Discord October Report 1

Hey folks! How are you doing? I hope you all had a great weekend and a nice beginning of this week. Let me share with you how our Discord server has been performing and what tasks were covered the first two weeks of this month! Let´s get started!

I worked a lot with Discord bots in order to improve our costumer experience inside the server. A really important issue that we had were the bot raids which are really annoying and difficult to handle, so i looked for several bots to add in order to prevent this attacks, and after the research i added a Captcha-Bot that proved to work perfectly and it really stoped scambots from joining our server! It is working really well, i haven´t received any complaints about it so far so this bot will stay for a long time in our server!

In addition, due to our new marketing initiative for Q3, i found a bot that gives the option to our users to open a ticket inside the discord server so we can provide personal support to them, so they feel more comfortable if they want. I am still learning about this bot because it´s not easy to setup, when i finally become a “Master” i will make a proposal!

We sent welcome messages via DM with MEE6 bot, which several users reported as spam so it was no working, and as soon as i realized that i contacted discord and MEE6 support and i managed to solve it! Now we are sending welcome messages through the server in order to avoid problems in the future.

Last but not least, i am planning to make rewards and giveaways to increase the engagement in Discord! Rewards will be given to the most active users, the members that have invited more people to our server, etc… So i added an invite tracker bot, so we can check who has been more active and then make the distribution! In telegram this initiative proved to be possitive, so i don´t see why it wouldn´t be in Discord! Please share your thoughts!


Once explained the tasks i have covered, let´s begin with the metrics!

After implementing the captcha bot, I thought the number of new members was going to decrease drastically, but luckily it didn´t! Of course it decreased, as we stopped bots to join, but we averaged more than 125 new real members per day! That´s a great number as we are speaking about real human beings and potential NEAR users!

The number of members remained quite good! It ranged between 27.8k and 28k, which indicates that the community is quite consolidated and that we have a considerable reach. We are only three thousand members away from the telegram chat, which at the beginning we were not even half! This makes me really happy for NEAR’s performance in terms of social media outreach!


And what I find even better is the interaction of new users! It increased in proportion given the elimination of the bots and the users go through the server even more, which is a goal to achieve! And we are in the right path friends.

That’s all for these two weeks! I would love for you to share your thoughts, tips or ideas with me, in order to provide the best possible service and take NEAR to the top! Thank you very much for taking the time to read this report, have a great week!

Your friend,



good effort, friend :clap:


Great work on refining the bots @Benz_Near ! Can’t wait for us to start on the new customer support bot! Is this something that would be helpful for you and devrel @jlwaugh ? :slight_smile:


Setting it up today :wink: I´ll let you all know when it´s already working!

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