you click one of the options inside that panel, a private text channel is created among the user and the moderators


And this is shown when you create a ticket:

The claim button is for moderators, and once this issue is solved the bot automatically sends a transcript to the user that created the ticket so he/she can take a look at it later!

And inside the support category there are other text channels that specify the tickets logged, another one for the tickets discussion and one that saves the ticket transcripts:


Thats how it works in a nutshell, nothing more to add, so after this test month if everyone is ok with this bot we will keep it!

Now lets proceed with the metrics analysis!

Discord Metrics

Wow this second part of october was huuge, NEARCon really hyped the community and it had a huge impact! Loots of people joined the ecosystem and started to use all the NEAR tools.

New members per day never were less than a hundred per day, and during the first day of NEARCon four hundred members joined! And during this 15 days a total of 2.700 members joined!

But what i think that is even more important than the quantity of members, is the engagement they have been showing, take a look at this chart:

In every single day of this period of time more than 30% of the new members intercated with the server in their first day, and during NEARCon almost 75% did! This numbers are impressive!

And the communicators stayed almost in 30% during this two weeks! Much higher than the last one

In addition, when it comes to members of the community, US citiznes drastically increased in number, at the beginning of October only 6% of the members of the server were from the USA, now this number increased to 12% this is important to mention as we increased our reach in North America. Indonesia also grew a 2%.


That´s all i have to say for now!

To conclude i´d like to congratulate @Kv9990 for his immersion the last week and the whole team for the work you are all doing! We are in the right path, i strongly believe it!

Cheers, have a nice week!



Nice in detailed Report👌

Glad to see US based Audience showing up too as they’ve limited access to Near & Ecosystem as it’s not available on Coinbase or Major US Exchange yet.

Hope so we see Coinbase Listing soon😁

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I hope so! It would be perfect if the USA community increases it´s engagement with NEAR!

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Thank you Benz, this is super useful!

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